The Official NBA Season Thread: Season Starts Now

Folks gotta stop clutching pearls about some "bad" words. :lol:

You cuss. I cuss. People cuss. Who the **** cares? This man plays a damn game for a living--what does it matter if he throws a few choice words in there? How does this affect you or anyone or anything?

Not a big deal for us. I just wouldn't want my nephews who idolize these dudes mimicking him. Especially in school :lol:
I am a coach. It sets a bad example. Many young kids love LaMelo. So simply put, I want the people that people I care about to do right while in the public light. It's bigger than just "Pearl clutching."


If the worst someone does is say “bad” words in public, I think we’re doing pretty good. Especially in 2024. Ultimately I guess it comes down to what someone thinks is wrong or socially unacceptable. I couldn’t care less about some curse words. We all do it, or have done it, so it’s time to stop pretending it’s some big issue.

And it’s up to parents to control their damn kids, not anyone else. If your kids are taking perceived negative social cues from basketball players and implementing them into their own lives, that’s on the parents not doing their job.
Not a big deal for us. I just wouldn't want my nephews who idolize these dudes mimicking him. Especially in school :lol:

All these kids regardless of demographic running around talking like Lamelo. But that's a generational thing. Bro could talk like Obama at every press conference and it won't change a thing.
Kids are kids they are going to mimick people they idolize. Parents can only do so much, kids are impressionable. It is a bad look. People can say that they arent a role model all they want, but at that stage you are regardless of if you want to be or not.
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Not a big deal for us. I just wouldn't want my nephews who idolize these dudes mimicking him. Especially in school :lol:

I don’t think anyone wants their kids cussing lol. I certainly don’t, but I know all 3 of my kids do. They’re human. But they have enough sense to not do it towards a teacher in school because of parenting. But cussing in school? We’re really gonna act like we didn’t cuss in school amongst friends? Y’all better than me. :lol:

I just don’t think it’s realistic or fair to place responsibility on strangers to teach kids how to act.
I don’t think anyone wants their kids cussing lol. I certainly don’t, but I know all 3 of my kids do. They’re human. But they have enough sense to not do it towards a teacher in school because of parenting. But cussing in school? We’re really gonna act like we didn’t cuss in school amongst friends? Y’all better than me. :lol:

I just don’t think it’s realistic or fair to place responsibility on strangers to teach kids how to act.

I always tell folks that this country elected Donald Trump to be it’s leader. And he actually has a shot at doing it again. If that isn’t an Indictment on the American public as a whole, then I don’t know what to tell you.

The adults don’t have morals so you can’t expect the kids to have any :lol:
Dame comparing some of the modern NBA to WWE is how I’ve been feeling :lol:

I will say, I really appreciated the physicality last night, and through the preseason. It seems like after the backlash of the ASG last year, and after the positive feedback from the Olympics officiating, the league has seemingly made a commitment to allowing more physicality and giving the defender the benefit of the doubt.

At least for now…
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People curse at my job all the time. Only the N word is off limits it seems. I just try not to curse at all, not even worth it. Makes me cringe when I hear it. Like this is work dog, be serious.
Time & place for everything. I can't curse in a meeting at my job & say "well, everyone curses, who cares".

I also don't really care if Melo Ball says 'gang' or 'twin' in a 30 second interview.

Time and a place for everything AND everyone. Me? I can cuss in a meeting and nobody bats an eye. We all cuss in meetings at my job. It’s expected at this point. :lol:

My point is that some young dude on TV who plays a sport for a living isn’t reality for 99.9% of us. Therefore nobody should be allowing their kids to learn social cues from them.
I don’t care about that one interview but LaMelo doesn’t seem to know how to talk any other way besides saying gang or twin. I also don’t like comparing him to Any cause even if Ant isn’t always the most loquacious, he comes across intelligent and thoughtful. And grew up in a less than ideal situation

LaMelo is someone that grew up middle class in a suburban two-parent household and that’s the result. America is just increasingly a place that celebrates stupidity.
Parents will always be the ones responsible, that's why I defended the schools as a source of blame.

But unfortunately, having been a former educator, I've seen some of the parents lol. So it's going to take a community effort of expecting better from everybody.
Some folks are born into situations where they honestly don't stand a chance of making it out.

Ideally the parents would be the main influence in a child's life but we know that for a lot of kids that just isn't reality. (Completely different convo).

Yea, the schools can't generally undo so much programming so I wouldn't blame the schools either. We can assist but solving it can't be our responsibility.

LaMelo is someone that grew up middle class in a suburban two-parent household and that’s the result. America is just increasingly a place that celebrates stupidity.

This ***** OBVIOUSLY knows how to speak in interviews 🙄

But yet again, this is the kid that said “Beat that ***** ***” on National TV during WWE at the same time. So I guess this is him :lol:

I am a coach. It sets a bad example. Many young kids love LaMelo. So simply put, I want the people that people I care about to do right while in the public light. It's bigger than just "Pearl clutching."

Yeah I personally don’t think “time and place” should be too tall of an ask. And this is coming from someone that cusses a lot.

In certain work settings FOR ME it’s fine, in others it’s not. I try my best not to do it around my kids. But if I’m around my friends/family I’m generally letting it fly because that’s how most talk.

Doesn’t seem unreasonable.
I don’t think anyone on here is saying LaMelo (or anyone else) should change who he is or talk differently in the majority of situations; they’re talking about him cussing in a live TV interview.

Not cussing on live TV, when there’s almost certain to be young kids and people who are offended by cussing watching the broadcast, doesn’t seem like that big of an ask to me. :lol: Especially when it’s easy to avoid.
Some folks are born into situations where they honestly don't stand a chance of making it out.

Ideally the parents would be the main influence in a child's life but we know that for a lot of kids that just isn't reality. (Completely different convo).

Yea, the schools can't generally undo so much programming so I wouldn't blame the schools either. We can assist but solving it can't be our responsibility.


Folks need to stop having kids if they can’t raise them then
I don’t think anyone wants their kids cussing lol. I certainly don’t, but I know all 3 of my kids do. They’re human. But they have enough sense to not do it towards a teacher in school because of parenting. But cussing in school? We’re really gonna act like we didn’t cuss in school amongst friends? Y’all better than me. :lol:

I just don’t think it’s realistic or fair to place responsibility on strangers to teach kids how to act.

I'm less concerned about what they do in front of other friends in more intimate situations. But when a professional athlete does it comfortably on national TV without being checked, it sort of gives the impression to kids that it's acceptable regardless of setting. And young kids are impressionable. Especially when it comes to athletes, celebs and other people they look up to.

In my opinion.
Him & Gelo completely changed how they speak :lol: :smh:

Lamelo a MyPlayer in real life. When I saw him taking Hood pics at a Charlotte gas station….as a multi millionaire raised from Chino Hills….i see the identity issues. And hopefully he matures.

It matters. And he gotta do better.

Most of us grew up around cats like this. Family or friends. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Real New New from ATL kind of folks :lol:
I love rawness, authenticity, and being true to yourself, but at the same time I feel there is always a time and place for everything. Folks chillin on a podcast, or on they IG live let the profanity fly, youre just kickin it. But on broadcast interview on behalf of your job, its cringe and unnecessary.

I always feel its definitely on the parents to emphasize how they want their kids to behave but its not as cut and dry as people try to make it out to be. Funny enough My Nephew who turns 10 years old today idolizes Melo and we are takin him to the game tomorrow. Kids that age are super impressionable and parents arent as cool as the sports stars they look up too. So the responsibility isnt solely on the athlete but it’s always dope when they can set a nice example on how to just conduct themselves in a respectful manner in a professional/public setting.
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