The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

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Let the Roast session commence...

F all these dudes right now.

You have 1 ****** job. 1 job.

Nobody asked you dudes to save the world *****

Nobody said 'here disarm this bomb and youre gonna be blindfolded..wearing a straitjacket..oh yea..3 seconds left...ok go'

All they said what youve done all yr. Thats it. Just do what you do, you 73-9 *****. You were up 3-1 with game 5 at home. Got damn you a *****.

Now you got me out here respecting bron and ****. Got me with the mourning gif face like damn maybe dude is nice. Wtf b. I didnt sign up with your bandwagon for this ****. When i came on yall said you would take me in til the lakers got back on their feet and i could share in the chips. You said hey your colors are purple and gold, ours are blue and gold and since we represent the entire golden state we rep LA we win. And you said, verbatum, ' Hey bro look we'll even beat bron for you.' That was in the contract. Yall voided the agreement fam. Im lowkey pressing charges for fraud.

I cant even bruh. Bron cried because yall so ***. No lie i had half a mind to google maps those pix of curry crib, expedia a ticket and go snuff him for that behind the back pass. Who are you right now b? You get locked by TT and Love? Remember that time we said Love's d (pause) was wild buns and then he went and kawhi leonard the unanimous mvp? Smh. Any reason you didn't decide to drive? At all? No midrange. No tear drop? No glass usage? What happened to your handles? why you got those Day 1 MyPlayer handles b? Aren't you the same guy that crossed up cp3 hella times? Did you not see Bron coming...on ANY of those blocks? I did. Every time. Why Bron looked like Blindside? That makes you Sandra Bullock g. You're Sandra Bullock. GFY.

Ezeli better be drinking cyanide right now. Not the lethal kind. The over the counter joint. I dont want you to die..just have the ****'s for a couple weeks. Barnes needs to wash his whole entire body. Twice. I lowkey think i hate you the most. I just want to punch you in the face repeatedly. With perfect mind/body balance that one only learns in the hills of Tibet. Those power punch button combos from Shenmue.

Klay so damn yellow b. All that damn talking. You hyped your mixtape and released teasers and snippets then when its time to give 14 points in a championship game. I swear i should swing on your pops b. I get that it wasn't all your fault, but I watched your doofy *** give up a wide open layup to take the ball out to the 3pt line to brick a shot. Really *****?

Draymond...youre the homie. I rock with you. You gave it all in game 7. Future just text me. Where were you in game 6 mother ******? Can you breathe through your nose or naw? Is it just there for decoration? I love your game. I love the fire you play with. Do you practice the nut punches or is it just a god given ability to always know where your opponents testicular sack is? I don't think you should've been suspended game 5 and if you had of played, you guys would've won..but that's spilled milk.

Barbosa shouldve got more burn. That my dawg. He looks like a wombat doh.

Shaun went ghost face after game 1. Not Killa. That weak *** ***** from scream.

Back to ezeli. Dawg..i really dont know if i can even blame you. Youre 37. You just claim to be 24. I expect a old ***** to be buns and tired moving. Its kerr dusty country club arnold palmer (with a hint of yac) sippin *** fault for continuing to give you minutes.

Andy...dawg...thought you were just gonna flop to a ring huh? You look like a silly idiot. Idk what it is about you but you remind me of those flowy air dancers that are at used-car lot.

F ayesha moon face *** too. Big *** mouth. All that talk. Shut the hell up mama. I'm not saying stay in your place, i dont believe that. Im saying be more tactful. Pick your battles. Every thought that pops in your head doesnt need to see the light of day. You really think calling your husbands company fixed and shady is going to end up positive for him? I like you boo..your eyes are dope..but..have several seats.

From here on i vow to not say any negative things about bron or the cavs for 1 year. Idc if he misses every single shot in January, means nothing. Winning comes with perks. And that absolves you from all hate and criticism for the year you are champ..provided youre the man. We were able to keep roasting him before because chalmers and ray allen. But leading every number..wth can i say. He played the best possible ball he could've played. I dislike him for taking my options away. My fire. My ability to drag him. I respect him for it also. Hella respect. Dude balled his tail off. Kyrie also. Cavs as a whole showed up. For a year b i wont call dude washed or garbage. I'll continue to call him an f boy and say f that n whenever i feel like it tho. But thats more to do with bron the person lol. I cant quit cold turkey fam
. On the flip side. F the weak *** warriors for making me have to deal with the **** talking and laughter from my dudes all summer and next season. I'm not saying I 'hate them' hate them, and on paper, given some moves and learning and growth, I do have them potentially back in the finals next year, I'm just saying for right now, they pissed me off, and I need time to forgive them lol. I said Bron was out of the ring business and up until a week ago, I was right. Nah f that, I just got mad again. F these soft *** dudes, prolly sit down to pee and get toilet paper cuts when they wipe.

Im surprised boys been humble and pretty chill..aside from calling bron the goat every chance they get and wearing all this cavalier crap around me. I'm like bruh..youre from detroit, stop sick ducking.

Freeze out.
I leave the thread and wake up to's gunna be a good day
That YouTube guy that predicted like 3 Super Bowls in a row made me some money on this game

Sports are rigged af
but I love watching anyway

Only reason they went 73-9 is to make y'all bet on them. Gotcha
Ok Ayesha, duly noted.
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Yea I think it was JD617 who said 'Cleveland can't even gloat properly'


Man if Rose were to ever win mvp again, I'd gloat so hard you guys would want me banned. That's my word.
Yea I think it was JD617 who said 'Cleveland can't even gloat properly'


Man if Rose were to ever win mvp again, I'd gloat so hard you guys would want me banned. That's my word.

Just be thankful the guy isn't sitting out 18 months again you greedy bastard
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I wonder how many millions of people spend the better part of the 90's lusting for Jordan to catch a L. Probably took years off their life.
I watched that dude yank folks hearts out their bodies so many times.
That second UTAH title was his best victory.
The league was trying to give Malone and Stockton a ring, but MJ wasn't showin no love :lol:
I wanted that Bulls team to lose so bad, but MJ refused to lose
DROSE MVP? I chuckled.

Just stating so that i can be one of the many who will get crushed for saying it would never happen.

But it will never happen.
I said throughout his career that coaching, roster and all the parts matter. It is amazing to me that a 2 minute stretch is going to define a career but those are the rules you all made - so so be it. He is one of the 5 best of all time and you really can't say a thing anymore.

Last night was the pinnacle of his career and the block, the play of his career.

I can't believe it actually happened.
Sums up what I'm feeling too.

I've been at work all day the last two days but I'm reading every damn reply in this thread. I know tons of people have shared their thoughts on this already.

Lebron James and Cleveland beat the "best team of all time" on the road, in a game 7, and Lebron had a all-time, legendary defensive play... in THE MOST LEBRON JAMES POSSIBLE WAY  a chase down block that was timed perfectly. 

This is such an incredible story the only way it could be better is if Lebron converted that dunk. The universe isn't that great.

Kevin Love.. KEVIN LOVE.. played the best defense of his career, played locked in, focused basketball for the entire game and it was amazing to watch someone do that. He elevated his play in the highest moment. 

JR Smith stepped up and hit those clutch points to start the 2nd half. Kyrie played a hell of a game and nailed that 3. Lebron didn't do it alone, no one ever does, but damn did he deliver in those elimination games.

Plus it's a sweet result for the Warriors. They went from underdogs who everyone told them they couldn't do it, that their style wouldn't work, but they won the title and set the record this year, but they're underdog attitude became cocky and arrogant. I always said Steph and co would showboat and hotdog but so long as they were winning people were cool with it. Those dumb passes and ridiculous 3s aren't as fun when you miss, are they? But we saw the cracks.. they could get cocky, they could get sloppy, they might not be able to survive some adversity.. and seeing them fall was pretty damn satisfying.


I don't want to be a prisoner of the moment, but I don't care.. Lebron is untouchable at this point. 3 rings, all the stats, MVPs, all the big moments.. THE BLOCK.. he's done it. Even if you don't want to talk about the narrative and story of winning it for Cleveland.. he's still got his 3rd championship. You can still not rock with him, think he's corny, overacts (he does of course), not like his attitude, or whatever.. all that stuff is personal differences.. but his game  is untouchable at this point. He's earned all of your respect. He's had his faults and his dark spots in his career, as will anyone who has had a 13+ year NBA career, but he's in a very select group right now.

It doesn't matter how you feel about him, the facts tell us he's one of the best of all-time. The accomplishments, the wins, the rings, the iconic moments, he's got them all and he's still got time left. He won't ever be Peak Lebron anymore, but he's shown he can absolutely turn it on when it counts. He just delivered that stat line in 3 straight elimination games.. IN HIS SIXTH STRAIGHT FINALS APPEARANCE. The amount of mileage is unreal and he was able to turn in that kind of performance.

I have no problem with how he got here either. Not every legend has been lucky enough to be surrounded by future HOFers with his original team, hell.. I wish Lebron left Cleveland sooner considering the makeup of that original squad. He spent his prime in Miami and we got to see some beautiful basketball by stars sacrificing their play for the team. And now he's back. He didn't need to come back, but it's pretty awesome that he came back. Cleveland got it's championship, Lebron's got his redemption, and he's made it.

I've been a Lebron fan since the 07 Pistons series. I didn't know how I felt about him prior to that, I saw the talent and the hype, but when I saw that, then I became a fan. Saw all the nonsense about him "quitting" or being a ring chaser.. I'll concede the 11 Finals were terrible and the Decision was dumb, but he was delivering on a nightly basis and so many take him for granted. It happens sometimes, you're just used to seeing incredible basketball that you sometimes don't stop and appreciate it. I know that's how I felt with Kobe sometimes, I didn't always appreciate how rare of a talent he was and how fortunate we all were to see him play. But many people's opinions on him won't change.. they'll label him a frontrunner or a ring chaser or whatever.. but at this point, none of that matters. He's had his moment and the play of his career.

He's still got more time left too.. I can't wait to see what else he can accomplish. 
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