**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**




...and i specifically recall the I.F. mold for the re-up joint having some distressing and cracks on the letters.

As opposed to a regular stencil typeface.
Originally Posted by oo206oo

I think ive seen a total of 3 pics ever where Cam wasnt holding a blunt.

crazy... i was just thinking "damn this fool is always blazing"
I knew Ben's mold had more dynamics to it. I thought the Clipse kept his mold and just had somebody else do it. I guess it was a completely different ideabrought to the table all together. I don't think it turned out bad, but it looks like it would have turned out better had Ben did it.

I don't wear much/any jewelry anymore, but I found this pic from the avatar of my old NT SN. Here's what I had back in high school (grad'd in 04)-you know it's old school because it's from a sidekick1 cam (the one you had to plug in on the side). I sold them both a long time ago... should haveheld off with the way gold prices changed. No stones in them, and the francos are bit thin by today's standards.

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Kingtre

I hope Belvedere turns into the new Grey Goose, seeing as how it's actually a good vodka.
Goose ain't going anywhere. I like Belvedere myself but I have no issues making it a Goose night any day.
Ben did you charge them for that mold ?

there re up piece is ugly seriously

only way you can eve tell what it says is when people take pics with the flash off

other then that say "cheese!"
Originally Posted by dgk3188




meth's logo piece got the EXTRA frail lookin bail....i would've gotten that beefed up if i was him...and yeah jacob hit him over the head with that icepick
I remember Meth couldn't get past customs with that Ice Pick so everytime he had shows here he had to stop bringing it.
Meth had to melt his piece because he had troubles at airports, he couldn't bring it to others states/countries since his ice pick pendant was consideredas a weapon.

His dunamis is on point though.

Sup with killa cam pink jacob? Never seen it before.
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