**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

You talking about the close to 300 gram 10 ct  jesus/cuban set up or one of my other set ups?:smile:

I have multiple chains, pendants and watches so I i get mixed up sometimes.....problems you dont have breh.    

What kind of doofus has a jacob jesus with no chain to put it on?

What kind of doofus has a jacob jesus with no chain to put it on?

a doofus thats gonna buy a cuban, combines with my jacob is gonna make u shrink back to da eeny weenie hole where u came from :lol:

( besides, da piece is alot more rarer which i prioritized on than a cuban link i could cop off multiple sellers)

im aiming 450-500 grams on just da cuban.

u are aware that im already green lit for that right? u talking 300 grams like i aint already have that on my old st mike piece..

so maybe u should take some time to re adjust that jesus u got..poor thing looks like its on da spectrum :lol: :smh:
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a doofus thats gonna buy a cuban, combines with my jacob is gonna make u shrink back to da eeny weenie hole where u came from

im aiming 450-500 grams on just da cuban.

u are aware that im already green lit for that right? u talking 300 grams like i aint already have that on my old st mike piece..

so maybe u should take some time to re adjust that jesus u got..poor thing looks like its on da spectrum
a doofus thats gonna buy a cuban, combines with my jacob is gonna make u shrink back to da eeny weenie hole where u came from :lol:

im aiming 450-500 grams on just da cuban.

u are aware that im already green lit for that right? u talking 300 grams like i aint already have that on my old st mike piece..

so maybe u should take some time to re adjust that jesus u got..poor thing looks like its on da spectrum :lol: :smh:

insurance is key, riding around is another, and got my guard license so by da time everything is set imma see if apply for one, but NYS state law is admittedly hard to procure one so we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
insurance is key, riding around is another, and got my guard license so by da time everything is set imma see if apply for one, but NYS state law is admittedly hard to procure one so we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

But when will you even pull out the gun? You pull it out you have to use it.

If they rob you at gunpoint you can't shoot them simply because you'll be in a gunfight.

Just curious....
Idk how some of y'all be rocking a 300+ gram chain. Are y'all strapped or deep when you wear it?

I feel u. My 125 gs gets enough attention.
I would be noid wearing 300-500. Anymore than that, looks wack to me.
some dudes just give no dambs...

this was a guy on da train da other day..


This is crazy. Why don't y'all own cars in NY?
I know u explained it, but I'd like to hear it again...
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I feel u. My 125 gs gets enough attention.
I would be noid wearing 300-500. Anymore than that, looks wack to me.
This is crazy. Why don't y'all own cars in NY?
I know u explained it, but I'd like to hear it again...

Have you been to visit? Transit is alot quicker by subway in ny, traffic is od.
people are so used to trains they tend to cop cars as a luxury item...plus you can forget about driving into midtown during da week, there's no parking spots because everything

is commercial parking, and you get huge fines.

its also a cultural thing, NYC is manageable walking or talking mass transit because of da layout, its a walkable block by block city.

now dont get me wrong, having a car in NYC is also a HUGE convenience when you dont wanna depend on trains or buses, but for those who don't have it, its not a backbreaker

like it is on other places in da US where you can't literally go anywhere. 
Uber wasn't around when I stayed in Jersey City. 

Besides who going to pay that turnpike and tunnel fee?
I dunno but the pic with the guy on the train with a cuban, Rolex, and pinky ring...he shouldn't be worrying about no turnpike and tunnel fees...
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