**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Reminds me of when they tried to get my daddy on a payment plan for a cadillac.
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ninja i usually mess with your opinions but bruh....its so obvious you can literally drive and pick up 3 maybe 4 other people in a civic ....transport your human body to locations.....im breaking it down because it seems like you REALLY dont understand the difference between financing a car and a gold chain then lowkey you need mental help my friend. as a person who wishes they had the money to buy a huge cuban link .....ill wait til i can afford it , atleast have a house that i made a down payment for and OWN a car......ill take a gf too 
Bought my challenger with cash plus a trade in.  Put 40 (20k cash and 20k trade in) on my M. 

Late payment??? 0% interest jumps to 30% from the date of the start of the loan.  And on top of that you get raped on the price up front.  

Jacob jesus on a financed cuban with mosanite 2 ct studs. Remember what I said pages and pages ago about people that front.  You know in your mind your pump faking and so does everyone else. 

You stay selling people snake oil Ninja.....
Lol you not gonna convince anyone with their head on straight that financing da cuban is an ideal move. It's a lot of smart dumb dudes out here but hey somebody gotta be a sucker. Personally I like living in my lane & going all cash on what I know I can afford & should be purchasing :evil:
:lol: the only debt you guys better have in here is a mortgage, Any other debt or credit cards would make you hypocritical.
the only debt you guys better have in here is a mortgage, Any other debt or credit cards would make you hypocritical.
I would rather save for my pricey luxury purchases. You appreciate it more when you sacrifice for it. Saving makes you reconisder whether its realy a priority for you to have.  

Anytime I find something I want, I sell something and save then purchase.  Doesn't matter if i have it to spend, saving gives you time to reconsider bad purchases.

Some debt is good debt.  Financing cubans to impress people you dont know and may never interact with again in life is stupididty.
Well now that I think of it.

If your paying it off with 0% interest rate and pay it monthly let's say 6 months you pay it off. It's not bad. You get a $12k Cuban drop $6k and pay 1k a month.

Not bad if your not overpaying for the Cuban.

Only reason I say that is because some people don't like seeing 12k out of there account. Not that they'll be broke but it's just a mental thing.

Like I said I can see the benefit to it. Gold is always good to buy.

I will never spend that much on a chain anyway if the total makes me feel like I spent too much mentally though.
If you dont have the cash then you shouldnt buy **** you cant afford.
when does this apply for ANYTHING people buy on credit?

logic straight outta da window here huh?
yea i was about to say dude jumped off the ledge on that one

rich people, like actually multi millionaires, "buy **** they cant afford" all the time

go to the richest neighborhoods in your area, guaranteed 90% of those "homeowners" have a mortgage

you can argue situations but most of those people dont have the liquid cash to buy expensive houses
I dropped some cash, and then financed the difference on my chain. It was 90 days same as cash. 0% if u payed in the first 3 months. 25% past that. [emoji]128563[/emoji]

Already had the money saved, so I decided to pull the trigger to benefit my credit. Payed it all off in 80 days. Everything was really smooth.
I dropped some cash, and then financed the difference on my chain. It was 90 days same as cash. 0% if u payed in the first 3 months. 25% past that. [emoji]128563[/emoji]

Already had the money saved, so I decided to pull the trigger to benefit my credit. Payed it all off in 80 days. Everything was really smooth.

judging from da credit card thread, that was smart move.
I dropped some cash, and then financed the difference on my chain. It was 90 days same as cash. 0% if u payed in the first 3 months. 25% past that. [emoji]128563[/emoji]

Already had the money saved, so I decided to pull the trigger to benefit my credit. Payed it all off in 80 days. Everything was really smooth.

That's the only way it makes sense, since
you had the total amount in full.
I dropped some cash, and then financed the difference on my chain. It was 90 days same as cash. 0% if u payed in the first 3 months. 25% past that. [emoji]128563[/emoji]

Already had the money saved, so I decided to pull the trigger to benefit my credit. Payed it all off in 80 days. Everything was really smooth.

That's the only way it makes sense, since
you had the total amount in full.

i say if u know ur gonna buy it anyways to go ahead wit it, does wonders to ur credit & u paying it smooth and u got da joint in ur possession so it feels nice.
says da dude that clams up da second scientific facts that moissanite out performs diamonds & never utters anything bout Diamonds piss poor resale value
Why aren't other NTer's not speaking up and calling you a troll by now because you keep repeating the samething over,over and over again.I know it's a response to something directed at you but damn it's a cat and mouse game,someone has to give up eventually,block him and move on past mentioning MOISSANITE.Didn't anyone give a F about them back than,no one but you two or three followers(Rick James,Little Richard,Liberace) gives an F now and they won't give an F about them in a few years from now.
Post Picture's,give out good and bad advice.....keep it moving.

I dropped some cash, and then financed the difference on my chain. It was 90 days same as cash. 0% if u payed in the first 3 months. 25% past that. [emoji]128563[/emoji]

Already had the money saved, so I decided to pull the trigger to benefit my credit. Payed it all off in 80 days. Everything was really smooth.
You have the money saved up and god forbid anything comes up where you might need that or more but either way you got it.
It's crazy how this system is setup cash rules most things around us but there's something that cash just can't buy and those are the things that are of most valuable where a line of credit or loan is the only way to get it especially when you plan to use it to make money,you have to jump through hoops to get it and lose brain cells and arm to keep it.

God bless,different strokes for different folks.
You have the money saved up and god forbid anything comes up where you might need that or more but either way you got it.
It's crazy how this system is setup cash rules most things around us but there's something that cash just can't buy and those are the things that are of most valuable where a line of credit or loan is the only way to get it especially when you plan to use it to make money,you have to jump through hoops to get it and lose brain cells and arm to keep it.

God bless,different strokes for different folks.

My chain was $4400, but I had way more tucked away. I did have have a life changing experience in the process too. A baby girl. I was financially covered for that process as well.

I understand what u mean tho...
If i couldn't afford it outright, I would never charge it to the credit card. That's hustlin backwards. and I would never pay a crazy interest rate to floss early.

I only used it as an opportunity to build, when I was gonna buy it anyway. I was smart enough to pay off majority of it before financing. So it only came out to $133 (and some change) a week for 12 weeks. Boosted my score, and raised my credit line. Win Win
says da dude that clams up da second scientific facts that moissanite out performs diamonds & never utters anything bout Diamonds piss poor resale value.


The one and only point Im trying to make is people like you that wear 3 ct mosanite earrings are buying them because the want people to think they are diamonds. You would never in a million years correct someone for saying nice diamond earrings if you were complimented on them.  

Same theory with someone that would finance a chain at 30% interest so they can walk out the store with it that day and make people think they have bread like that.  

You just so happen to fit into both categories.  

Its still possible to be a clown with a Jacob jesus.  You know that right?
The one and only point Im trying to make is people like you that wear 3 ct mosanite earrings are buying them because the want people to think they are diamonds

:rofl: i tell every and anyone bout da virtues of moissanite...

its not my fault you assume its diamonds, thats your fault. maybe if u had a larger scope of gem quality stones that are clear u wouldn't automatically assume clear studs = diamonds....

u got Sapphire, too, emeralds, etc.

Same theory with someone that would finance a chain at 30% interest

and where did anyone say to do that in this thread? :nerd:

0% interest for a whole year is a damn good deal... your only retort to that is some subjective opinion on when and how to buy jewelry.
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