**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

You went back and read the old ninja hood moissanites debate
Nah, I found a Jacob jesus that I may potentially buy and I was looking at old pictures.  Dude was getting destroyed.  

I own both diamonds by way of my piece & my moissanite styds. My earrings are pure quality.

If we're talking science? Moissanite is a TOP ranking stone, on any measure.

You're so out da loop that you think lab ground diamonds are less than their mined equivalent, another folly on your end.
Atomically they are identical.
I never said they were the same nor am I interested in discussing science with you.  If you buy something that looks like something "but better" your a clown.  
On the real though you cant front on the science of moiss like ninja said.Its facts so why am I paying more for something thats not even as good.

Different strokes for different folks though.
Wrong b...

One is pure carbon, one is silicone carbide.

Emeralds, rubies, and sapphires aluminum oxide..u sound naive with rocks b.
When people compliment you do you tell them they are Mossanite? I mean outside of the internet?

All im saying is when you buy something because it looks like something else....but its better because.....its wack to me.  To each its own but dont be mixing baller jewelry with that garbage.  This is the very reason why people cant differentiate real from fake jewelry.  
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Wrong b...

One is pure carbon, one is silicone carbide.

Emeralds, rubies, and sapphires aluminum oxide..u sound naive with rocks b.
A moissanite is trying to mimic a diamond

Go head and stunt with your fake earrings B.


How is it is trying to mimic diamonds when its not even da only clear stone? :lol:

Sapphires are white too..are they fake diamonds?

So are lab made diamonds...?

Seems alot of ya flat out not onto facts.


How is it is trying to mimic diamonds when its not even da only clear stone?

Sapphires are white too..are they fake diamonds?

So are lab made diamonds...?

Seems alot of ya flat out not onto facts.

Are you not all there in the head?
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Then type in ninjahood, moissanite on google....

You posting videos about fakeness?

https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=ninjahood moissanite

Calm down. It's not that serious. If you like diamonds stick to it, if ninjahood wants to educate other on mossainte let it be. It's a good alternative.

Its pretty obvious he's got some kind of bone to pick.

And i copped my moissanites in da diamond district, right on 47th street in Manhattan moissanite.
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