**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

I'm not us what that has to do with jewelry besides the fact the guy who was shot owns jewelry?

JOBH still the king of this jewelry game. I love how they also make a Jesus piece but it's nothing to them. They dont feel the need to be plastering pics of that played piece all over the place. They are so original and the craftsmanship is second to none. Setting trends not following them :smokin


He was robbed for his JEWELRY.

Why don't you post some of your trendsetting jewelry in here?
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where was he when he got shot?

and that lion ring up there looks like something big sean would love :lol:
Yeah some real diamonds are even cheaper, but will a moissanite shine brighter than a diamond that has visible imperfections and is a bit cloudy?
ask NINJA... he lives by MOISSANITE. TBH... I'm with him on that too.... I shouldve gotten my fiance one for her angagement ring.... with what i spent on her... i couldve gotten like a 5 ct. mois. and still had money left over to go to dinner..... Making the **** jealous. :pimp:

Ninja never owned a moissanite in his life. He got ya'll gassed.

I visited da moissanite lab when it was 48street & 6th ave NUMEROUS times when i found out about it. I know what im talkin about...ya wouldn't even kno
It existed if it wasnt for me :lol:
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Yeah some real diamonds are even cheaper, but will a moissanite shine brighter than a diamond that has visible imperfections and is a bit cloudy?
ask NINJA... he lives by MOISSANITE. TBH... I'm with him on that too.... I shouldve gotten my fiance one for her angagement ring.... with what i spent on her... i couldve gotten like a 5 ct. mois. and still had money left over to go to dinner..... Making the **** jealous. :pimp:

Ninja never owned a moissanite in his life. He got ya'll gassed.

I visited da moissanite lab when it was 48street & 6th ave NUMEROUS times when i found out about it. I know what im talkin about...ya wouldn't even kno
It existed if it wasnt for me :lol:

I sat in a Ferrarri at a car show one time, that doesn't mean that I am an expert on Ferraris.

Moissanite isn't some super secret thing that you discovered. :lol: All the jewelry that I own, have posted in here, and have owned over the years, and you really gonna' try to act like you put me on to moissanite? :lol:
Meanwhile in So. Fl. 

PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. (WSVN) -- A South Florida jewelry store owner is reeling from a massive burglary that left him without a single item, Friday.

"We usually have 45 to 50 Rolexes in this showcase," said owner Juan Castillo pointing at the empty glass displays. "Diamond rings, engagement rings, wedding trios in this showcase."

Castillo said the burglars left nothing behind. "They did not leave one item in the store," he said. "They took their time and went through every drawer, every safe, everything. They took everything."

Cases that used to be filled with valuable jewelry now sit empty. "They came through the roof," said Castillo. "This was their entry point here," he added, pointing to an opening in the ceiling and a yellow step ladder.

Police said one of the crooks came through the back of the store and cut his way inside from the ceiling. The burglar then opened a side door leading to a long narrow hallway to let in his accomplices. They exited through the same door after ransacking the store.

The perpetrators cut through a concrete steel safe, which suggests the burglary took hours to execute. Before leaving, the bandits also took the hard drive that stored the surveillance camera footage.

Police told Castillo the burglars were no amateurs. "They said they're professionals," Castillo said.

The store owner said it will take years for his business to recuperate from this burglary. "I'm going to go through a rough time now," Castillo said. "Hopefully we'll get through it, but it's 14 years down the drain."

(Copyright 2013 by Sunbeam Television Corp. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

Read more: http://www.wsvn.com/news/articles/l...-store-burglarized-cleaned-out/#ixzz2SHQxuRzZ
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That gotty *** ring with the marble on it looks like something a colombian coke lord would wear and keep a couple bumps in that thing.... 
Bottom line is moissanite is definitely that piff compared to ******** cloudy diamonds in da same

Price range, there's just no comparison. I aint saying

I personally put you on to it jchambers, but most

Cats were completely oblivious of its existance.
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