The Official FLASH FORWARD Season 1 Thread - Premieres 9/24, 8 ET on ABC - Vol. What Did You See?

im tight i missed it to watch georgetown get beat on

will catch it on hulu tomorrow
opening was

and before people come in a try to compare this to LOST, you cant(and LOST is number 1 to me)

LOST- character driven
Flashforward- plot driven
in LOST i knw all the characters name, and some of them i actually care about the outcome,and of course im waiting for some mysteries to be revealed, with flashforward i dont know any of the characters names and dont really care to, or what their flashforwards mean
( a majority of the peoples flashforwards seemed worthless,they coulda thrown in a character that saw themselves about to detonate a nuke or someone who saw themselves on a NASA space shuttle being evacuated from earth,something thats gonna make me care)

i dont really care if the cops wife ends up with the scientist or if harold dies, i just wanna know how these things were caused and why.

episode was good, they gave out alot of answers and extended the story, the writing team seems to have stepped up their game too, the convo that chick had with the window washer in the coffee house was
I LOVE this show but the last two episodes were unbearable for me.

The whole FBI lady chasing Charlie all over losing him felt so stupid to me. Giving him chances to run around Toronto?! Come on! RUNNING away when he's having trouble breathing?! Ugh.
The dad is gonna be on some Taken type +@+

But I'm still liking the show, I want to see how it plays out. It still has room for development.
ever since it came back from the break, i've honestly lost all interest. last week's and this week's episodes seem to drag, i couldn't even finish tonight's episode
I was kind of blown how the whole situation played out...I mean seriously a room full of agents and none of them could take her out. And how did the get away bike happen to be there at exactly the right time?
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

I was kind of blown how the whole situation played out...I mean seriously a room full of agents and none of them could take her out. And how did the get away bike happen to be there at exactly the right time?

My guess would be Janis.
Anyone else get kinda annoyed by Charlie?
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

I was kind of blown how the whole situation played out...I mean seriously a room full of agents and none of them could take her out. And how did the get away bike happen to be there at exactly the right time?

My guess would be Janis.
Anyone else get kinda annoyed by Charlie?

She just wants her Dad ....whats wrong with that
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]edit[/color]: i think you meant Charlie from Lost (Simon) my bad

that episode was pretty good. I just didnt get the chess part with the code that gave the phone number. How did they know/get the chess moves Frost used from an Amateur chess championship in 1987?
 I couldn't take Seth MacFarlane serious in that role. And for some reason I started laughing when he got shot. The ending was
I thought vogel was the mole. I don't know if this makes to a second season also.
Originally Posted by Kookcle

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

I was kind of blown how the whole situation played out...I mean seriously a room full of agents and none of them could take her out. And how did the get away bike happen to be there at exactly the right time?

My guess would be Janis.
Anyone else get kinda annoyed by Charlie?

She just wants her Dad ....whats wrong with that
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]edit[/color]: i think you meant Charlie from Lost (Simon) my bad

that episode was pretty good. I just didnt get the chess part with the code that gave the phone number. How did they know/get the chess moves Frost used from an Amateur chess championship in 1987?
No, I mean the little girl
just some of the things she says.
I don't see what Janis' motive could be.

Was that whole attempted escape staged? Did Marcie know that Janis was also a mole?
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