The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

I just got turtle beaches and they have been helping me out a lot lately. K/D is at 1.58
Originally Posted by xblaze23

You better level up before we party up again Doosta. We don't trust you with the Famas lol.
yeah im at lvl 8 right now
im missing the ak47 already. hell im missing the m16 too. ill about to get on and do a couple matches, whats a goodgame to play to level up quick? domination?
Originally Posted by doosta45

i prestiged tonight.
really shouldnt have. really only did it so i could get more xp, titles, and emblems. i wont prestige again though.

oh and m16 > famas. the famas seems like it shoots in slo-mo compared to the m16.

oh and these turtle beaches, they are
but i got to get used to them. for me to use them to their full effect in the game, i need to slow my game down a WHOLE lot to listen to everything. im a run and gunner, so im basically missing the little cues and what not.
My man, If you want to put these to full use play FFA.
Originally Posted by reener

I play demolition but it sucks when playing with randoms their re-tards.

I Been Trynna Run Wit Ppl I Know So We Can Strategize And Get W's Easier

Cuz These Clowns Online I Swear
...Been Heavy In TDM Lately Jus PaddingMy Own Stats
The M16 is
IDK how i didn't like it before I prestiged... but after unlocking it the 2nd time... this gun is amazing
Originally Posted by doosta45

i prestiged tonight.
really shouldnt have. really only did it so i could get more xp, titles, and emblems. i wont prestige again though.

when you came back and said "I shouldn't have did that
I dunno how some of you guys can like the ACR. That things a peashooter, unless you can manage hella headshots due to its accuracy.

The 3 round burst on the Famas and M-16 throws my timing off for some reason. Somehow, the only time I enjoy it is when I pick it up from a dead guy whenI'm outta ammo


Oh, and I didn't like prestiging at first... but I got tired of playing at level 70 and having your XP count for nothing.
i like the m16 over the famas. like 6 shots (2burst) out the famas = 3 shots (1burst) out the m16. i tried using the famas, and id think id get like one or twomore shots out of that one burst and i gets nothing. plus with the m16/famas they make you a better shooter aim wise. because you cant spray and pray. but alotof times you kill the dude with 1-2 shots.

but dutch, i was like ++!! when i prestige. wish i could have turned off my xbox and been able to go back to lvl 70. but like longrange said, im getting allthese xp's and it going anywhere. on cod4 i was stuck on lvl 55 1st prestige FOREVER. now im taking for granted all these guns i had before i prestiged.
lvl 12 now
I've been beasting with this class lately

ACR with the silencer
SPAS-12 with the grip

Scavenger Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Commando Pro

im about to be tenth prestige 70! yes finally i cant wait to use my ak47 + models forever! without having to prestige!
Originally Posted by JPTHE3

im about to be tenth prestige 70! yes finally i cant wait to use my ak47 + models forever! without having to prestige!
You serious? What's your GT...
Originally Posted by JPTHE3

im about to be tenth prestige 70! yes finally i cant wait to use my ak47 + models forever! without having to prestige!
either u glitched it or have no life man
Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

im about to be tenth prestige 70! yes finally i cant wait to use my ak47 + models forever! without having to prestige!
either u glitched it or have no life man
my guess the latter
Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

im about to be tenth prestige 70! yes finally i cant wait to use my ak47 + models forever! without having to prestige!
either u glitched it or have no life man
Hes been talking about going 50-5 on each match since thegame came out
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

im about to be tenth prestige 70! yes finally i cant wait to use my ak47 + models forever! without having to prestige!
either u glitched it or have no life man
Hes been talking about going 50-5 on each match since the game came out
still it would still take like 15 days of playing because igot 4 days and i m only 2nd prestige and i think i play to much
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