The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Anyone use sitrep pro? Im thinking since Ill be using headphones, ill probably wont need it, but if it makes an even bigger difference I may consider.

Looks like a mission to get it, so I would need help from a NTer to unlock it...
damn ive been suckin lately usually im awesome i think im focusing to much on leveling up my weapons and to little on just getting kills
Originally Posted by TerroristTim

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

the death squeal gets me every time

i think the other throwing knife kill is better tho

I can never throw a knife even close to that far? how do you do it?
Originally Posted by OneLifeLoveKing

Originally Posted by TerroristTim

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

the death squeal gets me every time

i think the other throwing knife kill is better tho

I can never throw a knife even close to that far? how do you do it?
you angle your crosshairs upwards into a about a 35 degree angle...does anyone know what kind of match this is where the respawn is off?
Originally Posted by proper english

yo whats good with the ppl playing MTDM? are they really that bad?... i managed to get an AC130 by hiding (camping
) out in the poppy fields in Afghan.. dudes literally served themselves on a silver platter to my tac-knife
this is what you usually should play if you dont have a party going.
Yo add my knifing account, i have no shots fired
went like 50 and 18 today on Scrapyard/Domination. I got two Pavelows from carepackages they were doing work.
Gt: iKNIFEMonkey

P.s. I didn't make the name my friend made it with one of his free one months.
Yo all you knife people. Have you noticed that when you use commando you're slowed down a bit or is it just me? Like if you miss, it takes a second toregain your composure or if you knife one and another is by him, you can't get to him quick enough. Is it just me?
Shout out to Orenthal james. Props man, I got bored so I tried iron sights and on some guns, I like it sooooo much better than the RDS
Originally Posted by Moderate Gatsby

What type of games do the majority of people play? Ground War?

i was just playing ground war...ive only been playing for 2 days so i was getting my ##+ handed to me
i prestiged tonight.
really shouldnt have. really only did it so i could get more xp, titles, and emblems. i wont prestige again though.

oh and m16 > famas. the famas seems like it shoots in slo-mo compared to the m16.

oh and these turtle beaches, they are
but i got to get used to them. for me to use them to their full effect in the game, i need to slow my game down aWHOLE lot to listen to everything. im a run and gunner, so im basically missing the little cues and what not.
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