The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Glad that they will be balancing the cheapest weapons in the game (akimbo 1887s). Now if they would only balance out the commando perk, limit the scavenger claymores to 3 or 4 and put the weapon damage on COD4's level, then this game could actually compete with the greatness of COD4's multiplayer.
Man stop your complaining or go back to COD4. If you are as good as you think you are youwould learn how to adjust.
What's the official NT clan tag? If we still have one. I'm still using BURR
Please tell me how my claymore blows up on someone.. I shoot them with my akimbo 1887's dead on... and they still don't die... HOLY HELL waht a stupidgame
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Glad that they will be balancing the cheapest weapons in the game (akimbo 1887s). Now if they would only balance out the commando perk, limit the scavenger
claymores to 3 or 4 and put the weapon damage on COD4's level, then this game could actually compete with the greatness of COD4's multiplayer.
Man stop your complaining or go back to COD4. If you are as good as you think you are you would learn how to adjust.

this is very true, im tired of people's *****ing. go play cod 4 or shut the @**% up
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Glad that they will be balancing the cheapest weapons in the game (akimbo 1887s). Now if they would only balance out the commando perk, limit the scavenger claymores to 3 or 4 and put the weapon damage on COD4's level, then this game could actually compete with the greatness of COD4's multiplayer.

Don't even get me started on this @#$#. #@$@#%#@ ridiculous how cheap this perk is, how is dude gonna knife me from like 10 feet away AND not die fromtaking all the bullets I shot at him. What a joke. Especially combined with marathon and lightweight....
But i'm not even gonna f with this game anymore, the camping on EVERY singlegame I join is sickening. I really do miss COD4
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Glad that they will be balancing the cheapest weapons in the game (akimbo 1887s). Now if they would only balance out the commando perk, limit the scavenger claymores to 3 or 4 and put the weapon damage on COD4's level, then this game could actually compete with the greatness of COD4's multiplayer.

Don't even get me started on this @#$#. #@$@#%#@ ridiculous how cheap this perk is, how is dude gonna knife me from like 10 feet away AND not die from taking all the bullets I shot at him. What a joke. Especially combined with marathon and lightweight....
But i'm not even gonna f with this game anymore, the camping on EVERY single game I join is sickening. I really do miss COD4

Pack ya bags and leave then bud. COD4 still up and strong.
I'm addicted to sniping now.

I don't know how people run and gun with an ACOG on...
And it'snot on small levels, I'm talking about big, huge maps that people use that sucker.

I need to use the Intervention more. Barrett 50 Cal / Thermal Scope / Silencer
Derail Ground War Domination

My team is down 120-170/180ish.

Me and 2-3 other people start pulling out Chopper Gunners and the rest of the team pulls out some Harriers and Choppers, comeback for a 200-198 win.


Finished 40-9. Props to whoever was on my team for that, one of the best comebacks ive personally been in.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Glad that they will be balancing the cheapest weapons in the game (akimbo 1887s). Now if they would only balance out the commando perk, limit the scavenger claymores to 3 or 4 and put the weapon damage on COD4's level, then this game could actually compete with the greatness of COD4's multiplayer.

Don't even get me started on this @#$#. #@$@#%#@ ridiculous how cheap this perk is, how is dude gonna knife me from like 10 feet away AND not die from taking all the bullets I shot at him. What a joke. Especially combined with marathon and lightweight....
But i'm not even gonna f with this game anymore, the camping on EVERY single game I join is sickening. I really do miss COD4

Pack ya bags and leave then bud. COD4 still up and strong.
This. Some people act as if they should be dominating and are pro gamers. Chill, its a game and COD is a game where your score can fluctuate gameto game. If you wanna domiante then devote a good 6-7 hours of your day. This game has so many different perks and class combos no matter what your doingunless your amazing you will get killed many times.
^ comebacks are mos def appreciated

I was down 6000-6900, just got a care package that turned out to be a harrier, called that, and then that combined with some kills from teammates made it6800-7000, then I semtexed two guys inside that cave (we're playing in Afghan), and then 5 seconds later it was 7500-7300, game, set, match.

My friend and I were like
, then
^ Dude is right...I've just started playing and there are games when I'm goin ham and I get 22 kills die 4times and there are those when I get 10 and die 15. It just happens and I don't trip much about it.

I will say this...this game is MUCH more balanced than Halo 3. I'm kinda glad this game is more challenging tomaster because I was next to UNSTOPPABLE in Halo 2 and 3 so it wasn't fun anymore. COD > * in terms of multiplayer.
Anyone actually play cod4 lately?
nothing but noobs, it's like punching a baby. Noone used the radar and they didn't seem to have any hand/eyecoordination.
Famas w/Silencer
Stopping Power
SitRep or Ninja

recipe for massacre. I nicknamed that class "Adolf" because of the high amount of murkage.

-The Juice
Famas w/Silencer
Stopping Power
SitRep or Ninja

recipe for massacre. I nicknamed that class "Adolf" because of the high amount of murkage.

I only play team deathmatch and ground war. This class would be a recipe for disaster for me.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by jeenewed

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

Glad that they will be balancing the cheapest weapons in the game (akimbo 1887s). Now if they would only balance out the commando perk, limit the scavenger claymores to 3 or 4 and put the weapon damage on COD4's level, then this game could
actually compete with the greatness of COD4's multiplayer.

This is what made me throw my controller. I had a 24 kill streak. With nuke on.

That perk is on some halo 3 energy sword lunge steez.

What? You know when you place a 3rd claymore, the 1st claymore automatically explodes.

I didn't mean this. I meant the fact that you're constantly awarded claymores off dead bodies without limit. Some dude just camps in some building withthe claymore at the door, waits for someone to run into it and as soon as they do, they go and refill their ammo with scavenger and place the claymore at thedoor again (and they should stop refilling your claymores after 3 or 4). Ordinary camping is annoying enough, but this method goes beyond ordinary camping. Imean, I don't know what IW were doing at their meetings when they were discussing what to do with this game. It's like their key phrase was "Howdo we make this game as camper friendly as possible?".

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Glad that they will be balancing the cheapest weapons in the game (akimbo 1887s). Now if they would only balance out the commando perk, limit the scavenger
claymores to 3 or 4 and put the weapon damage on COD4's level, then this game could actually compete with the greatness of COD4's multiplayer.
Man stop your complaining or go back to COD4. If you are as good as you think you are you would learn how to adjust.

How do I adjust to shooting someone in their face with an AA12 automatic shotgun at point blank range while they somehow teleport through my bullets and stabme with a knife with the help of the commando perk?

How do I adjust to running into a guy who is running with a 122-year old shotgun while I'm running with the newest state of the art automatic shotgun andhe kills me from 30 feet away because his 122-year old shotgun apparently rapes the most modern weapons on the battlefield for some reason?

Just because I'm not "going back" to COD4, a game that I have 30 days of playing time on doesn't mean that COD4 isn't a bettermultiplayer game. I know every inch of COD4 and I still play it. I have 3-4 friends who did go back to COD4 and are boycotting MW2 because of commando, akimbo1887s and the general extremely camper-friendly gameplay. I'm still not quite there yet, because even though it's an inferior multiplayer game, MW2 isstill a newer game and I've played through every inch of COD4. But 5-10 years from now, in the eyes of history, COD4 will definitely be remembered as thebetter game. I just feel sorry for those who have MW2 as their first COD game due to the massive hype that this game got.. Because they don't know whatthey're missed out on when they skipped COD4.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I JUST ACTIVATED MY FIRST NUKE![/color]
@ Invasion

Man, I had my boys on earlier tonight and I was playing like booboo. I have come to the conclusion that I can not use the mic and play effectively. Cause allme and my boys do is roast each other and other players, it makes it hard to focus. Man I have had 6 chances to drop the nuke. And all 6 times I either forgotto put the Nuke in my killstreaks OR the game ends before I can activate it. I ended this game 33/1 only a couple minutes into the match.

My set up:
Fammas w/silencer
Secondary: M93 Raffica

Sleight of Hand Pro
Stopping Power Pro
SitRep (usually I use Ninja Pro but I am trying to get the SitRep Pro achievement)

Predator Missiles
Chopper Gunner
Tactical Nuke

For those looking for a new class, or trying to get better kill streaks, you should try my class.






-The Juice
Why do people end the game as soon as they have the nuke?

I wait til the very last minute I can use it just so I can rack up more kills.

To the other poster who said his boys are going back to MW to boycott. Get outta here.
No one cares if they boycott, whats 3-4 guys to millions of MW2 players? Notmuch, although im sure alot more people are boycotting at well. MW is more simple, MW2 of course is a little more flexible when it comes to perks, killstreaks,weapons and whatnot. I prefer the variety.
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