The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Its quite common.

yea... Its pretty much the go to term for magical happenings that resolve previously unsolvable plot points. Same thing as plot-no-jutsu


I see it as sorta what you say but to the super degree like the fourth ninja war is almost over Madara has defeated everyone and other of nowhere Agent 47 from hitman snipes and kills him from a cliff.

If the resolution has been hinted at or foreshadowed (like mentioning a character who later shows up to solve said plan) I don't consider it a Deux ex Machina.
I see it as sorta what you say but to the super degree like the fourth ninja war is almost over Madara has defeated everyone and other of nowhere Agent 47 from hitman snipes and kills him from a cliff.
If the resolution has been hinted at or foreshadowed (like mentioning a character who later shows up to solve said plan) I don't consider it a Deux ex Machina.

i look at it more as for example in yu gi oh, yugi would always pull the perfect card when he has 100 life points and hes abut to get beat, even if we didnt know he had it. or sasuke had a limit of 2 chidoris and he would die if he did more. but he ends up firing 2 more off against gaara. Or Ichigo gets his stabbed in the neck by juha, but somehow he has long lost quincy blood that was awakened off screen. There has to be some groundedness in the event, but it has to be uber lucky or contradictory
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I see it as sorta what you say but to the super degree like the fourth ninja war is almost over Madara has defeated everyone and other of nowhere Agent 47 from hitman snipes and kills him from a cliff.
If the resolution has been hinted at or foreshadowed (like mentioning a character who later shows up to solve said plan) I don't consider it a Deux ex Machina.

i look at it more as for example in yu gi oh, yugi would always pull the perfect card when he has 100 life points and hes abut to get beat, even if we didnt know he had it. or sasuke had a limit of 2 chidoris and he would die if he did more. but he ends up firing 2 more off against gaara. Or Ichigo gets his stabbed in the neck by juha, but somehow he has long lost quincy blood that was awakened off screen. There has to be some groundedness in the event, but it has to be uber lucky or contradictory

Deux ex Machina is like God intervening like in that one scene in Pulp Fiction. Like it just happened when it shouldn't and there was no explanation. Like most of those you posted can be explain plausibly (no matter how weak) within the story.

Yugi - He has a deep deck
Sasuke - It was a life or death situation so he said F it and did it. In life or death situations you can do things you normally can't do
Ichigo - I don't read bleach but at this time of this instance did he or we know of his full lineage?

I do count these instances as "Really?" moments but Deux Ex Machinas? nah IMO (that ichigo one is boardline tho like reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally close)

EDIT: Yea now that I think about Yu-Gi-Oh, that whole series is a Deux Ex Machina. Yugi has fate on his side the whole series.
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bleach reference would be . how he got out the little prison before reaching soul society
or how he got stabbed in the neck and lived.

Ichigo is the new ssj

I still dont agree with this past chapter being better than naruto, but it does spark interest...........btw
ichigo essentially did what goku did to recover before his loonng as fight with freiza. bleach mirrors dbz in many ways...

also, i kno it just came out :lol: but where that One PIece Z subbed stream at? :nerd:
Just a heads up, jump mangas will be taking their 2 week holiday break soon. lets hope they release one more issue before then.
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Just a heads up, jump mangas will be taking their 2 week holiday break soon. lets hope they release one more issue before then.


naruto is getting 2 good
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One piece needs to get back on its pirate stuff they have been battling the government and its flunks for too long.When they were finding the ponelgylphs and going on adventures that's what made the manga interested .The little bits of information on the void century and the mystery of Ohara ,pirate battles finding civilizations and just causing havoc
One piece needs to get back on its pirate stuff they have been battling the government and its flunks for too long.When they were finding the ponelgylphs and going on adventures that's what made the manga interested .The little bits of information on the void century and the mystery of Ohara ,pirate battles finding civilizations and just causing havoc

I think thats why it's doing what its doing now. we got a lot of history, now its time to move this story along.

I like the fight after fight we've been getting, i'm sure we will still get some history
There is still Dragon, Shanks, more Roger, Garp, big mama, the other yonkou. still more things they can go back on more adventures. and im sure they won't do a big mama show down without something goofy before it.
I think thats why it's doing what its doing now. we got a lot of history, now its time to move this story along.
I like the fight after fight we've been getting, i'm sure we will still get some history
There is still Dragon, Shanks, more Roger, Garp, big mama, the other yonkou. still more things they can go back on more adventures. and im sure they won't do a big mama show down without something goofy before it.

They can only explain so much before we start demanding more... when they're introducing characters, we want battles, when there's a battle, we want character info...

We'll never be appeased... but we'll keep reading.
You guys keep talking about Deus Ex Machinas, I kept thinking y'all were talking about the manga :lol:
First impressions.

I started Gurren Lagann yesterday and so far I like where it's headed. I like the dude who has the voice of adult gohan. Almost everything that he's said so far is inspiring and pretty hilarious.
Naruto is out, but I'm not reading yet, I believe Bleach and OP will follow, I do know HSDK and Fairy Tail is on break (according to Manga stream) ...I think)

i love and hate when Manga gets released so early. ......
try to keep things as spoilers atleast until Wed fellas

n/m i clicked Like on their facebook post and saw a spoiler :smh:

I had to read.... Crap just got real......... :smh:
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my thoughts

straight crap, now i feel like Kishi, is just going to start making up for ninjas who should've been killed way before this arc even started. Think he is trying to save some face for keeping ninjas alive.
I feel like this...from now on if someone is going out. have them go out like Asuma where wd get to see a fight and some techniques we didnt know about
Bleach Out

Every Bleach Chapter: useless dialogue for most than half the chapter, something kind of interesting that goes on for too many pages, then a random tidbit at the end that gets you interested again.
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MANNN. bleach chapter was wack! dudeee why did neji have to die smh, and then obito rubbing it in like that, hoping for bezerk naruto :smokin /SPOILER][/quote]
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