^^ Probably these.
Imagine the mayhem if they retro'd the heijn's. (Inspired by the dutch Supermarket chain, founded in 1887, 100 years before AM1, ha)

I thought it was these bad boys

Pardon the noob question, but info on these? model no and release year? story behind it, if any.

Intriguing pair, the colors sort of compliment each other instead of clashing
Air max 1 brs, 2006 release. Part of the powerwall pack but they were at outlets back in the day they weren’t that limited if I remember right
I LOVE those huf samples. I feel like you could swap any color with the cactus color used in the original and they'd be great. Such a great shoe with great materials.

As far as most limited release, I see we're kind of blurring the lines between release and production. I think of "released" as released at a store/online for customers to buy at retail. The eminems probably take the cake for most limited produced, it's hard to really know with samples what was 1 of 1 or whatever.
Pardon the noob question, but info on these? model no and release year? story behind it, if any.

Intriguing pair, the colors sort of compliment each other instead of clashing
I agree the colors def flow together they have that 60s 70s kind of feel to them. Brs was Nike’s original name from the 60s up until the 70s I believe hence the name of the pack. I’ve been searching for a pair for a while with no luck
I LOVE those huf samples. I feel like you could swap any color with the cactus color used in the original and they'd be great. Such a great shoe with great materials.

As far as most limited release, I see we're kind of blurring the lines between release and production. I think of "released" as released at a store/online for customers to buy at retail. The eminems probably take the cake for most limited produced, it's hard to really know with samples what was 1 of 1 or whatever.

That's an interesting topic. I agree, rare, as in that actually released for sale? Rare as in amount of pairs that exist?
There's so many AM1 samples floating around that there truly is 1 pair of, sometimes 2 if it was a colab sample. So is that the "rarest" AM1 by definition? Even with a colab sample pair, they'll sometimes send one shoe, say, the left one, to the person/store that's doing the colab, and will keep the other one. Then get on a call with that person and they can go over all the corrections while both parties are looking at the shoe simultaneously.

As we all know, rare (sample pairs) doesn't always equal valuable, which I think that was part of the question as well. I've seen 4 different sample versions of the pink Kid Robot AM1 that are crazy valuable.
But, those things are only as valuable as what someone will pay.
My .02
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