I had to keep refreshing but got my order through. NDC shouldn't have released so many shoes in one day, hope everyone gets what they want. Good luck. Off to try to score the concord sb
I work by Niketown. If anyone needs a pair bad enough, PayPal me retail for the shoes and ill pick them up for you (if Niketown isn't a zoo). Dm me
Looks like I'll be trying to flip my 12s for an 11.5 .


I think i got the last size 10. I kept getting the "all sizes in others carts" message but kept trying and finally got through.
Had them in my cart at 8 but couldn't check them out until 8:10 smdh... PayPal sent me an email but its looking like its not going to be processed. So hot right now!
When are the FB's dropping? I struck out on milans but I NEED those silver/blue fb's

My guess would be next month. I'm telling y'all, get them internationally. That's your best bet. Y'all see what happened with the Milans. All popular sizes were gone within a minute.
I had both the AM1s and 90s in my cart but kept getting a black screen when trying to checkout, finally got thru for both tho.
If you went for the twitter link your chances were probably pretty slim....

This release wasn't a TLO, shoulda just found em on the site.

I have a pair in my cart but its not letting me checkout. 
First successful morning in a longgggg time.
This is slowly starting to feel like the Roshe thread. Looks like most of the regulars have taken a hiatus. As much as I like those FB Mints, I can't wait for that drop and the Milans to be over and done with so this thread can get back on track.

Any new info on these?


Why are you mad? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:. Dude like the shoes but don't want to talk about them because non regulars want the shoe too :lol: what a clown.
Clearly went over your head. Far from mad, but thanks for the pointless reply. You have any info on the Chili AM1s?
My guess would be next month. I'm telling y'all, get them internationally. That's your best bet. Y'all see what happened with the Milans. All popular sizes were gone within a minute.

Even for the silver pair? I feel as if theres so much hype around the mint/yeezy pair that it shouldn't be a problem. I'm also hoping they drop at more retailers like FL when the roshe fb's dropped.
had two pairs of the one's ion my cart, was only able to check out with one pair. After multiple refreshes of black screen, one pair was dropped.:rolleyes
Had both the Milan AM1 and AM90 shoes searched kept refreshing they went live at about 6:58 or 6:59 

didn't even try for the nike twitter link...had a few tabs open...they were each added but it GOOGLE CHROME always make me log in i dont get it

anyway just kept refreshing and try to get my cart open (it was going black)

got in it and was easy sailing. Total $261 .

Wowowowowow. Literally mad. Tried so many times adding to cart and always got some BS message. I still can't add anything to my cart. Wow.
Just got my confirmation for my pair, despite that i got a black screen when i hit checkout on my pre populated link. Now back to sleep on my day off.
if you get your size on the drop down box, keep hitting add to cart, then "ok" when it tells you someone already added to cart, repeat.

I did that for about 20 mins and ended up with a 12 for a friend.

good luck, dont give up.
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