The New York Punk Department strikes again

I just want to point out to whoever mentioned the stop and frisk policy as a way for the NYPD to be racist, you do know they do that to white people too right? I can't even count the amount of times the cops have rolled up on me or my friends and searched our entire cars just because they felt like it. Is it right? **** no. But it's not just a minority thing.

Shut up.

And dude talking about people hating the cops for no reason....y'all dudes are really dense.

It's not even worth the keystrokes trying to relate to people like y'all.

You live in alternate realities and can't relate to anyone else's.

Why? Cause not everyone is black or a minority ? So they can't bring up the subject and can't relate and have instances where they had issues with the police ?
You can bring up whatever convo you want....and I can chose to ignore you because you have nothing to offer by way of experience or insight.

Now put the keyboard away and think about what you just typed.

Obviously there are some racist/corrupt cops on powertrips (there are racist people everywhere)

...but aren't there MORE cops in urban areas where gang crimes and shootings are more actively occurring?.... and what kind of population do you usually find there? Minorities right?

Stats can really be skewed to favor your opinion.
I've been ****** over by the NYPD. I have caught a charge over some drugs that magically appeared in my car on a stop and search, and the only time I ever been called the N word with the er on the end to my face was by a NYPD officer. They basically gave me the gift of a felony, something thats gonna stick with me for the rest of my life. They cost me thousands in lawyer fees. They have cost me job opportunities. I hate the NYPD with a mutha****** passion.

But for me to sit here and say that the cops tried to maliciously kill this young man would be a lie. Most of you dudes just wanna jump on the cops because its the cool thing to do
You can bring up whatever convo you want....and I can chose to ignore you because you have nothing to offer by way of experience or insight.

:lol: I'm a Hispanic male that lives in the north east. I've seen the good end and the bad end of it. But obviously I don't know and have never experienced it :lol:

Y'all ignorant, y'all go into the same grouping as the NYPD, your upset cause they profile individuals and because of a few bad apples you say they have a view that's skewed, Guess what, y'all doing the same >D
Man have you shot a gun?
At the 1 min mark you can CLEARLY see him pull his Gun out finger on the trigger ..
That kid didn't collide with him hard enough to have an accidental discharge .. Thats the argument no?
kid ran out .. he popped him

It is very well documented in the gun thread that I own guns. What does me ever shooting a gun have to do with what you said?????????

You clearly said that the cop just shot at the first dude who came out the door, which clearly wasn't the case

And of course the cop had his gun out with his finger on the trigger, he was there for an ARMED robbery call, did you expect him to knuckle up or something?

1. trigger pull is why I asked and forgive me for NOT knowing you own guns

2.You only put your finger on the trigger when you intend to shoot right? He placed himself in a position where mistake was bound to happen .. he used poor judgement and carelessness from just watching the vid..

I'll take back my statement about him just popping the kid , but this doesn't clear him of wrong doing imo

HARM you just sound angry and matter what logical explanation is brought up your going to dismiss it :lol:

Why do people say this? .. between NT and twitter

****** always say I'm angry ..

Not in the slightest am I angry :lol: ..
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I didn't watch the video or read the article and I don't plan to.

Don't need to constantly saturate my reality with the BS that's all around me anyway. A young brother got unnecessarily murked and nothing will bring him back. Bottom line.

I didn't say that the cops were wrong or that they were right....nor that all cops are "bad" and "racist" but if you don't know by now U.S. police forces are corrupt and abusive in their dealings in "black/brown" communities and individuals....I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you of that obvious reality.
Shut up.
And dude talking about people hating the cops for no reason....y'all dudes are really dense.
It's not even worth the keystrokes trying to relate to people like y'all.
You live in alternate realities and can't relate to anyone else's.

fam. the hypocrisy is strong with you.
I can agree with that ..
But , if it was a normal citizen .. it would a laundry list of charges ..
Wonder what charges he'll get?
Because they are LE .. I believe as you , they should be held to higher standard ..
As he should be punished for not following proper procedure and being reckless the caused someone to die ..

:lol: I'm a Hispanic male that lives in the north east. I've seen the good end and the bad end of it. But obviously I don't know and have never experienced it :lol:
Y'all ignorant, y'all go into the same grouping as the NYPD, your upset cause they profile individuals and because of a few bad apples you say they have a view that's skewed, Guess what, y'all doing the same >D

The NYPD has a few good apples.

Negligence and ignorance permeates their organizational culture and is actually fostered and encouraged by those in positions of power.
I didn't watch the video or read the article and I don't plan to.
Don't need to constantly saturate my reality with the BS that's all around me anyway. A young brother got unnecessarily murked and nothing will bring him back. Bottom line.
I didn't say that the cops were wrong or that they were right....nor that all cops are "bad" and "racist" but if you don't know by now U.S. police forces are corrupt and abusive in their dealings in "black/brown" communities and individuals....I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you of that obvious reality.[
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fam. the hypocrisy is strong with you.


I really don't care to debate with y'all cats about anything of significance. I come here for the lulz and the exchange with the few like minded people.

Debating with some of y'all on these type of subjects is like a millionaire taking advice from a cat in the projects, about living a luxurious life.

Two different realities and a guaranteed waste of time.

This incident happened not even 2 minutes walking distance from my house....I'm not even blaming the cops in this situation but it's non productive...but theres nothing that you can tell me about NYPD rapport in my neighborhood or what its like dealing with pigs as a young black man in the ghetto.
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He likely still would've been shot if he ran the other direction away from the cops.. Shot in the back is still justified use in their eyes
I really don't care to debate with y'all cats about anything of significance. I come here for the lulz and the exchange with the few like minded people.
Debating with some of y'all on these type of subjects is like a millionaire taking advice from a cat in the projects, about living a luxurious life.
Two different realities and a guaranteed waste of time.
This incident happened not even 2 minutes walking distance from my house....I'm not even blaming the cops in this situation but it's non productive...but theres nothing that you can tell me about NYPD rapport in my neighborhood or what its like dealing with pigs as a young black man in the ghetto.

Fam... did I read u correctly?

U came into a thread about a young man from your own hood getting killed by the pigs u hate so much for lulz???

Few bad apples?

This is their culture.

Killed young dude and came out the house smiling and joking.

There are a very few truly good officers that care about helping people.

A majority of them just doing their jobs, which is being poorly trained policy upholders of flawed policy.

And a significant percentage of them are evil, racist or cowardly scumbags empowered by a badge, a gun and virtually impunity to the law.
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Fed Exciter I think he meant he comes to the forum for the lulz, not this thread :lol:

Hope y'all don't ever need police assistance because you know, all of them are pigs :\
as much as I dislike nypd, I gotta agree with this

You kids are acting like the cop was there give the guy a hug or something. Ya been watching way to many movies... The video is there, every happened so quick. Dont think the guy was expecting a cop to stand there for him to running out like that.

The guy was unarmed, there is no justification for use of deadly force. It actually doesn't even matter who ran into who, even though the video shows the cop moving and causing the collision. It also doesn't matter that there was a report of an armed robbery. There was a false report of a bomb on a plane in Philly, that doesn't mean you shoot the guy for being scared and running into you.
as you know with statistics you have to read between the lines... like wtf i had this old asian man at work try to tell me look at the black community they always introuble with police... n i saw naw do you research and know that they selectively pick black males to arrest to maintain the population of the black community and he was angry like most of these ignorant white ppl and cops that they read into the media too much and that the media makes these black ppl look as if they are angry animals but in reality blacks are still the victims and always will be if whites are still in control of this country
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