The New York Punk Department strikes again

I'll defend cops when I think their actions are justified or criticize them when they use excessive force, overstep their bounds or whatever.

I don't think the cop pulled the trigger just to kill someone, anyone who he could find or anything like that. It looks like the way to happened, the innocent man appeared like he was a robber running away from the scene and it was probably believed to be armed, heading right at the cop. BUT...Kelly's excuse that it was an accidental discharge is ********. He accidentally shot the wrong guy but he shot him with a purpose.
lol u cant be askin yo selves all these questions the cops do what they want ... so done deal you just gotta live with it
Few bad apples?
This is their culture.

Killed young dude and came out the house smiling and joking.
There are a very few truly good officers that care about helping people.
A majority of them just doing their jobs, which is being poorly trained policy upholders of flawed policy.
And a significant percentage of them are evil, racist or cowardly scumbags empowered by a badge, a gun and virtually impunity to the law.

As bad as this shooting was, the reaction afterwards was truly one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. Fellow cops cheering on this child murderer in the Bronx court, heckling the parents etc.
My grandfather was the chief inspector of the NYPD way back when. He was offered the commissioner position in Detroit, but turned it down. After my mother saw the support the shooter got, she wrote an extensive letter to the NYPD basically saying despite the family history, the organization was forever dead to her.

As you said, the NYPD really is a few good apples sprinkled in among at best indifferent at worst hateful officers.
as you know with statistics you have to read between the lines... like wtf i had this old asian man at work try to tell me look at the black community they always introuble with police... n i saw naw do you research and know that they selectively pick black males to arrest to maintain the population of the black community and he was angry like most of these ignorant white ppl and cops that they read into the media too much and that the media makes these black ppl look as if they are angry animals but in reality blacks are still the victims and always will be if whites are still in control of this country

LOL people like you are so damn stuck up on your stubborn views your guaranteed to not go far in life.
It's going to get worse, I think. The Job is appealing because of the twenty and out rule. But the benefits package alone is fiscally unsustainable, so it'll be revamped. Pensions are not the future. As the allure goes down, so too does the quality of candidate.
NYPD pay is actually quite good but the union and the City don't like to advertise that. 

After 5 years most cops are making 65k+ plus benefits, a cushy pension, and all the perks. Which means that the NYPD could get better candidate. Especially in an economy of 9%+ unemployment ( in NYC). However, the  union doesn't want to advertise that because they than can;t cry poverty all of the time and the City doesn't want to advertise NYPD pay because taxpayers would be outraged. 

You have the NYPD recruiting a sizable amount of wannabe thugs and those with questionable personalities and motives. Another problem is that the NYPD recruits heavily in the former military camp. A lot of these combat war vets come back with psychological problems and they stick them in high stress situations again. 

In reality they could be recruiting much better candidates if they simply advertised the pay and benefits packages. 
The guy was unarmed, there is no justification for use of deadly force. It actually doesn't even matter who ran into who, even though the video shows the cop moving and causing the collision. It also doesn't matter that there was a report of an armed robbery. There was a false report of a bomb on a plane in Philly, that doesn't mean you shoot the guy for being scared and running into you.

For one the cop didnt know the guy was unarmed, and what do you mean it doesnt matter there was a report of an armed robbery? you expect the cop to stop the criminals with spoons :lol:

Ya acting like all this was premeditated, did we not watch the same video? Everything happened in a split second... and I dont know what youre trying to get at with the fake philly but that would be a completely different scenario. They knew who the suppose bomber was, the suspect would have been approached different, and after 9/11 I think most of us would take that guy down he ran toward us anyways... f all that jihad mess lol
With that split second in which the event happen, I doubt the cop had enough time to profile the guy running into him. He radio'd then drew his gun and approached the store entrance. When the first guy came out and pointed back in the store. The cop didnt fire on him, but the kid kinda did tackle him. It looked like him firing was just a reaction of getting knocked down. Its just a series of extremely unfortunate events.

Should the cop have approached the store with no gun drawn? Idk if it was called in as an armed robbery, but if so, why would having a taser out be the first option?
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For one the cop didnt know the guy was unarmed, and what do you mean it doesnt matter there was a report of an armed robbery? you expect the cop to stop the criminals with spoons :lol:
Ya acting like all this was premeditated, did we not watch the same video? Everything happened in a split second... and I dont know what youre trying to get at with the fake philly but that would be a completely different scenario. They knew who the suppose bomber was, the suspect would have been approached different, and after 9/11 I think most of us would take that guy down he ran toward us anyways... f all that jihad mess lol

The only thing that needs to be debated is whether you think deadly force is justified. What are your thoughts?

When I say it doesn't matter, I mean those don't justify killing someone. Even if he was the robber, he has a right to a trial and not be executed on the spot.
Few bad apples?

This is their culture.
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Killed young dude and came out the house smiling and joking.

There are a very few truly good officers that care about helping people.

A majority of them just doing their jobs, which is being poorly trained policy upholders of flawed policy.

And a significant percentage of them are evil, racist or cowardly scumbags empowered by a badge, a gun and virtually impunity to the law.

damn..this is da kid they ran into his house and killed in da bathroom? SMH...yo im heated son..

this is worse then da trayon martin case arguably...

Now put the keyboard away and think about what you just typed.

Ever think that there are more cops in a neighborhood filled with minorities meaning more stop and frisks? No, that would be too logical and you wouldn't be able to cry and play the race card.
as you know with statistics you have to read between the lines... like wtf i had this old asian man at work try to tell me look at the black community they always introuble with police... n i saw naw do you research and know that they selectively pick black males to arrest to maintain the population of the black community and he was angry like most of these ignorant white ppl and cops that they read into the media too much and that the media makes these black ppl look as if they are angry animals but in reality blacks are still the victims and always will be if whites are still in control of this country
you sound stupid
naw yall just dont understand that the country is still oppressing its minorities:rolleyes .... only ppl who l lived with struggle or they parents aint had too much money will only understand the value of life... lol yal just be askin yall mommas for money every week smh
With that split second in which the event happen, I doubt the cop had enough time to profile the guy running into him. He radio'd then drew his gun and approached the store entrance. When the first guy came out and pointed back in the store. The cop didnt fire on him, but the kid kinda did tackle him. It looked like him firing was just a reaction of getting knocked down. Its just a series of extremely unfortunate events.
Should the cop have approached the store with no gun drawn? Idk if it was called in as an armed robbery, but if so, why would having a taser out be the first option?

They need to be trained better then. You don't need to shoot someone who tackles you.
The only thing that needs to be debated is whether you think deadly force is justified. What are your thoughts?
When I say it doesn't matter, I mean those don't justify killing someone. Even if he was the robber, he has a right to a trial and not be executed on the spot.

This was an accodent. At an armed robbery, hell yea the cop needs to be armed. The cop has to be prepared to watch his own back too. There are protocols cop have to follow, and although I know that there are pigs who abuse that power, the cop didnt nothing wrong with drawing his weapon. You really expect every criminal to surrender at the presence of the police? We see the cops reaction to the first guy, he held his position but the second guy came out of nowhere...

They need to be trained better then. You don't need to shoot someone who tackles you.
I do agree that nypd needs revamping but again the cop wasnt at fault here, b
This was an accodent. At an armed robbery, hell yea the cop needs to be armed. The cop has to be prepared to watch his own back too. There are protocols cop have to follow, and although I know that there are pigs who abuse that power, the cop didnt nothing wrong with drawing his weapon. You really expect every criminal to surrender at the presence of the police? We see the cops reaction to the first guy, he held his position but the second guy came out of nowhere...
I do agree that nypd needs revamping but again the cop wasnt at fault here, b

What are you even talking about man. From your last sentence, I'm getting that you think it's ok to kill an unarmed person "by accident". I don't even know why you typed the rest.

Now put the keyboard away and think about what you just typed.

Ever think that there are more cops in a neighborhood filled with minorities meaning more stop and frisks? No, that would be too logical and you wouldn't be able to cry and play the race card.
I believe there is some truth in that but the discrepancy is so large that it's pretty clear there's profiling going on...that data is specifically for Stop and Frisk.
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