The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

Izzy sounding like he’s from South Central LA

Man i'm loving this hahaa. I remember a Duplessis post fight interview a few years back were he claimed, outta nowhere, he's the only real African in the UFC bla bla no one even asked him about that. He cleaned up this point recently now saying he's the only fighter living and training outta Africa but the original interview was real vile and uncalled for. Lets just not forget where all this racial undertone started at. Now Izzy is classless and a POS but when Chael Sonnen or McGregor does it its hilarious.
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Man I loving this hahaa. I remember a Duplessis post fight interview a few years back were he claimed outta nowhere he's the only real African in the UFC bla bla no one even asked him about that. He cleaned up this point recently now saying he's the only fighter living and training outta africa but remver the original interview was real vile and uncalled for. Lets just not forget where all this racial undertone started at. Now Izzy is classless and a POS but when Chael Sonnen or McGregor does its hilarious.
Yeah, Izzy definitely can be criticized for being immature in there but people love to make the response such a huge ordeal when the original root of it was much worse imo

You play this schtick which you know exactly why you're doing it, you say what you say about Africa and basically say Izzy aint a true African

Dude got zero awareness or if he is aware then he deserves a scathing response like he did. Dare to say some **** like that lol. Not cool. I'm glad Izzy said the stuff about blood line and DNA
Just rewatched, it was wild seeing Volk take the hardest shots of the fight from Yair... and then all of a sudden start his finishing sequence of Yair lol

Insane heart and skill

Since Charles cannot fight in October it seems like Volk could really step in. IMO it would be rushed with his surgery

Hoping Volk chooses Topuria because I 100% believe Dana is letting Volk pick whatever the hell he wants
Man i'm loving this hahaa. I remember a Duplessis post fight interview a few years back were he claimed, outta nowhere, he's the only real African in the UFC bla bla no one even asked him about that. He cleaned up this point recently now saying he's the only fighter living and training outta Africa but the original interview was real vile and uncalled for. Lets just not forget where all this racial undertone started at. Now Izzy is classless and a POS but when Chael Sonnen or McGregor does its hilarious.
100%. As corny as Izzy was last night, I still side w/ him and I need him to break the brakes off off of Dricus. Literally no reason for Dricus to play the whole ‘African’ stance towards Izzy or the then black champs. It was a race bait, and it will be he his ultimate downfall because mentally he opened up a can of worms that he cannot backtrack. So last night was a check move on Izzy’s point to drop the word. Sure casuals and mma click headline sites are gonna run w/ Izzy starting this frenzy, but real ones know where this all started.

Izzy wouldn’t give af what the world thinks, he knows he has the check move on Dricus. And at the level, it’s just izzy against the world, and he’s ultimately petty enough to get that mental edge regardless of the public outlash because that’s what it’ll take to be the best.

People will come back if/when he pummels Dricus. They all do, I certainly did when he beat Alex. Hell I rooted against him in his first match against Alex, and then rooted for him in the rematch.

He for sure is the most in-depth personality in the UFC by far. We’ve seen his rise, falls, adversities, etc…. A lot of people wouldn’t have realized, but that’s what makes him the star he is. So I’m looking forward to the well deserve beating on Dricus.
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Izzy is no Cassius Clay. Dana says who cares to the fans complaining about the cringe of the feud.

When does the Izzy doc drop?

And MW is getting a much needed shot of new contenders with Bo, if Khamzat fought, DDP and Ikram.
Nobody is Cassius Clay tho

That is irrelevant

Casually calling someone a fake blank and disregarding someone’s heritage is a bold move (on top of the fact that uh, someone like ddp is the one doing it)

You don’t have to be some kind of martyr or civil rights activist to clap back
Yeah but clapping back with N Bombs and looking ignorant ain’t the move either.

I brought up Cassius Clay because he COULD be articulate (there were times where he was a meat head too).

C words or N words are racist expletives.

Was DDP a moron in his African narrative? Yes. I think Izzy could’ve hit him with the 23 and me…but he was drunk out of his mind.
Listen what Drikuss said, being where he's from is incredibly foul on so many different levels. Do the googles. There's a reason he trains on the continent of Africa and all his sparring partners and coaching team are Caucasians. Drikuz has some balls for opening that can of warms. The hubris on this guy.
I’m in no way minimizing racism or apartheid. DDP deserves to get his butt whooped in Africa. Loser goes back to their contingent of origin and send him back to the Caucus Mountains. But the C or N bombs ain’t a good look. Especially when the wrong person listening.
I would be remiss to say that I was convinced Whitiker would wash the canvas with Duplessis. DDP fighting style never appealed to me but he always finds a way to win. That was a top performance last night.
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Cain had 6 fights in the ufc before fighting Lesnar for the belt

And he fought proven vets (who would probably be top 10 ranked fighters at that time ) granted the competition pool for heavyweights is shallow
As hell

Bo gotta get a ranked fighter next
But Dana can’t risk losing A-Merican hype train
Cain had 6 fights in the ufc before fighting Lesnar for the belt

And he fought proven vets (who would probably be top 10 ranked fighters at that time ) granted the competition pool for heavyweights is shallow
As hell

Bo gotta get a ranked fighter next
But Dana can’t risk losing A-Merican hype train
Yeah I just looked at Cains resume— not exactly a slow build lol idk what Dana meant by that
Both guys hyping the potential fight. Unfortunately, it came off kinda cringe. Both need to work on their promos going forward.
Dricus started this by saying he was the African fighter. You can’t throw stones then hide your hands. He started this bs but now that Izzy is standing up to him, Izzy is the ignorant one :emoji_thinking:

Dricus trying to back pedal and say he never said he was more African than anybody but one can easily see what he was insinuating. I hate when people try to hint at things and then crab walk it back. And you say that these guys who all were born in Africa are NOT African champions? We know what point Dricus was trying to make with that quip about being African.

Black guy…ignorant
White guy that started this whole bs and disrespected UFC champions….a class act
A majority of fighters been hella cringe at some or most points of their careers

it’s not saying much that fighter x is cringe

A lot of it is for promo and other marketing opportunities, the rest of it is them knowing no matter what nobody can really **** with them anyway lol. So I respect it

I mean- what’s really wrong with cringe. You gonna stop watching them fight or try to go up to them and tell them lol
No one is saying what Dricuss said wasn’t stupid on many levels. It’s probably as bad as the Kyrie BHI stuff except there’s no mainstream attention or real journalism in MMA to call out the ignorance. Dana is okay with the ignorant things his fighters say as long as it brings buys. Someone asked him how he was going to promote it. He said he didn’t care.
Why would Dana all of a sudden care after conor and colby lol

I’m actually happy Dana answered how he did. He said “he’s black he can say what he wants”

Um, has this been the best card ever lol
LTTP. Finally watched the card. It was definitely the best card this year. Had two fight of the year contenders (the only one off the top of my head is Volk/Islam). Plus it was brisk, had enough finishes and shocks to make it entertaining.

Volk is a stud. He COULD be the best featherweight of all time. He definitely fights and defends against Topuira and he’ll be one title fight away from Aldo.

Aljo could move up too, which they may or may not give him head of line privileges. So Volk could conclude his run against Aljo or Arnold then bid farewell to FW.

Bad night for Mexican MMA. It was a close fight between Moreno/Pantoja. Moreno was in there, just slightly didn’t do enough.

Ya think Strickland getting the next MW title fight? No way DDP making the turn around to fight in the Pacific.
Was watching a podcast on youtube and someone mentioned tito fighting with a broken skull. tito clarified and said he fractured his orbital bone before a fight :lol: . he definitely shouldn’t have been cleared to fight.
I see how it may come off to casuals but I think Izzy played that masterfully. He made a strong point and it befuddled DDP.

LMAO completely mind ****** DDP. Took me a second to realize what Izzy was doing but then I realized and I wasn't expecting that reaction from DDP at all.
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