The McCain-Palin Mob....WOW...

LOL at these people. But SMH at them being voting Americans. Did dude just really call Obama a 2nd string Negro? Woooooooooooooooooow. So if he was a 1ststring, he'd be cool? Yeah right. And Palin has the holy spirit in her?!!! LMAO! Uhhh.....WHAT?

What a glorious day it will be if Obama wins. I cannot wait to see the outrage and sheer madness consume these people. I hope it kills them. Yes, I said killthem. Idiots who think along these lines don't need to waste space on our earth. If you're offended by that comment, you're one of them and do us afavor and jump off a high bridge. Preferably over land, so your chances of living will be just a little bit smaller.

On another note, SMH at me for living in a region where the majority of people think like this. I'm definitely not in a small city, but I'm definitelyin the heart of good ol' boy, white is right, everyone-go-to-church-on-Sunday-and-play-like-we're-holier-than-thou country. Fortunately, Black folksare strong down here so the delusional White folks here who think like those in these videos won't say a DAMN word should Obama win. They'll justseclude themselves more and give us nasty looks, to which I'll gladly wave my Obama/Biden flag.
Originally Posted by tylerdub

LOL at any of you who think just as much of this isnt coming from liberals.
for example,
The McCain march through manhattan, the people spraypainting "republican means slavery" on a republican headquarters, the guy who dressed up a McCain effigy as a KKK member and put it in his front yard, etc...
I think both sides are guilty of this. I have enough problems with Obamas doctrines that I dont have to worry about insulting him personally. His ideas about government should be more than enough to not elect him.


Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by 13ROWNIE

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

the look on thier faces if obama pulls threw, cant wait
not to be petty
but no joke, i want to see that so bad.....
I'm doing to be on that Eric Cartman tip. Be asking T-Bone, wawwaawwaa and tylerdub how their tears taste

To his credit, I don't think waweauwauea really supports anyone. He just throws out his conspiracy theories that blanket the entire government.
these republicans are pretty crazy

my old man
told me "Obama hates America"

where the hell he get this from ? IDK pretty sickening
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Palin is filled with the Holy Spirit....

Al-Jeezera exposing American ignorance and extremists and doing so with more professional and journalistic integrity than the America media does to their people...

The first clip in this thread made me laugh. The Al-Jeesera clip made me disgusted. I think McCain picked Palin as a vp because he knew it would pull theracists out of the woodwork.
That video was absolutely stupid. made no points whatsoever and was incredibly annoying to everybody around him.

im voting obama btw.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

@ replubicans trying to defend their parties...

post a video where democrats are being hateful to mccain and palin

if you can find five videos

ill paypal you $1.00

smh at democrats with a holier than thou attitude

this proves my point
Yeah, although there are some really good videos showing extreme ignorance and racism amongst the McCain/Palin supporters (the 2nd vid in this thread forexample), the OP's video was just dumb. that dude filming was extra annoying. what was he trying to accomplish saying "then why did McCain stand on astage with Obama?"
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

@ replubicans trying to defend their parties...

post a video where democrats are being hateful to mccain and palin

if you can find five videos

ill paypal you $1.00

smh at democrats with a holier than thou attitude

this proves my point

I'm not a republican...
Originally Posted by KICKS OFF

dude filming this is an idiot like those people on that video.
Um.... more then an idiot apparently?!?!


Blogger Interrupted hack Tim Russo was picked up in an F.B.I. sting in 2001 trying to meet what he thought wasa 13-year-old boy. He's riding a wave of popularity on the left after baiting some morons into blurting out nasty comments on video about Obama, but as Newsbusters points out prior to this Russo was pretty much burningbridges with his fellow lefties because his antics.

Typical of most predators, Russo presents himself as a victim rather than a sexual sadist who was looking for a child to defile. He also claims he tried torape a child because he's gay, which is outrageous nonsense but few lefties are calling him on it. Here's his story straight form the pervert's mouth:
I became a professional at hooking up online, so much so that not only did it take over my life, I began taking the worst of risks.

I lowered the age I professed myself to be. The professed age of men I chatted with online became younger and younger. The picture of myself looked just young enough, just cute enough, to land some pretty hot guys. I needed more. I started to justify myself by saying, hey, what's the difference between 25 & 21? Between 20 & 18? The spiral quickened.

One day in April, 2001, someone pretending to be 13 years old showed up in the chat room. I struck up a chat. It proceeded very rapidly to discussion of sex. Then he disappeared for months. I breathed a sigh of relief. That was stupid, I thought. Glad that's over. I was fooling myself.

In October, the professed 13-year-old showed up again, and by then, 6 months deeper into the descent, the die had been cast. I didn't care anymore about risk, about right or wrong, about anything or anyone but me and my desires, however foolish they'd become.

I had been freed. Finally, after all these years, I've got access to what's been denied me my entire life, what I denied to myself - my own sexuality. I thought everything that ever hurt me had been defeated, and I was finally invulnerable to it, so much so that I could delve into the worst of it, almost out of spite.

In reality, everything that ever hurt me had not surrendered but had won, and was now poised for its final victory lap.

The FBI agent reeled me in like a fish on a line. Got any porn to share? What would we do if we were alone? I must have looked like the most pathetic sitting duck for the FBI and their friends from WEWS NewsChannel5. This guy is too good to be true.

I had so perfectly regressed to that first day with Bobby in the fort, the reckless abandon of assumed invincibility had taken over. The words I wrote in those chats were not written by a lawyer, political consultant, or professional who should be at the top of his game, but by a child angry at the world. Age 34.

Poor baby. How can we not sympathize with a 34-year-old man looking to sodomize a child? That just goes to show you how insensitive we "wingnuts"are?

The link in the excerpt goes to another article of his where we learn that Donna Brazille offered him a big roll in the Al Gore campaign. Apparently TimRusso was some sort of big fish in the Democratic Campaigning pond. I guess Donna's not so good a judge of character.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by 13ROWNIE

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

the look on thier faces if obama pulls threw, cant wait
not to be petty
but no joke, i want to see that so bad.....
I'm going to be on that Eric Cartman tip. Be asking T-Bone, wawwaawwaa and tylerdub how their tears taste

How many times I said Obama is going to win?
Here I'll say it for you again...
Obama is going to win the 2008 Presidential Election
Originally Posted by 718stylez

don't republicans pride themselves on there 'small town Christian values'?

Of course they do. But those values go out the window when a Muslim, Black man is running for president. Jesus wouldn't characterize someone based on thecolor of their skin would he? Jesus wouldn't shun someone because they had a funny sounding name, would he? Jesus wouldn't help out his fellow man ifthat man had stumbled upon rough times, would he? Of course not.

And what KILLS me is how people can base their choice off of religion. Someone fill me in, but when was the last time we heard John McCain say anything aboutreligion and God? How do these people know he's a godly man? Ohhhhhhh, that's right--they don't. What they do "know" is that BarackObama has a Muslim-sounding name and his parents weren't devout Christians, in turn making him the anti-christ. So they'll vote for McCain because hewill run our country in accordance with what God wants.

*edit* And I forgot--Palin is filled with the Holy Spirit!! What else could explain her underhanded use of power as a governor and her blatant slanderagainst Barack Obama? Certainly, Jesus would approve!!!

And I'm a religious dude, btw.
christians believe that one day jesus will walk the earth again...what if he lived in Iraq, or Sudan or Afghanistan etc

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by KICKS OFF

dude filming this is an idiot like those people on that video.
Um.... more then an idiot apparently?!?!


Blogger Interrupted hack Tim Russo was picked up in an F.B.I. sting in 2001 trying to meet what he thought was a 13-year-old boy. He's riding a wave of popularity on the left after baiting some morons into blurting out nasty comments on video about Obama, but as Newsbusters points out prior to this Russo was pretty much burning bridges with his fellow lefties because his antics.

Typical of most predators, Russo presents himself as a victim rather than a sexual sadist who was looking for a child to defile. He also claims he tried to rape a child because he's gay, which is outrageous nonsense but few lefties are calling him on it. Here's his story straight form the pervert's mouth:
I became a professional at hooking up online, so much so that not only did it take over my life, I began taking the worst of risks.

I lowered the age I professed myself to be. The professed age of men I chatted with online became younger and younger. The picture of myself looked just young enough, just cute enough, to land some pretty hot guys. I needed more. I started to justify myself by saying, hey, what's the difference between 25 & 21? Between 20 & 18? The spiral quickened.

One day in April, 2001, someone pretending to be 13 years old showed up in the chat room. I struck up a chat. It proceeded very rapidly to discussion of sex. Then he disappeared for months. I breathed a sigh of relief. That was stupid, I thought. Glad that's over. I was fooling myself.

In October, the professed 13-year-old showed up again, and by then, 6 months deeper into the descent, the die had been cast. I didn't care anymore about risk, about right or wrong, about anything or anyone but me and my desires, however foolish they'd become.

I had been freed. Finally, after all these years, I've got access to what's been denied me my entire life, what I denied to myself - my own sexuality. I thought everything that ever hurt me had been defeated, and I was finally invulnerable to it, so much so that I could delve into the worst of it, almost out of spite.

In reality, everything that ever hurt me had not surrendered but had won, and was now poised for its final victory lap.

The FBI agent reeled me in like a fish on a line. Got any porn to share? What would we do if we were alone? I must have looked like the most pathetic sitting duck for the FBI and their friends from WEWS NewsChannel5. This guy is too good to be true.

I had so perfectly regressed to that first day with Bobby in the fort, the reckless abandon of assumed invincibility had taken over. The words I wrote in those chats were not written by a lawyer, political consultant, or professional who should be at the top of his game, but by a child angry at the world. Age 34.

Poor baby. How can we not sympathize with a 34-year-old man looking to sodomize a child? That just goes to show you how insensitive we "wingnuts" are?

The link in the excerpt goes to another article of his where we learn that Donna Brazille offered him a big roll in the Al Gore campaign. Apparently Tim Russo was some sort of big fish in the Democratic Campaigning pond. I guess Donna's not so good a judge of character.

To Tbone, Republicans and Democrats both have creeps on both sides Have you heard of Senator Larry Craig? John McCain left and cheated his first wifebecause she wasnt "pretty" or rich enough. When he came back in 1970s all he wanted to do was party and he cheated on his wife and left his childrenat home
McCain likes to illustrate his moral fibre by referring to his five years as a prisoner-of-war in Vietnam. And to demonstrate his commitment to family values, the 71-year-old former US Navy pilot pays warm tribute to his beautiful blonde wife, Cindy, with whom he has four children.

But there is another Mrs McCain who casts a ghostly shadow over the Senator's presidential campaign. She is seldom seen and rarely written about, despite being mother to McCain's three eldest children.

And yet, had events turned out differently, it would be she, rather than Cindy, who would be vying to be First Lady. She is McCain's first wife, Carol, who was a famous beauty and a successful swimwear model when they married in 1965.

She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam's infamous 'Hanoi Hilton' prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.

But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969. Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

When Carol was discharged from hospital after six months of life-saving surgery, the prognosis was bleak. In order to save her legs, surgeons

had been forced to cut away huge sections of shattered bone, taking with it her tall, willowy figure. She was confined to a wheelchair and was forced to use a catheter.

Through sheer hard work, Carol learned to walk again. But when John McCain came home from Vietnam, she had gained a lot of weight and bore little resemblance to her old self.

Today, she stands at just 5ft4in and still walks awkwardly, with a pronounced limp. Her body is held together by screws and metal plates and, at 70, her face is worn by wrinkles that speak of decades of silent suffering.

For nearly 30 years, Carol has maintained a dignified silence about the accident, McCain and their divorce. But last week at the bungalow where she now lives at Virginia Beach, a faded seaside resort 200 miles south of Washington, she told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

@ replubicans trying to defend their parties...

post a video where democrats are being hateful to mccain and palin

if you can find five videos

ill paypal you $1.00

smh at democrats with a holier than thou attitude

this proves my point

I'm not a republican...

ok and...............
America does not deserve such a great president as obama. he is nowhere near the second coming. he is nowhere near as experienced as mccain. but he is movingppl like mlk, ghandi, theresa did.

I feel saddened taht if our corrupt system fails and obama does win, he would probably be assassinated.

BTW the whole voter fraud thing u guys keep bringing up. it's registration fraud. but why wasnt this scrutinized in 2000?????
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