The McCain-Palin Mob....WOW...

^ You got to be kidding me! People are so #$%%*$* stupid.

"I'm afraid if he wins the blacks will take over"
I guess if your a normal American then you know what its like to be at home and such but does that mean you belong in the White House? Can a normal American bethe President of the United States?

... this doesn't look good for the McCain/Palin camp. This dude is making there party voters look like damn fools!
you know you've lost when you start getting personal...and you pick an idiot to be your VP.
Palin is filled with the Holy Spirit....

Al-Jeezera exposing American ignorance and extremists and doing so with more professional and journalistic integrity than the America media does to theirpeople...

Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Thats like saying Bush is a terrorist because his family were friends with the Bin Ladens. There are alot people you meet in politics that you neccesarily agree.
To be honest, I don't think that was the point, most of the people in the video probably aren't voting for him because he's black. Thething that had me shaking my head most was when that lady supported Palin because she was most "normal." Christ jesus, see how"normal" the fellow currently in the white house is and you want someone MORE on your level? I wanted to hand a kufi to her just to smack it offimmediately after.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Palin is filled with the Holy Spirit....

Al-Jeezera exposing American ignorance and extremists and doing so with more professional and journalistic integrity than the America media does to their people...

Lol that dude looks like the preacher from There Will Be Blood.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi
lol, wow...Scum of our nation. Fear and ignorance at its finest

My goodness.. How can Al Jazeera do a better Job at documenting this trend than any other Media outlet?
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

what's sad is their vote counts just as much as ours does.

Not really... the majority of these morons live in the midwest, where the electoral vote counts for much less.
Originally Posted by Magik ink 23

deepinthajeep wrote:

what's sad is their vote counts just as much as ours does.

Not really... the majority of these morons live in the midwest, where the electoral vote counts for much less.

Woah, woah, woah.

They're definitely the minority here.

And if MN ever becomes a red state, I'm skateboarding my @@! up to Canada.
Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

S*it gets me mad, he's a "domestic terrorist."

@ American Citizens

at the guy saying why aren't you voting for Barack, your black.
The McCain-Palin rallys are out of control. I hate to play the partisan card, but I have YET to see this type of HATE from the Obama-Biden rallys and events...
That video? Really? At least make semi-valid points why you dont like the guy. Don't just make up stuff like He's a Muslim and the thinks white peopleare trash. Thats like black people saying McCain is racist because he didnt want MLK day or the Confederate flag to be taken down in South Carolina.
Thats like black people saying McCain is racist because he didnt want MLK day or the Confederate flag to be taken down in South Carolina.
Unfortunately I have heard people around me saythat...
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