THE MAN FROM EARTHh vol: Mind=Blown

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

That was it? What was so mind blowing.
Yeah it wasn't really but very interesting and makes you think.

The key part was after the Jesus revelation. I noticed there were no real skeptics listening to this story. They were either open and accepting or rejecting it outright to the point of threats. What the blond guy was saying was right he didn't say anything with details or eye opening that he could back up with evidence. It could all be found in a text book. A real skeptic would've probed more and much harder. He was throwing red herrings out there like possibly there being someone else like him but then fizzles out to get back to more story telling in a non chronological order name dropping famous historical people. He hooked them with the Jesus theory since they've already accepted the first premise of a man living that long. He had them in the palm of his hands after that.
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Old lady getting sentimental about Jesus ruined it.
thats the complexity of the topic of the origin of man and religion. people grow up with ideals and believes ingrained into them
be it from media/family etc. and the existence of jesus or of god is a highly disputed topic and the origins of the things written in the bible were all drawn from other religions buddism/paganism etc. the old lady is key in my opinion because it brings in the view of people who are unwilling to change because it would ruin the whole foundation of their lives.
I'm not knocking what type of person she represents in real life I'm saying she literally ruined it. You didn't need to bother explaining any of that especially the conflict those ppl have. Yes that type of person had to be shown but they're still annoying. I wanted dude to keep going with the story and get to modern times like I said.
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

That was it? What was so mind blowing.
Yeah it wasn't really but very interesting and makes you think.

The key part was after the Jesus revelation. I noticed there were no real skeptics listening to this story. They were either open and accepting or rejecting it outright to the point of threats. What the blond guy was saying was right he didn't say anything with details or eye opening that he could back up with evidence. It could all be found in a text book. A real skeptic would've probed more and much harder. He was throwing red herrings out there like possibly there being someone else like him but then fizzles out to get back to more story telling in a non chronological order name dropping famous historical people. He hooked them with the Jesus theory since they've already accepted the first premise of a man living that long. He had them in the palm of his hands after that.
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Old lady getting sentimental about Jesus ruined it.
thats the complexity of the topic of the origin of man and religion. people grow up with ideals and believes ingrained into them
be it from media/family etc. and the existence of jesus or of god is a highly disputed topic and the origins of the things written in the bible were all drawn from other religions buddism/paganism etc. the old lady is key in my opinion because it brings in the view of people who are unwilling to change because it would ruin the whole foundation of their lives.
I'm not knocking what type of person she represents in real life I'm saying she literally ruined it. You didn't need to bother explaining any of that especially the conflict those ppl have. Yes that type of person had to be shown but they're still annoying. I wanted dude to keep going with the story and get to modern times like I said.
I thought for sure it was going to climax with that lady snapping when the lights were off and the fireplace was running. Created that "hell" atmosphere, thought she was going to go over the top.

The main guy reminded me of Don Draper.
I thought for sure it was going to climax with that lady snapping when the lights were off and the fireplace was running. Created that "hell" atmosphere, thought she was going to go over the top.

The main guy reminded me of Don Draper.
@ the ending.

Spoiler [+]
How was he so careless just tossing his old names around thinking his son wouldn't hear him.
@ the ending.

Spoiler [+]
How was he so careless just tossing his old names around thinking his son wouldn't hear him.
That was
on so many levels

Thanks for the recommendation, op. It was a brilliant film. I was a little disappointed that it didn't have flashbacks, but I can live with it

To even imagine someone who can live for that long brings me thoughts of jealousy, awe, and bewilderment. Yet, 14,000 years is nothing in the history of the earth, only hair's width of time. Though, that hair's width contains all of us and all of you. Our history, culture, science and philosophy. Your relationships, your experience, your realities... 

To even imagine a first hand perspective is mind-boggling in the truest sense. Imagine the past, but imagine what's to come: space exploration, colonization, new science, new technology, new medicine; or, we could all die because our species is a pair of chromosomes away from the chimpanzee, and we'd like nothing more than to bring about our own extinction, via our destruction of each other or the planet we live on. Even better: imagine witnessing all of it, all the way to the bitter end 

I can't understand the people who're like "what's so amazing". It's amazing to think about OUR past. If that's so difficult,  what about an even more enormous scale? Just imagine the possibilities in our amazing universe. Think about how little we understand. Think about how little we know. We are so ignorant as a species that we don't even know how much we don't know. With every new discovery comes even more ignorance. 

Picture, if you will, the following:

Big bang. The first stars are form, which cook light elements into heavy elements in their core. These stars then become unstable, collapse and explode. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen forged in these stars are sent on an cosmic journey to gas clouds, which condense, collapse, and form the next generation of solar systems: stars with planets, enriched with the ingredients of life, the most common elements of which everything on our pale blue dot is made.

300,000,000,000 stars in our own Milky Way, and a similar number of galaxies in the universe with a similar count of stars, each. Imagine the possibilities. Imagine the kinds of life that may form. Imagine the chemistry that might allow life to form on planets inhospitable to us. Imagine the intricate histories these types of life may have. Imagine their technology, be it advanced or archaic to us. Imagine their religions. Imagine their education, politics, culture, etc. Imagine witnessing the discovery of all of that

Look through a history, or science museum. Look at images from the Hubble. Look up at the night sky and wonder what's out there, and marvel at the grandeur and beauty of our cosmos. Understand that you come from those shiny things in the sky. We are stardust; we are the universe made self-aware. If that does not bring a sense of awe, transcendence, and enlightenment, then, I'm sorry, but you do not have the capacity for it. 

Last point: concerning death:

"We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Arabia. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I,in our ordinariness, that are here. We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds: how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state, from which the vast majority have never stirred."

- Richard Dawkins

I leave you with this, my brothers and sisters:

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" - Carl Sagan

Just... imagine 

That was
on so many levels

Thanks for the recommendation, op. It was a brilliant film. I was a little disappointed that it didn't have flashbacks, but I can live with it

To even imagine someone who can live for that long brings me thoughts of jealousy, awe, and bewilderment. Yet, 14,000 years is nothing in the history of the earth, only hair's width of time. Though, that hair's width contains all of us and all of you. Our history, culture, science and philosophy. Your relationships, your experience, your realities... 

To even imagine a first hand perspective is mind-boggling in the truest sense. Imagine the past, but imagine what's to come: space exploration, colonization, new science, new technology, new medicine; or, we could all die because our species is a pair of chromosomes away from the chimpanzee, and we'd like nothing more than to bring about our own extinction, via our destruction of each other or the planet we live on. Even better: imagine witnessing all of it, all the way to the bitter end 

I can't understand the people who're like "what's so amazing". It's amazing to think about OUR past. If that's so difficult,  what about an even more enormous scale? Just imagine the possibilities in our amazing universe. Think about how little we understand. Think about how little we know. We are so ignorant as a species that we don't even know how much we don't know. With every new discovery comes even more ignorance. 

Picture, if you will, the following:

Big bang. The first stars are form, which cook light elements into heavy elements in their core. These stars then become unstable, collapse and explode. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen forged in these stars are sent on an cosmic journey to gas clouds, which condense, collapse, and form the next generation of solar systems: stars with planets, enriched with the ingredients of life, the most common elements of which everything on our pale blue dot is made.

300,000,000,000 stars in our own Milky Way, and a similar number of galaxies in the universe with a similar count of stars, each. Imagine the possibilities. Imagine the kinds of life that may form. Imagine the chemistry that might allow life to form on planets inhospitable to us. Imagine the intricate histories these types of life may have. Imagine their technology, be it advanced or archaic to us. Imagine their religions. Imagine their education, politics, culture, etc. Imagine witnessing the discovery of all of that

Look through a history, or science museum. Look at images from the Hubble. Look up at the night sky and wonder what's out there, and marvel at the grandeur and beauty of our cosmos. Understand that you come from those shiny things in the sky. We are stardust; we are the universe made self-aware. If that does not bring a sense of awe, transcendence, and enlightenment, then, I'm sorry, but you do not have the capacity for it. 

Last point: concerning death:

"We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Arabia. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I,in our ordinariness, that are here. We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds: how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state, from which the vast majority have never stirred."

- Richard Dawkins

I leave you with this, my brothers and sisters:

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" - Carl Sagan

Just... imagine 

Originally Posted by derrty6232

@ the ending.

Spoiler [+]
How was he so careless just tossing his old names around thinking his son wouldn't hear him.
I had to go back and rewatch the ending when I read the spoiler. His death single handedly validated John's whole story. Incredible...
Originally Posted by derrty6232

@ the ending.

Spoiler [+]
How was he so careless just tossing his old names around thinking his son wouldn't hear him.
I had to go back and rewatch the ending when I read the spoiler. His death single handedly validated John's whole story. Incredible...
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