"The Last Dance" Michael Jordan & Chicago Bulls Docuseries

I love MJ. Being the age I am, he is my guy. Full on GOAT status. But...he's full of ****. Gary bothered him. He had other things on his mind for two straight games?!? ********. Numbers don't lie. Respect the game and your opponent. Gary was the damn defensive player of the year. He was in your **** and made things hard. That's what defensive players of the year do.
MJ keeping his lung capacity good by smoking all those cigars. Funny now since smoking is so frowned upon now.

It's a cigar. You don't inhale cigar smoke. It's not a cigarette. *I know there are some fools that DO inhale cigars but that's not how you do it. :lol:

I agree this doc is good but the Oj one is on another level.


You can't even compare the two, but I've been surprised with lots of folks saying Last Dance is the most amazing doc they've ever seen. :lol: It's cool and all, but OJ: Made In America is a masterpiece on another level. Can't even categorize it as a sports doc.
I wonder how the series would’ve played out had Gary Payton been guarding him from the start in game 1. Them falling down 3-0 and laying an egg at home game 3 was rough. Although seeing Rodman get in frank brickowiskis head that game was comedy.

Perhaps Mike figures him out and has more success against him as the series progresses. Chicago likely still wins, but I don’t see them having a 3-0 stranglehold on the series either.
George Karl wasn't that good, going down 2-0 should've had a change of game plan. On the floor, GP shoulda just took over and guarded Mike.

Bulls woulda won still but could've gone 7
MJ needs to give the Glove his proper respect because for 2 games GP absolutely gave him a problem or MJ was point shaving :lol:

What you guys think about that theory?
Also, left out of this was that GP wasn't at full strength. He had injured his calf muscle so Karl had decided that GP's scoring was more valuable then him guarding MJ.
I love MJ. Being the age I am, he is my guy. Full on GOAT status. But...he's full of ****. Gary bothered him. He had other things on his mind for two straight games?!? Bull****. Numbers don't lie. Respect the game and your opponent. Gary was the damn defensive player of the year. He was in your **** and made things hard. That's what defensive players of the year do.

Yeah, your father being killed, not a big deal at all.

So what about game 6? And he did guard Mike at times in game one and two. They showed it in the clips.

Mike gives credit to Joe Dumars?

And stop with the respect thing. Gary Payton said that the Bulls were a pretty good team.

How did Gary do against Mike the next year?
I get the narrative, but if you dont think Jordan's subpar, by Jordan standards, in a closeout championship game was because GP made it more difficult dont know why you saying GP made it more difficult. That series was supposed to be a sweep and Seattle getting a win was big. Wasnt implying GP made Jordan change his game or got robbed of a chip. Maybe I'm salty I lost money on game 4 ..
To me MJ just looked tired overall in the later games.

Game 4 The Bulls were blown out, MJ had a bad game. It could have been GP stifling him.

Game 5 MJ shot 50% but he only scored 26. Him shooting 50% is nowhere near getting slowed down. He also had 2 turnovers. Also this game Ron Harper played about one min so it made it harder on MJ and the Bulls.

Game 6 was definitely a bad game, could have been GP shutting him down again. It was on Father's day, MJ says in the doc that he had stuff on his mind.

But I don't know of any other times in his career that GP shut him down. Just these two games, there are a few regular season games were MJ dropped a lot of points on GP.
So hating the doc is the new wave now huh, thats expected with any popular ish some people will say it sucks so theyll have a diff opinion than the majority.

Ep 7 and 8 were the best eps so far.
I'm not hating it but it definitely didn't meet up to expectations.

Everything in here is already known to people that follow MJ. It was hyped as being about the 98 season, and coming from hundreds of hours of footage. I figured we could get a few hours of footage of the 98 season. But it hasn't even been that, in some of the episodes the 98 season only takes up about 25% of the episode.

They definitely fooled me, I thought it was going to mainly be about the 98 season since the name is The Last Dance.
To me MJ just looked tired overall in the later games.

Game 4 The Bulls were blown out, MJ had a bad game. It could have been GP stifling him.

Game 5 MJ shot 50% but he only scored 26. Him shooting 50% is nowhere near getting slowed down. He also had 2 turnovers. Also this game Ron Harper played about one min so it made it harder on MJ and the Bulls.

Game 6 was definitely a bad game, could have been GP shutting him down again. It was on Father's day, MJ says in the doc that he had stuff on his mind.

But I don't know of any other times in his career that GP shut him down. Just these two games, there are a few regular season games were MJ dropped a lot of points on GP.
Not calling GP a Jordan stopper, just discussing the championship series and how Seattle avoided a universally assumed sweep. I always though Karl made the switch of GP on MJ and was shocked that GP took that challenge on himself.
MJ has his lowest scoring average of any 6 NBA Finals. And those numbers didn’t take a dip until GP became his primary defender. Numbers don’t lie. And the eye test neither. And GP is still the only point guard to win defensive player of the year.
Yeah, your father being killed, not a big deal at all.

So what about game 6? And he did guard Mike at times in game one and two. They showed it in the clips.

Mike gives credit to Joe Dumars?

And stop with the respect thing. Gary Payton said that the Bulls were a pretty good team.

How did Gary do against Mike the next year?

Wasn't a big deal games 1 through 3. But it just happened to become a big deal when the defensive player of the year switched on you and your numbers went down? Ok. What about game 6? What about it? If it was your mind being on other things, wouldn't your mind still be on those things in game 6? Or was it because you figured out a way to be effective against a better defender? Nah...probably was things on his mind like you said. A guard who wins defensive player of the year switches on you, your numbers go down, but it wasn't him. Ok
Karl did acknowledge GP's calf injury.

To think that Jordan would say that GP bothered him is absurd, that's not who he is. Problem for that Sonics team was the Bulls coming off 72 wins, created a ton of hype. Seattle was good, they were deep and had all the pieces. Another victim of their time though.

The audio of Jordan crying after winning was tough, I remember watching that with my dad but I don't remember hearing the actual audio on TV as I'm sure commentators were talking and what not but that was deep.

Maybe GP did tired him out bc Psycho *** Mike was getting all his usual looks or maybe Psycho *** Mike was thinking too much & getting emo about winning his first title without daddy Jordan
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