The Invincible Thread

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So few DBs can survive 'on their own' without a good scheme or team in front of them. It is just so hard to be a lock down one on one DB....and that's how the NFL wants it apparently
I've said this before, but in my opinion, NFL cornerback might be the toughest position to play in all of sports. It's the only position I can think of where you are almost always at a natural disadvantage. If you had better talent you'd probably be a receiver. Receivers are typically bigger, faster, stronger, better hands, better moves, and have the advantage of knowing exactly where they want to go and where the QB wants to throw it. You've got to mentally prepare for mind games from the QB (changing alignment, pump fakes, etc.). You've got to be conscious of backs coming out the backfield into the flats. You've got hybrid monster tight ends roaming the field. You've got to trust your safety and your other DBs to cover you deep or on bump/rub routes. So much goes into it. It's a nightmare. I get mad when I see crappy DB play but tbh it's not always their fault. They're meant to lose. If every DB had Deion caliber skills football would be a different sport.

With that being said, Josh Norman still overrated lol. Can't wait till OBJ torches him twice this year.
I don't get why that's a stipulation for suspended players period. What harm can be done by a suspended player staying in contact with his teammates? It sounds like some parole ****. :lol:

"You can't talk to your coach or teammates"

How you tell a grown *** man who he can talk to.
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Random question that the All or Nothing series made me think of:

How will we look back on Carson Palmer's career? He always seemed to be a tough break away from being a championship winning QB. This series has me admiring his approach as a leader.

Ive vouched for him, against the grain, even though he supplanted my dude Kitna back when.

He's come a long way as a leader because I stand by the fact that his lack of leadership along with that of HC Lewis', was a big reason why those Cincy teams underachieved. They let Chad Johnson and Housh walk all over them. Chad had no route discipline and made Palmer look bad. Y'all gave him ****, but it was clear to me that Carson just didnt have control over them. This was further evidenced by the fact that Ocho couldn't see the field in his subsequent stops because of it.

Carson had an underwhelming career, yet he's still overall an underrated Q of his time.
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good guy Rog 
Tom will just get a burner cell, call the team whenever he wants, and we all know we'll never see the actual phone itself to prove anything, he'll be fine.
Yes, most suspended players have to stay away from team facilities during their time off.

I'm not breaking any new ground here, but not all suspensions are "created equal" (lol). The basic premise is you're barred from real games. The parameters of the suspension vary by which application of the CBA the violation falls under. For example, a substance abuse punishment isn't the same as a PED violation. 

Roger Goodell...uhhh, chose?...yeah let's go with that, suspend Brady under the application of Article 46 from the CBA. Different threshold than an equipment violation, much wider degree of leeway since the Commish doesn't have to abide by specific terms agreed upon between the league and NFLPA. It's entirely up to his discretion since he sets the games AND the parameters. *whispers* Other owners pushed hard for 6-8 games w/ the same parameters in place.



Well damn @ the Tre Mason news. Whoa dere.
He's suspended, that's what a suspension is

right, I don't see anything that wouldn't be true for any other person suspended.

except Josh Gordon.

poor little Josh Gordon needs to be with the team so he doesn't pick up another joint.

I'll have to look into it more, but I'm sure brady's situation is nearly the same for bell and bryant. 

Brady's is the norm. Josh is getting a break. understandably so, i guess
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