The Invincible Thread

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Hahahahahahaha, I already knew Miko Grimes was wild but damn. I'm a fan now.

If Dak goes 6-3 or 9-2, do they let Romo play again or would they stay with Dak or possibly try to trade Romo?

If Dak goes 9-2 while he's out then Romo should be holding a clipboard for the rest of the season and be traded/released after the year.
Hahahahahahaha, I already knew Miko Grimes was wild but damn. I'm a fan now.

If Dak goes 6-3 or 9-2, do they let Romo play again or would they stay with Dak or possibly try to trade Romo?

If Dak goes 9-2 while he's out then Romo should be holding a clipboard for the rest of the season and be traded/released after the year.

Would teams give up a lot for Romo? I'm thinking nah because he's old and injury prone. You would probably get him for a 4th or 5th. Only brought it up because someone on ESPN said it.

Now Michael Irvin and Waren Moon on the **** train too :smh:

Not surprised Moon is on it but I am shocked about Irvin. He doesn't want to lose those endorsements or have issues with NFLN.
So from reading most of these posts on here.....anybody that has a different stance on what Kaepernick did is a senseless, racist white person that doesn't care about black rights. Is that what most of you posters are getting at?

By the way, I think we really do need to move all Kaepernick news to another thread cause this is literally all that's being talked about in here and we have the regular season starting next week.

I've seen nobody in this thread say that.

I understand not agreeing with what Kaepernick did, but I dont know how a critical thinker cant understand it.

An analysis of the situation from a veteran, which brings up some thought provoking points.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."
I've been away from the internet all day.
I came home from a family picnic on the Blackwater River to find my inbox, as usual, overflowing like a ripe Port-O-Pottie.
One of the first messages I read was about 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, quoted above, who last Friday night at the beginning of a preseason game suddenly decided to become the most hated man in America du jour by deliberately not standing for the National Anthem.
Yes, that's right, a football player didn't stand for the National Anthem.
As you know, this means Kaepernick is scum, a horrible human being, a likely member of ISIS, a Muslim terrorist, a black thug, a communist, a socialist (and not the cool share your weed Bernie Sanders kind of socialist but the Red Brigade kind of Socialist who sleeps under a poster of Chairman Mao), a radical, a Black Panther, and he probably has Fidel Castro's phone number in his contact favorites.
Yeah. Okay.
I answered the message and went on to the next one.
The next message was about Kaepernick. As was the next one. And the next one. And...
They all begin pretty much the same way: Jim, AS A VETERAN, what do you think about this? Well?
Let me answer all the messages at once
AS A VETERAN, what do I think about Colin Kaepernick's decision to sit during the National Anthem?
As a veteran?
Very well, as a veteran then, this is what I believe:
The very first thing I learned in the military is this: Respect is a two-way street. If you want respect, true respect, sincere respect, then you have to GIVE IT.
If you want respect, you have to do the things necessary to earn it each and every single day. There are no short cuts and no exceptions.
Respect cannot be compelled.
Respect cannot be bought.
Respect cannot be inherited.
Respect cannot be demanded at the muzzle of a gun or by beating it into somebody or by shaming them into it. Can not. You might get what you think is respect, but it's not. It's only the appearance of respect. It's fear, it's groveling, it's not respect. Far, far too many people both in and out of the military, people who should emphatically know better, do not understand this simple fact: there is an enormous difference between fear and respect.
Respect has to be earned.
Respect. Has. To. Be. Earned.
Respect has to be earned every day, by every word, by every action.
It takes a lifetime of words and deeds to earn respect.
It takes only one careless word, one thoughtless action, to lose it.
You have to be worthy of respect. You have to live up to, or at least do your best to live up to, those high ideals -- the ones America supposedly embodies, that shining city on the hill, that exceptional nation we talk about, yes, that one. To earn respect you have to be fair. You have to have courage. You must embrace reason. You have to know when to hold the line and when to compromise. You have to take responsibility and hold yourself accountable. You have to keep your word. You have to give respect, true respect, to get it back.
There are no short cuts. None.
Now, any veteran worth the label should know that. If they don't, then likely they weren't much of a soldier to begin with and you can tell them I said so.
IF Kaepernick doesn't feel his country respects him enough for him to respect it in return, well, then you can't MAKE him respect it.
You can not make him respect it.
If you try to force a man to respect you, you'll only make him respect you less.
With threats, by violence, by shame, you can maybe compel Kaepernick to stand up and put his hand over his heart and force him to be quiet. You might.
But that's not respect.
It's only the illusion of respect.
You might force this man into the illusion of respect. You might. Would you be satisfied then? Would that make you happy? Would that make you respect your nation, the one which forced a man into the illusion of respect, a nation of little clockwork patriots all pretending satisfaction and respect? Is that what you want? If THAT's what matters to you, the illusion of respect, then you're not talking about freedom or liberty. You're not talking about the United States of America. Instead you're talking about every dictatorship from the Nazis to North Korea where people are lined up and MADE to salute with the muzzle of a gun pressed to the back of their necks.
That, that illusion of respect, is not why I wore a uniform.
That's not why I held up my right hand and swore the oath and put my life on the line for my country.
That, that illusion of respect, is not why I am a veteran.
Not so a man should be forced to show respect he doesn't feel.
That's called slavery and I have no respect for that at all.
If Americans want this man to respect America, then first they must respect him.
If America wants the world's respect, it must be worthy of respect.
America must be worthy of respect. Torture, rendition, indefinite detention, unarmed black men shot down in the street every day, poverty, inequality, voter suppression, racism, bigotry in every form, obstructionism, blind patriotism, NONE of those things are worthy of respect from anybody -- least of all an American.
But doesn't it also mean that if Kaepernick wants respect, he must give it first? Give it to America? Be worthy of respect himself? Stand up, shut up, and put his hand over his heart before Old Glory?
No. It doesn't.
Respect doesn't work that way.
Power flows from positive to negative. Electricity flows from greater potential to lesser.
The United States isn't a person, it's a vast construct, a framework of law and order and civilization designed to protect the weak from the ruthless and after more than two centuries of revision and refinement it exists to provide in equal measure for all of us the opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The United States is POWER.
All the power rests with America. Just as it does in the military chain of command. And like that chain of command, like the electrical circuit described above, respect must flow from greater to lesser FIRST before it can return.
To you the National Anthem means one thing, to Kaepernick it means something else. We are all shaped and defined by our experiences and we see the world through our own eyes. That's freedom. That's liberty. The right to believe differently. The right to protest as you will. The right to demand better. The right to believe your country can BE better, that it can live up to its sacred ideals, and the right to loudly note that it has NOT. The right to use your voice, your actions, to bring attention to the things you believe in. The right to want more for others, freedom, liberty, justice, equality, and RESPECT.
A true veteran might not agree with Colin Kaepernick, but a true veteran would fight to the death to protect his right to say what he believes.
You don't like what Kaepernick has to say? Then prove him wrong, BE the nation he can respect.
It's really just that simple.
Sherman playing both sides it doesn't work like that!

What do you mean platform?!?! Kap chose the right one using his position and wealth to make a stand that others aren't in a position he's in
Most athletes are so used to the majority loving them because they are good at their respective sports they are completely oblivious to things of a racist nature.

Some of these players need to realize just because they love you on the field doesn't mean they respect you past that.
Most athletes are so used to the majority loving them because they are good at their respective sports they are completely oblivious to things of a racist nature.

Some of these players need to realize just because they love you on the field doesn't mean they respect you past that.

Word to jersey burnings when players decide to exercise their own power :lol: :smh:
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Hahahahahahaha, I already knew Miko Grimes was wild but damn. I'm a fan now.

If Dak goes 6-3 or 9-2, do they let Romo play again or would they stay with Dak or possibly try to trade Romo?

Romo is hoping this doesnt happen. If it does its a wrap for him. His career is really done for if its not with the Cowboys.

Its a lot of dumb GMs but they arent that stupid to trade for him are they :lol:

Why dont these athletes, HOF's and coaches just keep quiet if they are so concerned about losing endorsements etc. Silence is golden and keep your comments to yourself. Its a lose lose situation.
The NFL doesn't care about any social issues only money.

When Ray Rice RKO'd his wife they ain't care until ish hit the fan Then they disingenuously come out with a whole campaign about domestic violence which they involved players openly speaking out against it. But this happens and now he's "causing trouble". The league themselves for damn sure wasn't gonna come out with a campaign akin to the aforementioned one where they take a stance.
By the way, I think we really do need to move all Kaepernick news to another thread cause this is literally all that's being talked about in here and we have the regular season starting next week.
You dudes can flood this thread with clownish wrestling/beer/AWG talk all day long but when it comes to Kaep, ya'll want this thread cleaned up.

LOL. You dudes kill me.
@ the AWG shot. Lowkey true. Your post was on point.


Not to worry folks…we'll get back to regularly scheduled programming very soon. Seeing the glimmer in some of y'all eyes die out as another season goes by where you quickly realize your team isn't progressing as well as you thought they would. Then around week 13 you start the cycle all over again and hope to "build for next year".

Most athletes are so used to the majority loving them because they are good at their respective sports they are completely oblivious to things of a racist nature.

Some of these players need to realize just because they love you on the field doesn't mean they respect you past that.

Yea if you been that dude since middle/highschool the "adoration" they receive coupled with the focus they've had to put in there craft has them in la la land.
No GM in their right mind is going to trade for Romo :lol:

Romo with a broken back is better than any QB on the Jets roster right now. Out of your mind if you think the Jets wouldn't be one of the first teams to call and see what they wanted for him. Only thing that would hurt his trade value would be however his contract is set up. Might be too much for teams to take on with his injury risk.
The NFL doesn't care about any social issues only money.

When Ray Rice RKO'd his wife they ain't care until ish hit the fan Then they disingenuously come out with a whole campaign about domestic violence which they involved players openly speaking out against it. But this happens and now he's "causing trouble". The league themselves for damn sure wasn't gonna come out with a campaign akin to the aforementioned one where they take a stance.

The NFL is the casino/house, it's to their detriment to NOT be conservative.. They are going win no matter what, they just gotta minimize controversy and get the bad stuff off of front pages quickly

Hell some of the bad stuff don't even really matter, like this really.. Cause we got no clue if the 9ers are even going be decent.. But people outside of 9ers fans are going tune in for this and to see what happens with chip

But if people actually start caring about steroids in the NFL then they'll have to do more on that front.. And obviously they had to come out strongly on the ray rice thing because people saw the video
Problem with romo now, dude is seeing ghosts.. And I can't really blame him after his injuries

hell I can't blame him just because of the size and speed of these dudes

Undersized dudes are huge by any other normal standard.. The actual slow guys are huge as shhhhh
Problem with romo now, dude is seeing ghosts.. And I can't really blame him after his injuries

hell I can't blame him just because of the size and speed of these dudes

Undersized dudes are huge by any other normal standard.. The actual slow guys are huge as shhhhh

I be watching the games and commentators be like " yea he's undersized" dude be like 6'1 225 solid [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Even with one of the best if not the best Olines in football that couldnt save Romo. Hes done :lol:

I still dont know what he was thinking taking off in a preseason game for nothing. Your 37 years old just throw an incompletion.
No GM in their right mind is going to trade for Romo :lol:

Romo with a broken back is better than any QB on the Jets roster right now. Out of your mind if you think the Jets wouldn't be one of the first teams to call and see what they wanted for him. Only thing that would hurt his trade value would be however his contract is set up. Might be too much for teams to take on with his injury risk.

Maybe they'd call bc of due diligence, but no way in hell is Mike Macc trading ANY picks for Tony Romo, in 2017. C'mon dude :rofl:

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