the deep thought thread

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Got one for you. I'll copy and paste it off my blog...

Today when I got lifted I started thinking and philosiphying about light and time and I came to the conclusion that there is no such thing as time. This is why... So you've heard that it takes the light from the sun 8 minutes to get to earth because it's so far away, right? So think about this... When you look up into the sky in the day time, you're seeing "8 minute old" light. Which means you're almost looking into the past. Which also means that the sun could actually not even be there at that moment due to whatever strange phenominal force taking it out, and we wouldnt know until 8 minutes later. Take a second and think about that if you have to... SO... From there, I started thinking furthermore about the subject and I thought about lights speed and came to another conclusion. The next one is that if you could somehow go faster than light "time" would HAVE to slow down or warp or something. That's because you would then be entering into "old light" that had already traveled past you and all the "new light" now takes "a longer time" to reach you or it might not ever if you never stop going faster than light. Now what would happen if you were to go exactly at the speed of light? Would we even be able to see? I say this because we have the ability to see because of light bouncing off of objects and the objects relaying the information about the object back to our eyes. So if we were to go AT the speed of light would everything behind you stand still and everything in front of you would just be a white or colorful blur? I went into deeper thought
about the subject, but what does everyone make out about this brainstorm?
interesting. one guess could be that we could still see if we were going that fast. but barely. we could see light.

when you see those videos about being in space and all of a sudden the stars go from round to lines, kinda like that. we could see light because we'd merely catch up with the present time. not like we're built to only see past/old light.

what would happen if we somehow got close enough to the sun (not melting of course)? it would be bright enough to blind us of course... this is interesting.

That kind of light = torture! lol Interesting indeed...
The United States is a false image of opportunity that extorts those who currently live or seek to live in it.

The government officials you see in the media including the President are merely puppets, the real people in power is the Federal Reserve.

"The dumbing down of America." Pesticides in food, fluoride in water, pollution in the air. The less you know the more the less you'll be intheir way. One world government, it's coming.

Hip Hop is dead. Rich white men killed it. These same guys run the radio stations.
Originally Posted by BTK

The United States is a false image of opportunity that extorts those who currently live or seek to live in it.

The government officials you see in the media including the President are merely puppets, the real people in power is the Federal Reserve.

"The dumbing down of America." Pesticides in food, fluoride in water, pollution in the air. The less you know the more the less you'll be in their way. One world government, it's coming.

Hip Hop is dead. Rich white men killed it. These same guys run the radio stations.
it's a shame about that tap water report recently, all those pharmaceuticals in the water. and who knows what kinds of chemicals go into a lotof foods, as the FDA is hardly regulated. a shame, a real shame. the FDA might get away with more than the Fed Reserve...
Originally Posted by JUNIOR STRIKES

I got one'
A man is dressed in all black, black shoes, socks, pants, shirt, sweatshirt,gloves,scarf, hat, and another scarf that covers his face. He is walking down a completely black road. A black car without its lights on turns the corner and comes barreling towards the man, but manages to stop in time. How did the driver see the man in black???
It was during the day?
Why do people in other countries understand how to get serious political movements started, however in America which is the most Democratic and free society inthe world, people feel that they can just go out and protest for one day and get the change they seek? Activism is a struggle, not a picnic.
Originally Posted by Noodles

When I sit down in a chair for a half hour my legs don't fall asleep. When I sit down on the toilet for more than 10 minutes, why do my legs fall asleep? Why isnt there a toilet designed in the proportions of a chair.

I wonder the same thing. I end up punchin' the hell out of my leftfoot.

Alright, why did God make us the way he did? Why not make humans, animals and animals, humans? And when Spanish-speaking people listen to me speak Spanish, dothey translate in their head as I do when they speak Spanish to me and I translate to English, before replying in Spanish?
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by BTK

The United States is a false image of opportunity that extorts those who currently live or seek to live in it.

The government officials you see in the media including the President are merely puppets, the real people in power is the Federal Reserve.

"The dumbing down of America." Pesticides in food, fluoride in water, pollution in the air. The less you know the more the less you'll be in their way. One world government, it's coming.

Hip Hop is dead. Rich white men killed it. These same guys run the radio stations.
it's a shame about that tap water report recently, all those pharmaceuticals in the water. and who knows what kinds of chemicals go into a lot of foods, as the FDA is hardly regulated. a shame, a real shame. the FDA might get away with more than the Fed Reserve...
Lets hear what the RZA has to say about this

[Verse One: RZA]
Fusion of the five elements, to search for the higher intelligence
Women walk around celibate, livin irrelevant
The most benelovent king, communicatin through your dreams
Mental pictures been painted, Allah's heard and seen
everywhere, throughout your surroundin atmosphere
Troposphere, thermosphere, stratosphere
Can you imagine from one single idea, everything appeared here
Understanding makes my truth, crystal clear
Innocent black immigrants locked in housing tenemants
Eighty-Five percent tenants depend on welfare recipients
Stapleton's been stamped as a concentration camp
At night I walk through, third eye is bright as a street lamp
Electric microbes, robotic probes
Taking telescope pictures of globe, babies getting pierced with microchips
stuffed inside their earlobes, then examinated
Blood contaminated, vaccinated, lives fabricated
Exaggerated authorization, Food and Drug Administration
Testin poison in prison population
My occupation to stop the innauguration of Satan
Some claim that it was Reagan, so I come to slay men
like Bartholemew, cause every particle is physical article
was diabolical to the last visible molecule
A space night like Rom, consume planets like Unicron
A space night like Rom, consume planets like UnicronBlasting
photon bombs from the arm like Galvatron

Album:  Wu-Tang ForeverSong:   Impossible
I thought the title read 'the deep throat thread'



Everyday I stop and profoundly wonder why I'm here though... and that everything around me is real and (for the most part) within my control. I'm me.Nobody else. I could've been somebody - anybody else - but I'm not. Why this? Why now?
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Everyday I stop and profoundly wonder why I'm here though... and that everything around me is real and (for the most part) within my control. I'm me. Nobody else. I could've been somebody - anybody else - but I'm not. Why this? Why now?
If you inhale the breathe of Allah then by the time you exhale you will know the correct answer.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Why do people in other countries understand how to get serious political movements started, however in America which is the most Democratic and free society in the world, people feel that they can just go out and protest for one day and get the change they seek? Activism is a struggle, not a picnic.
Because they want to go back home, play COD4, and post on NT about how oppressive the government is.
Originally Posted by Noodles

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Everyday I stop and profoundly wonder why I'm here though... and that everything around me is real and (for the most part) within my control. I'm me.
Nobody else. I could've been somebody - anybody else - but I'm not. Why this? Why now?
If you inhale the breathe of Allah then by the time you exhale you will know the correct answer.

I'm not converting.

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Originally Posted by Noodles

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Everyday I stop and profoundly wonder why I'm here though... and that everything around me is real and (for the most part) within my control. I'm me.
Nobody else. I could've been somebody - anybody else - but I'm not. Why this? Why now?
If you inhale the breathe of Allah then by the time you exhale you will know the correct answer.

I'm not converting.

Originally Posted by finnns2003

we all triumphed over millions of other sperm.
Yooo...this is real
...cause i definitely never thought about it like that...

But consider this...if another sperm had "won", would you still have been created...Think about the end of the day, the DNA that resides ineach sperm in common to all the other sperm so ultimately, regardless of which sperm "won", would you have become you or would you as you know you tobe, never have even existed, and in your place, would be another person...and would this other person be your sibling or just another person.


um. okay... well... when i learned that the stars we see in the sky dont exist. it freaked me out...

how are we seeing something that doesnt exist you say? well because the light took so long to get to earth, it has most liekly exploded 45 million years ago. but we wont know until 45 million years later. but then... what exists there when it does leave us? everything we see in the sky has ALREADY happened, not happening.

there... my deep thought

dude got me that deep....
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Why do people in other countries understand how to get serious political movements started, however in America which is the most Democratic and free society in the world, people feel that they can just go out and protest for one day and get the change they seek? Activism is a struggle, not a picnic.
Because they want to go back home, play COD4, and post on NT about how oppressive the government is.
I guess that's why the consumer culture we're so embedded in has such a negative affect on our society. I love Noam Chomsky.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by finnns2003

we all triumphed over millions of other sperm.
Yooo...this is real
...cause i definitely never thought about it like that...

But consider this...if another sperm had "won", would you still have been created...Think about the end of the day, the DNA that resides in each sperm in common to all the other sperm so ultimately, regardless of which sperm "won", would you have become you or would you as you know you to be, never have even existed, and in your place, would be another person...and would this other person be your sibling or just another person.

no. definite no. no two people are the same. even twins are different. so no, you are who you are and any other sperm would be a completelydifferent person.
Originally Posted by Jsmilez

An arrow has to get from point A to point B. Would we also agree that that arrow would need to cross halfway between A and B? Would we also agree that that arrow would need to cross halfway of the halfway point between A and B? Would we also agree that that arrow would need to cross halfway the halfway the halfway point between A and B? The arrow would need to infinitely cross the halfway between A and B; by logic, the arrow would never reach point B since there is infinite "halfway" to cross -- but why is it that arrow eventually reach point B?

Why does a timer go from 0 to 1 when there are infinite 0.9?
You ever think about math in general? Like just because somebody one day decided that 1 + 1 = 2 and nobody could prove him wrong it means he's right? Orwho even decided that numbers such as 1 or 2 exist... or who determined what quantities they should be. Who's to say that 1 + 1 = 3. And think about it...things we kno we were taught.... were we taught somethin is such and such... and we never question it. Basically shows how ppl as a whole are followers... Ifsomebody creates somethin... and presents it in a way to some one else who wont question it... or cant prove its not true... they'll just believe it.
idk if anybody gets where im goin but yea... makes sense to me haha
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by finnns2003

we all triumphed over millions of other sperm.
Yooo...this is real
...cause i definitely never thought about it like that...

But consider this...if another sperm had "won", would you still have been created...Think about the end of the day, the DNA that resides in each sperm in common to all the other sperm so ultimately, regardless of which sperm "won", would you have become you or would you as you know you to be, never have even existed, and in your place, would be another person...and would this other person be your sibling or just another person.

I think you'd be waste in the woman's egg? It'd be a different person born though. We gotta appreciate life, it's precious
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