THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Not too impressed with the Bane one. Seeing the joints or lines on the arms makes it look cheap. It looks much better with clothes on I guess.

But in all honesty, the IronMan Mark VII Hot Toys just takes a crap all over these Batman toys.









The Batman Hot Toys so a really good job, I thought it was an actual movie poster (on one of the promotions I saw) but this figure is really good too.
I'm looking to buy a t-shirt, maybe someone can point me in the right direction? I had an idea of just a plain t **** with the bat symbol and below it it said "RISE.". I am really tempted to make it but someone has to have made that t-shirt already
One of my biggest pet peeves in movies is dealing with crappy audiences, people who are either too lazy or stupid to figure out stuff that any intelligent person paying attention can figure out.

Even worse are the retroactive whiners, the people who desperately want to tear a movie down because everybody likes it and we all know that what everyone likes can’t be of any real quality.

Thank you for posting this.

I don't claim to be more intellectual than the individuals complaining about or wholly missing plot details in TDKR (I'm not), but those who do frustrate me for two reasons. First, for a movie with so much exposition-- arguably, too much-- did you really want Nolan to explain plot points even further? Personally, I don't want everything in a film spelled out to me, especially when the details are rather inconsequential to the narrative, and even more so when the film already clocksat 2 hours and 45 minutes as is. A second, related point is that the best movies make us think. By bogging oneself down in the minutiae of the plot, you are missing the performances, construction (i.e. imagery) and larger themes presented in the film. (And in TDKR, there are many.) Put differently, if you think of criticism as a ladder, "the plot" is a rung nearest to the bottom as such critiques require the least amount of thought and can be applied to every narrative written in human history. In my opinion, only when the plot of a work (film or otherwise) hinders the other elements noted above should it become a matter of importance.
You wont get bored. At least I didnt. As long as you just let yourself get taken away again, you'll be fine regardless of knowing what's gonna happen. Hell, I still almost teared up at the end. Movie's too good, man. Way too good.
You wont get bored. At least I didnt. As long as you just let yourself get taken away again, you'll be fine regardless of knowing what's gonna happen. Hell, I still almost teared up at the end. Movie's too good, man. Way too good.

Word. I was using every kilo (yeah kilo) of strength I had to hold back them tears.
My girl cried again with the Alfred grave scene... It's so hard not to be emotional
with Michael Caine giving that godam performance.

I hope the weather gets better this weekend so I can watch TDKR again. And this time I won't be taking in any liquid a couple hours before the movie. First time I watched it, I had to go twice :smh:
Just came back from a third viewing and still loved it. That ending is just too great.

One funny thing I noticed that I'm pretty sure nobody has mentioned...

During the stock exchange scene, it's broad daylight, they say the program take 8 mins, all a sudden after the bust out on the motorcycles it's still day light, than Batman appears and its completely dark outside >D

Good catch :lol:. I guess the reason behind that is the stock exchange scene was here in NYC, and I'm guessing the chase scene was in Chicago. I didn't notice anything during the chase scene.
Going tonight to see it in IMAX.  Never saw a movie twice in the theaters, but figured I would since it's the last of the series.  I just have this feeling that I'm gonna be bored though

thinking of watching it again... I'm afraid I might get bored though.. maybe in 2 weeks.
You wont get bored. At least I didnt. As long as you just let yourself get taken away again, you'll be fine regardless of knowing what's gonna happen. Hell, I still almost teared up at the end. Movie's too good, man. Way too good.
I knew I should've read the previous posts before I made mine
.  I've never seen a movie in IMAX, at least I don't remember, so hopefully that will keep enticed...
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Going tonight to see it in IMAX.  Never saw a movie twice in the theaters, but figured I would since it's the last of the series.  I just have this feeling that I'm gonna be bored though :\ ...

Bro, I saw this movie 4 times in theater :smokin. Once normal and 3 times in IMAX. I can tell you if you loved it a ton the first time. The second time wont be boring at all.
Man of Steel => JL => GL => Bats

I'm just a little worried for another GL film as early as 2015. I would think a Wonder Woman movie between JL and Bats might be the best way to go for DC. Thoughts?
To be honest, I want to see a WW and Flash origins films first. Then another Bats semi-re-start where it completely ignores Nolanverse and then make a JL movie.

Or after the Man of Steel film, make a Superman/Batman film and that should serve as somewhat of a re-start for the Batman franchise as well that ignores Nolanverse so that the other heroes could co-exist with Bats. There are plenty of good materials for a Superman/Batman film and it is more plausible than a full blown JL movie. They can have a Luthor & Joker villain (similar to the Superman animated series where Lex tried to double cross Joker and he just went wild and tried to destroy the city, it also showed how Bats & Supers discovered each others secret identity). Then at the end the spoiler could be an alien invasion with a hint of Brainiac taking over Lex and that is the lead off point to the JL film.
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