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I'm surprised a reboot would happen so soon

Nothing is for certain but one thing is for sure, Nolan isn't coming back and there is no point in continuing that world w/o him and with them moving on towards a JL movie. I honestly do not see a full reboot where his origins will be retold like Amazing SpiderMan did but since everyone is familiar with Bruce/Bats origins, they can just ignore Nolans version and just make a Batman film where super powered, magical and alien beings could exist. Not to say that those characters have to be in the Batman film but it has to be believable that they could exist in the world. In Nolans world where he tried to make everything as logical and real as possible (no venom or no Bane getting super big or no lazarus pit) a flying alien wearing red, white and blue just doesn't make much sense. At least that seems the most logical route.

With that said, I wouldn't be surprised if WB milks the franchise for what Nolan has created and make terrible films featuring JGL as Batman.
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It seems that they won't be doing a reboot for bats, more or less starting somewhere within the "The Long Halloween" timeline I suppose. And I agree with RFX on this one, WB might need to get some Flash/WW flicks first before going all out for a JL movie. I mean, fans of course would go see JL but they would eventually need the individual films first for the normal movie goers to have some interest in it (similar to how Marvel did it). But judging by that tentative 2015 launch of JL, it seems that we'd have to settle for them afterwards.

Edit: I would assume they'd use the JL origin for the first film but I hope they do the "Tower of Babel" arc somehere down the line :smokin
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yall don't want to see a batman beyond movie?  i want to see the suit in live action

yall don't want to see a batman beyond movie?  i want to see the suit in live action:pimp:


I would LOVE nothing more than for the next Batman movie to have the Beyond suit or something similar to make it work in the movie-verse.
As far as I'm concerned there would be no reason to make new Batman films unless it follows this storyline. Otherwise wait AT least 10 years.
I think everyone would love to see this storyline keep going but without Nolan, it'll pointless. If it isn't Nolan doing it, I rather it not be done this way at all.

You guys are overreacting with not wanting to see a Batman film that has nothing to do with Nolan. I agree that it has a big shoe to fill but time to move on.
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I wouldn't want to see it done without Nolan, but I think the chance of someone else doing it, and doing it right is better than the chance of another Nolan film. But again Nolan is human just like all of us, and I do believe there is a small chance he will change his mind. :smokin
It would be such a slippery slope that I don't think it's worth risking it to make a fourth. It was meant to be a trilogy and that's how it should end.
^ Then it gets old and played out. 3 movies is enough. Let someone else take a crack at the series and let Nolan move on to new films.
Going tonight to see it in IMAX.  Never saw a movie twice in the theaters, but figured I would since it's the last of the series.  I just have this feeling that I'm gonna be bored though
Bro, I saw this movie 4 times in theater
. Once normal and 3 times in IMAX. I can tell you if you loved it a ton the first time. The second time wont be boring at all.
I did like it the first time, but everyone bringing up the plot holes is starting to get to me

As for a new Batman film, I don't think it's too soon.  Nolan's Batman is fresh in everyone's mind, but give it a year or two and it'll be on to the next.  I agree with RFX, they need to move on from Nolan's world and create their own.  In fact, I'd rather they move away from a realistic universe and go for a Tim Burton-esque world where a penguin can run for mayor...
I'd watch a Wonder Woman movie.

If Cobie Smulders played Wonder Woman I would wash.

I sort of want a continuation of Nolan's universe just to fill my Batman void. Otherwise, starting with a new storyline just seems like it'd turn out to be another Schumaker disaster.
If Cobie Smulders played Wonder Woman I would wash.
I sort of want a continuation of Nolan's universe just to fill my Batman void. Otherwise, starting with a new storyline just seems like it'd turn out to be another Schumaker disaster.
Cobie Smulders doesn't have the build to pull of Wonder Woman. I didn't think it was possible to have a baggy catsuit, but she did it in the Avengers. Wonder Woman is statuesque and voluptuous.
Cobie Smulders doesn't have the build to pull of Wonder Woman. I didn't think it was possible to have a baggy catsuit, but she did it in the Avengers. Wonder Woman is statuesque and voluptuous.

If she gained some wait and looked liked how she originally was a few years ago before having a kid she would look damb good.


I can fap to this
I would've preferred they kept his voice the same.

i felt some lines should've stayed OG. the prologue had his voice in sync with the background noise from flying, but admittedly it was hard to hear some lines. only until i read the script did the prologue seem clear to me. the thing is, it really only sounded odd BECAUSE i saw the prologue. im almost positive if i never watched the prologue, the audio wouldn't have sounded odd when i saw the final cut. at the end of the day it didn't matter, movie was sick.

article is appreciated. btw did they remix the plane scene or the whole movie? :nerd:
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