The Combat Jack Show Thread

Didn't have anything to listen to. So I started listening to the Pras Drink Champs.

It's really good so far. The Ol Dirty story is pretty crazy. I wonder how he went from that to having to have Royal Flush write most of his stuff near the end.

And why it look like Diddy initiating him into some secret society?

Illuminati Joe :lol:
Parks knowledge of basketball might be worse than Mal's

Atlanta with Milsap, Horford and Teague is a bum team?
And Chris Paul had what squad? Every year either him or Blake were hurt.
Parks knowledge of basketball might be worse than Mal's

Atlanta with Milsap, Horford and Teague is a bum team?
And Chris Paul had what squad? Every year either him or Blake were hurt.

Just cause they were hurt doesn't mean they didn't have a squad
If one of your two best players are hurt, who else were they supposed to depend on, 54 year old Paul Pierce? No offense DeAndre Jordan? Austin Rivers?

That is far from a squad.
They ain't have a super team but they had enough to at least make a conference finals once or twice. They blew that series against Houston a few years ago.
Yeah those Clipper teams were hollow which is why Roc boys took care of em after they collapsed game 6.

CP3 ain't really have a squad he didn't make look like a squad. If you need proof just look at how each of those players he's played with have improved aside from maybe David West. You won't find many, if any.

That Arian Foster/Budden episode was hard to carry through because he kept trying to link back to his atheism after every topic.

This was a good Budden pod. There were jokes and some dialog (especially the getting caught discussion)
Blame GM Doc for the Clippers never taking that leap ...he consistently filled out the roster with washed vets andbad free agent signings and gave a chance to young players except his son

:lol: at that car seat/ glitter convo, so true :lol: :smh: ...chicks do alotta stuff that can get em caught up by we just don’t notice or care most of the time like they do
GM Doc :smh:
Cp3 & Blake injuries EVERY playoffs :smh:
Jamal Ball :smh:
Old washed vets :smh:
Being the 4th best team in the West :smh:
Extreme Bad luck :smh:
Bad matchups because the divisional rule was still in place :smh:

2015 was the only year they SHOULDVE made it. But the Cp3 era Clips just happened to be the 4th best team in the West during their era.
He missed what the first 2 games? They choked a 3-1 lead. Ain't no excuse for that. Especially blowing a big lead in game 6 at home.
You arguing a different point. Just because they didn’t drink enough milk and were fragile doesn’t mean they didn’t have a squad
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