The College Basketball Post

As promised, talking kicks with DeMarcus Nelson:
good article
So EG bent you over and gave you the wang huh?

What he hit you for 30-40? Its cool he is a top 5 fresh of the country.

son having a flashback "if i only played position defense

nah its coo in high school we played a matchup zone defense and justin cerasoli literally made our whole zone shift with one crossover
As promised, talking kicks with DeMarcus Nelson
In an earlier Duke thread a couple weeks back somebody asked about D-Nelson and his love affair for the XIII's and I went on a rant about him,Daniel Ewing, and Sean Dockery being HUGE shoe heads, more specifically Jordan fiends. Luol only wore the XII's his entire freshman year too. They hadserious connections down at Southpoint and Northgate mall, not to mention at the end of the season every player would receive about 4-5 random kicks from Nikethat they never got a chance to give out throughout the year. I'm talking Maxes, Bo Jacksons, Forces, etc.
from Jay Bilas...
3. Another freshmen factor: While everyone is giving reasons for the emergence of so many freshmen this season, there is one I have not yet heard that I think is worth considering. Clearly, this is a great freshman class with unusual depth of players who are ready to be stars. There are several reasons for this: (1) These kids play a lot of basketball all over the country and are more skilled and prepared than ever before; (2) the NBA age limit sends more stars to college that otherwise would have gone pro out of high school; and (3) these freshmen have less resistance from lottery-quality juniors and seniors, because those players are gone to the NBA already. Well, I think you can add another reason for the emergence of so many freshmen: These kids are not really kids in many cases. Because of prep schools and being held back in starting school, freshmen today are older now than ever. USC's O.J. Mayo and Memphis' Derrick Rose are both 20 years old. The Trojans' Davon Jefferson is 21 years old. Indiana's Eric Gordon, Arizona's Jerryd Bayless, Duke's Kyle Singler, Gonzaga's Austin Daye Texas A&M's DeAndre Jordan, Syracuse's Donte Greene and UCLA's Kevin Love are all 19 years old. Of the best, the only one who is still 18 years old is Kansas State's Michael Beasley, which is scary because he looks and plays the oldest.
Pattrick Patterson is only 18.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

And for his incredible, never before seen outlet passes..he hasn't managed to have more than 3 assists in a game

They don't give him the is he supposed to get assists if he doesn't ever have the ball in his hands? They really need to give him theball more....hes shot a combined 10 shots in the past 2 games...You got Josh Ship thinking hes Kobe....and Darren Collison going the hell yougonna keep jackin up shots shots like that? You wanna know how important he is to the offense? Last night he touched the ball 11 times....10 of those times hetouched it, it resulted in something positive. Go back on game tape... its somewhere in the 80-90% range of positive outcomes after he touches the ball.

But I blame the coaching for them losing last night....They needed to lose though....they got away with the Michigan st. game.

Pattrick Patterson is only 18.
He said "Of the best...."
You got Josh Ship thinking hes Kobe....and Darren Collison going 4-16
hey bballah.. i was reading one of the ucla forums and there was talk about shipp possibly "freezing" k-love out... i guess the rumorstarted after the GW game...i wasn't home to catch the texas game but any truth to this?...
does shipp have something against k-love or was it just a result of the team not making it a point to get it inside to him?

i'll agree with the too many jumpshots being put up by ucla... especially LRMAM... he isn't really an outside shooter especially evidenced by that 0-5from 3 last night...
ucla just got outplayed... texas deserved it...
allen3xis wrote:
And for his incredible, never before seen outlet passes..he hasn't managed to have more than 3 assists in a game

They don't give him the is he supposed to get assists if he doesn't ever have the ball in his hands? They really need to give him the ball more....hes shot a combined 10 shots in the past 2 games...You got Josh Ship thinking hes Kobe....and Darren Collison going the hell you gonna keep jackin up shots shots like that? You wanna know how important he is to the offense? Last night he touched the ball 11 times....10 of those times he touched it, it resulted in something positive. Go back on game tape... its somewhere in the 80-90% range of positive outcomes after he touches the ball.

But I blame the coaching for them losing last night....They needed to lose though....they got away with the Michigan st. game.

? what u expect them to rebound the ball and give it tolove to start the outlet? no sir, they give it to the PG. i think what dude is saying, for them to hype that outlet pass so much this man should avg like 10dimes a game off the outlet alone
...which he isn't
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

allen3xis wrote:
And for his incredible, never before seen outlet passes..he hasn't managed to have more than 3 assists in a game

They don't give him the is he supposed to get assists if he doesn't ever have the ball in his hands? They really need to give him the ball more....hes shot a combined 10 shots in the past 2 games...You got Josh Ship thinking hes Kobe....and Darren Collison going the hell you gonna keep jackin up shots shots like that? You wanna know how important he is to the offense? Last night he touched the ball 11 times....10 of those times he touched it, it resulted in something positive. Go back on game tape... its somewhere in the 80-90% range of positive outcomes after he touches the ball.

But I blame the coaching for them losing last night....They needed to lose though....they got away with the Michigan st. game.

? what u expect them to rebound the ball and give it to love to start the outlet? no sir, they give it to the PG. i think what dude is saying, for them to hype that outlet pass so much this man should avg like 10 dimes a game off the outlet alone
...which he isn't

Nah im just saying he needs to be fed the ball when he seals his man in the post, establishes position, flashes high in the zone....The game is played andwon inside-out...NOT outside-in...If you watched the game yesterday you'd of watched UCLA go for 7 and a half minutes without scoring in the firsthalf...Why? Because they were doing nothing but shooting jumpers....not going inside and trying to establish a rhythm. Love draws the double/triple team 90% ofthe time he touches the ball in the low post.....that opens up the perimeter and makes everything easier. I realize that most of the time they are up against azone, but penetrate and dish...interior passing/kick outs KILL zones...not rotating the ball between 3 guards and shooting contested jumpers.

And there is a reason that they hype up that outlet....I SERIOUSLY doubt there is another player in the world thatcan throw them like he does...Its a unique talent that draws him comparisons to Walton and Unseld. It gets you easy baskets that otherwise you wouldn't beable to get without Love.
hey bballah.. i was reading one of the ucla forums and there was talk about shipp possibly "freezing" k-love out... i guess the rumor started after the GW game...i wasn't home to catch the texas game but any truth to this?...
does shipp have something against k-love or was it just a result of the team not making it a point to get it inside to him?

They dont have beef....but Josh does seem to look him off when has position and there have been many times where he has his man sealed for an easy 2 and allyou have to do is pass him the ball and you score. Last night he shot the ball 6 times...with 5:39 left in the game he was 4-4 from the field....DarrenCollison was tell me who should be getting the ball.
And there is a reason that they hype up that outlet....I SERIOUSLY doubt there is another player in the world that can throw them like he does...Its a unique talent that draws him comparisons to Walton and Unseld. It gets you easy baskets that otherwise you wouldn't be able to get without Love.
He is an incredible passer - but I think the reason that doesn't mean a lot to people is that passing can be taught. It's not a skillthat can't be developed, whereas with these other guys, they have athletic ability that CAN'T be taught... That's the discrepancy between whyhe's not getting the same credit as other guys, and i include myself on the list of people who are giving him a hard time.

I think he's a fantastic college big man - but nothing i've seen out of him thus far tells me he deserves first round money in the NBA, unless youthink outlet passes and rebounding alone are enough to earn him a starting spot in the league somewhere? I just think he appears to slow and I'm not surehow much better he's really going to be able to get as an offensive and defensive player with what appear to be pretty limited physical attributes... imean, he makes Tyler Hansbrough look athletic.
Seems too slow to playthe 4 in the NBA, and too short to play the 5... i don't understand where he fits in and how NBA scouts can be going ga-ga over him? I need anexplanation...
He is an incredible passer - but I think the reason that doesn't mean a lot to people is that passing can be taught. It's not a skill that can't be developed, whereas with these other guys, they have athletic ability that CAN'T be taught... That's the discrepancy between why he's not getting the same credit as other guys, and i include myself on the list of people who are giving him a hard time.

But you cant develop the outlet.....he is one of three people EVER who can do what he does. And athleticism is way overrated these days imo. Its part of thereason that the league isnt half of what it was 20 years ago.... you draft a bunch of people who don't understand the game, aren't smart players butcan jump out of the gym. Check Bill Lambeer and Kevin McHale.

Im not saying he is a starter on most teams in the L or anything but I don't see many NBA players with the skill set and tools that he has. Can he notdevelop speed? Can he not drop weight? Gain more Muscle? etc.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Naaaaaaah... he hasn't went nut yet. And 80% of the shots he takes are good shots. Even when he misses the shot looks like its good. Tonight he missed a lot off the neck of the rim, slightly long. And you can tell he's still not 100% use to getting hit a lot by bigs.

But the talent is definitely there. You can see flashes of why he is touted as he is, from his poise to the awareness (the pass to deavon off the rebound crazy
) to his ability to get his shot whenever, and he was trying to play defense today. Then he's the focal point of the defense every rip, especially when Taj or Davon has an off night like we saw today.

Mayo just playing team ball don't think he's not capable of getting 25-30+ on this USC team. BTW Davon Jefferson has been showing up it's Gibsonthat needs to bring his "A" game on O & D in order for my Trojans to beat KU.
I think he's a fantastic college big man - but nothing i've seen out of him thus far tells me he deserves first round money in the NBA, unless you think outlet passes and rebounding alone are enough to earn him a starting spot in the league somewhere? I just think he appears to slow and I'm not sure how much better he's really going to be able to get as an offensive and defensive player with what appear to be pretty limited physical attributes... i mean, he makes Tyler Hansbrough look athletic.
Seems too slow to play the 4 in the NBA, and too short to play the 5... i don't understand where he fits in and how NBA scouts can be going ga-ga over him? I need an explanation...

couldnt have said it better myself.i think he is gonna be a very good college player..but like psycho T, I think thats where it will end. and sayingathleticism is overrated is a big stretch...nowadays athleticism is like having functional arms and have to have it, and most NBA players do.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

from Jay Bilas...
3. Another freshmen factor: While everyone is giving reasons for the emergence of so many freshmen this season, there is one I have not yet heard that I think is worth considering. Clearly, this is a great freshman class with unusual depth of players who are ready to be stars. There are several reasons for this: (1) These kids play a lot of basketball all over the country and are more skilled and prepared than ever before; (2) the NBA age limit sends more stars to college that otherwise would have gone pro out of high school; and (3) these freshmen have less resistance from lottery-quality juniors and seniors, because those players are gone to the NBA already. Well, I think you can add another reason for the emergence of so many freshmen: These kids are not really kids in many cases. Because of prep schools and being held back in starting school, freshmen today are older now than ever. USC's O.J. Mayo and Memphis' Derrick Rose are both 20 years old. The Trojans' Davon Jefferson is 21 years old. Indiana's Eric Gordon, Arizona's Jerryd Bayless, Duke's Kyle Singler, Gonzaga's Austin Daye Texas A&M's DeAndre Jordan, Syracuse's Donte Greene and UCLA's Kevin Love are all 19 years old. Of the best, the only one who is still 18 years old is Kansas State's Michael Beasley, which is scary because he looks and plays the oldest.
Pattrick Patterson is only 18.

But he eats boogers.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Was it really? I'd just rub that away if it were blood. Poor PP. Now everyone thinks he eats boogers.

yeah, but if he had rubbed it on his jersey, he would've had to come out of the game. so he did what he did, but eventually he did have to comeout for a few minutes due to the blood.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Was it really? I'd just rub that away if it were blood. Poor PP. Now everyone thinks he eats boogers.
yeah, but if he had rubbed it on his jersey, he would've had to come out of the game. so he did what he did, but eventually he did have to come out for a few minutes due to the blood.

Bilas brings up a great point. However I can't wait for the matchup tonight, I think Rose will prove why he and Beasley are the nations best freshman. OJwill do his numbers but I see Rose stealing the show.
But you cant develop the outlet.....he is one of three people EVER who can do what he does. And athleticism is way overrated these days imo. Its part of the reason that the league isnt half of what it was 20 years ago.... you draft a bunch of people who don't understand the game, aren't smart players but can jump out of the gym. Check Bill Lambeer and Kevin McHale.

Im not saying he is a starter on most teams in the L or anything but I don't see many NBA players with the skill set and tools that he has. Can he not develop speed? Can he not drop weight? Gain more Muscle? etc.
Valid points - i am judging him very harshly for a kid averaging great numbers just a few games into the season.. I'll admit that. He'sdefinitely going pro in some form, and could have great success in the right system, because like you said, it's clear he really understands the gamebetter than most guys ever will.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Was it really? I'd just rub that away if it were blood. Poor PP. Now everyone thinks he eats boogers.
yeah, but if he had rubbed it on his jersey, he would've had to come out of the game. so he did what he did, but eventually he did have to come out for a few minutes due to the blood.


you could see the blood on his face and the trainers were shoving cotton up his nose.
But you cant develop the outlet.....
yeah, some people are just born with the ability to quickly get the ball to someone who can bring it up court and start the break.
How is Taj Gibson (overrated himself) going to deal with the bigs Memphis can throw out there? He has no help

I'm hoping for a Memphis blowout...I can't stand USC
Originally Posted by allen3xis

How is Taj Gibson (overrated himself) going to deal with the bigs Memphis can throw out there? He has no help

I'm hoping for a Memphis blowout...I can't stand USC

I think he will do ok, but can he handle Dozier and Dorsey on defense?
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