The College Basketball Post

Originally Posted by swendro88

Late, but just looking for opinions on this:

[h1]Jay Bilas Has Emotional Problems[/h1]
By Brian - February 2nd, 2009 at 3:11 PM - 7 comments

Filed under:
Ball transfer with 19 minutes left in a close contest:

Jay Bilas:
"Something must be done about Michigan basketball … [Beilein] must get control of his program."

Flying elbow with under a minute left in a twelve-point game:

"There was nothing wrong with Hansbrough going after that rebound. There was nothing wrong with him trying to score, or with Henderson fouling him. The problem was it was an excessive foul. The rule as written has nothing to do with intent. I don't think Henderson intended to hurt him, but that's not the issue. It was a foul that was too hard. It doesn't make either of them bad kids."

It's been brought up again and again since Tommy Amaker was deservedly fired: Jay Bilas has completely lost his head about Michigan and shouldn't talk about them, ever. Two years ago ESPN ranked the most underachieving programs from 1997 to 2007, and Michigan was #1 with a bullet. Bilas left them off his ballot entirely. A month earlier he attempted to paint the Michigan basketball program as a decrepit wasteland completely demolished by sanctions then ten years old. Midway through Beilein's first season Bilas laid into some harmless comment by Beilein in a manner so stupid it drew a fisk from Jim Carty, who at that time was not a blogger but a sportswriter. Yahoo's Adrian Wojnarowski picked it up, too:
The more Bilas shills for Amaker, the more people in basketball laugh at him. Unlike Amaker, Beilein never had the ultimate coaching godfather to pick up the phone and get him a job.

"C'mon Jay, that is terrible," an NBA scout who watched Amaker's team regularly in the Big Ten emailed me this week after reading Bilas' blog rant. "Almost laughable, really."

Even when Bilas is attempting to defend his ridiculous comments about Michigan in the wake of the Harris ejection he fabricates:
"I respect his right to protect his kid and stand up for him, and I respect that, but that doesn't mean I have to buy it. I don't buy it. I saw (the play) 100 times. That's not a basketball play. That's not the way the game is played. How many games are played every day, high school, college or pro, and players execute rip-through moves, and how many noses are broken?"

This is in reference to Beilein describing it as a basketball play. Bilas leaves something out, though:
Players and coaches from both sides said afterward they thought it simply was a "basketball play." Kramer said he didn't consider it a "dirty" play.

Both Painter and Kramer said they saw nothing dirty in the play. Again: Bilas is suggesting that Harris intentionally clocked Kramer in the face because he was frustrated with 19 minutes left in a game Michigan was leading. But Gerald Henderson didn't intend to hurt Tyler Hansborough when he gave him a flying ninja elbow in garbage time. One of these things is "not a basketball play". The other doesn't consider itself a basketball play, it considers itself a leader.

Every time Bilas opens his mouth about Michigan he flushes more of his credibility down the toilet.

There's definitely something to this, in my opinion.

And I still believe not only was an ejection unwarranted on that play, but that it technically shouldn't even be a foul either.� If you want to put yournose in somebody elses offensive space, you're gonna catch elbows like that to your grill.. and most won't be intentional, but just the nature of thehuman anatomy and the game of basketball.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by swendro88

Late, but just looking for opinions on this:

[h1]Jay Bilas Has Emotional Problems[/h1]
By Brian - February 2nd, 2009 at 3:11 PM - 7 comments

Filed under:
Ball transfer with 19 minutes left in a close contest:

Jay Bilas:
"Something must be done about Michigan basketball … [Beilein] must get control of his program."

Flying elbow with under a minute left in a twelve-point game:

"There was nothing wrong with Hansbrough going after that rebound. There was nothing wrong with him trying to score, or with Henderson fouling him. The problem was it was an excessive foul. The rule as written has nothing to do with intent. I don't think Henderson intended to hurt him, but that's not the issue. It was a foul that was too hard. It doesn't make either of them bad kids."

It's been brought up again and again since Tommy Amaker was deservedly fired: Jay Bilas has completely lost his head about Michigan and shouldn't talk about them, ever. Two years ago ESPN ranked the most underachieving programs from 1997 to 2007, and Michigan was #1 with a bullet. Bilas left them off his ballot entirely. A month earlier he attempted to paint the Michigan basketball program as a decrepit wasteland completely demolished by sanctions then ten years old. Midway through Beilein's first season Bilas laid into some harmless comment by Beilein in a manner so stupid it drew a fisk from Jim Carty, who at that time was not a blogger but a sportswriter. Yahoo's Adrian Wojnarowski picked it up, too:
The more Bilas shills for Amaker, the more people in basketball laugh at him. Unlike Amaker, Beilein never had the ultimate coaching godfather to pick up the phone and get him a job.

"C'mon Jay, that is terrible," an NBA scout who watched Amaker's team regularly in the Big Ten emailed me this week after reading Bilas' blog rant. "Almost laughable, really."

Even when Bilas is attempting to defend his ridiculous comments about Michigan in the wake of the Harris ejection he fabricates:
"I respect his right to protect his kid and stand up for him, and I respect that, but that doesn't mean I have to buy it. I don't buy it. I saw (the play) 100 times. That's not a basketball play. That's not the way the game is played. How many games are played every day, high school, college or pro, and players execute rip-through moves, and how many noses are broken?"

This is in reference to Beilein describing it as a basketball play. Bilas leaves something out, though:
Players and coaches from both sides said afterward they thought it simply was a "basketball play." Kramer said he didn't consider it a "dirty" play.

Both Painter and Kramer said they saw nothing dirty in the play. Again: Bilas is suggesting that Harris intentionally clocked Kramer in the face because he was frustrated with 19 minutes left in a game Michigan was leading. But Gerald Henderson didn't intend to hurt Tyler Hansborough when he gave him a flying ninja elbow in garbage time. One of these things is "not a basketball play". The other doesn't consider itself a basketball play, it considers itself a leader.

Every time Bilas opens his mouth about Michigan he flushes more of his credibility down the toilet.

There's definitely something to this, in my opinion.

And I still believe not only was an ejection unwarranted on that play, but that it technically shouldn't even be a foul either.� If you want to put your nose in somebody elses offensive space, you're gonna catch elbows like that to your grill.. and most won't be intentional, but just the nature of the human anatomy and the game of basketball.

I was thinking the same thing here, but the more I watch the video, the more I think it was intentional. Kramer isn't really playing thattight of defense. I don't think he's really even playing Harris that tight.. The more I watch it, I think Harris could have ripped the ball throughwhile avoiding Kramer's nose. It's a tough call, no doubt. Definitely not as blatant as Novak's elbow against Ohio State.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

I still like Wes Matthews offensive game the best out of anyone on Marquette.
Lol....when I read this sentence, this guy was the first thing that popped into my head.

Hey....they sound the same.
Ginyard is redshirting and Will Graves has been suspended for the year....

So much for having depth. Hopefully Tyler Zeller can come back before the Duke game/ACC tourney.

There is no way this team wins it all. Final 4 is not out of reach, but beyond that is unrealistic.

Originally Posted by allen3xis

Bilas knows Belein is a joke.

His teams somehow are soft, but always find room for dirty plays.
But how do you explain his reaction to harris vs. henderson?
Graves hasn't played in the last 2 or 3 games.

I knew something was wrong when Bobby got 24 mins of PT against State.

I walked by him on campus Monday and overheard him saying something to the effect of coach doesn't think I am a good player....

I'm not sure what he got suspended for. The BS UNC explanation was: According to head coach Roy Williams, Graves "did not maintain the standards weexpect of a Carolina basketball player. He will remain a part of our program and participate in practice and all other team activities. His status for 2009-10will be determined prior to next season."

I wouldn't be surprised if he failed a drug test though.

Either way this group of players is about to be the biggest disappointment I have ever seen.
don't know.

i just wanted another jab at Belein.


Ginyard would have been a nice addition at this point, but...I think less bodies with your team is better.

Hoyas tonight...showed some signs. Need more of Sims and Nikita and less of Omar and Vaughn. Good starting point moving forward tho.
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Graves hasn't played in the last 2 or 3 games.

I knew something was wrong when Bobby got 24 mins of PT against State.

I walked by him on campus Monday and overheard him saying something to the effect of coach doesn't think I am a good player....

I'm not sure what he got suspended for. The BS UNC explanation was: According to head coach Roy Williams, Graves "did not maintain the standards we expect of a Carolina basketball player. He will remain a part of our program and participate in practice and all other team activities. His status for 2009-10 will be determined prior to next season."

I wouldn't be surprised if he failed a drug test though.

Either way this group of players is about to be the biggest disappointment I have ever seen.
Hopefully Graves comes back next year & plays like I think he can. He reminds me a bit of Reyshaun Terry, he just seems to be
a bit of a lazyass out on the floor when he gets playing time. Oh well Booby Frasor needs to pick it up
I guess the less people Roy has to work with the less f'ed up line ups he can put in.

I never thought Ginyard was as good defensively as everyone hyped him up to be, but he is a hell of a lot better than Bobby Frasor. Ginyard can make the littleplays that help us win games, like a putback here or there.

If we can get Zeller back I think that would be huge.

As for Will Graves, this year would have been huge for us in the future. He is loosing a ton of experience and is obviously in Roy's dog house which he hasto fight his way out of.

It's just disappointing to see how this team looked on paper and what they have turned into.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

don't know.

i just wanted another jab at Belein.
Fair enough.

I just don't see how you can eject a player when the kid he hurt comes back in the game two minutes later (and is pumping up the crowd in the meantime).
Breaking down BracketBusters

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 | PrintEntry

BracketBusters was created to give teams from lower-profile conferences a chance at a full day of exposure and possibly another qualitynonconference game before the selection process.

Butler at Davidson, the highlight game Feb. 21, is a blockbuster game. Both teams will be in the NCAA tournament, regardless of whether they win theirconference tourney. This game could easily be an NCAA second-round matchup, considering the way both teams have played at times this season. Butler's BradStevens said Monday the good news was that the two teams probably won't face each other now in the NCAAs. The other positive outcome is that they will haveto play next season in Indianapolis as part of the return portion of BracketBusters.

Utah State at Saint Mary's is another one that makes sense based on geography. Utah State is undefeated in the WAC. Saint Mary's was just rankedbefore Australian Olympian and sophomore point guard Patty Mills went down with a broken hand. This game will be crucial for both squads. Saint Mary's mustprove it can beat a quality opponent without Mills for the NCAA tournament selection committee. The only other team on the schedule that fits the criteria willbe Gonzaga on Feb. 12, and Mills isn't due back until late February at the earliest. USU could use another quality road win since the WAC is having a downseason with no other potential at-large team.

Northern Iowa at Siena is another quality game, but it's the wrong opponent for Siena. Northeastern should be playing the Saints. Instead, Northeasternwas stuck playing at Wright State in a game that does nothing but hurt the Huskies.

Siena is the top team in the MAAC, and undefeated at this juncture. The Saints played a great schedule, even though they didn't win any of the games inOrlando at the Old Spice Classic or against Kansas or Pitt. Northern Iowa is leading the Missouri Valley with a 10-1 record. But the Panthers beat NO ONE inthe nonconference that will be in the NCAA tournament. Even the teams from supposedly higher-rated conferences like the Big East (Marquette), the Big 12 (IowaState), the Big Ten (Iowa) -- and if you want to throw in the Mountain West (Wyoming) -- were all losses. The only win against a team from a higher-ratedconference was Auburn from the SEC. Auburn is 2-4 in the SEC, 13-8 overall.

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AJ Mast/Icon SMI

Matt Janning and Northeastern will play at Wright State on Feb. 21.
Northeastern is 15-6 overall and in first place in the Colonial at 10-1. The Huskies' best win was at Providence, a team that is currently 6-3 in theBig East. NU did win at Indiana, but you could put the Big Ten-winless Hoosiers in the same category as Auburn in terms of a win in name only. The Huskies didlose to Michigan, South Florida, Rhode Island and Memphis, with only two of those teams (Memphis and Michigan) possible NCAA teams.
In's InsiderRPI, Siena is rated No. 23, Northeastern No. 55 and Northern Iowa No. 76. Northeastern also beat VCU, which is ranked No. 61, andwhich got a better road game in going to Nevada. Northeastern also beat George Mason, which is rated No. 60, and got a better road game at Creighton. Memo tothe CAA office: Northeastern is the best team in your league, so deal with it and prop the Huskies up in this event.

UNI might not get a bid if it doesn't win the Valley. Siena probably has to win the MAAC. Northeastern probably has to do the same in the CAA. The onearea in which a loss to Wright State (7-4 Horizon, 13-9 overall) could hurt is in seeding NU if it gets a bid. Losing at Nevada or Creighton wouldn't hurtas much.

One of the more intriguing games, although it might not sell tickets, is Green Bay at Long Beach State. Green Bay beat Butler on Monday to go to 10-2 in theHorizon, 18-6 overall. Long Beach State is atop the Big West at 6-2 (11-9 overall). The Buffalo at Vermont game should also be highly competitive, since theBulls (14-5, 6-1) and Catamounts (16-6, 7-2) are currently atop the MAC East and America East, respectively.

Here's a schedule of the BracketBusters games that will be televised by the ESPN family of networks. Game times and networks will be releasedMonday.

Feb. 20
VCU at Nevada
Illinois State at Niagara

Feb. 21
George Mason at Creighton
Butler at Davidson
Miami (Ohio) at Evansville
Hofstra at Fairfield
Green Bay at Long Beach State
Liberty at Old Dominion
Boise State at Portland State
Utah State at Saint Mary's
Northern Iowa at Siena
Buffalo at Vermont
Northeastern at Wright State

Some quick hitters for Tuesday:

• Jeff Capel isn't going to Georgia or anywhere else that's not a slam-dunk basketball job. UGA isn't a better job than Oklahoma. At least oneclose source to Capel confirmed that he's not going to run out of Norman for just anything. OU athletic director Joe Castiglione can match money, too. IfMaryland had opened -- and it isn't now, according to athletic director Debbie Yow -- then that might be a possibility, since it is an elite basketballjob. But go to Georgia? From what I've been told, no shot.

• Xavier's Sean Miller is a popular name to throw against a wall and see if it sticks. But Miller again has a great situation at Xavier. He just got a10-year deal. Like Gonzaga's Mark Few, it would have to be a major, major upgrade in a job to pull Miller away from XU. The buyout isn't an issue forhim, but quality of life is, so don't expect to see Miller hopping around unless it's a can't-miss situation.

• Glad to see Yow came out and quieted the rumors on Gary Williams. This has obviously been a tough week for Yow (our condolences to her on the loss of hersister, Kay). But she did need to settle everyone down. Few people have as much passion for their job as Williams does for his. I couldn't see a scenarioin which he was going to get fired. Not sure what the exact buyout was on Williams' contract, but the full figure of his deal was $6 million with threeyears remaining. Williams will go down swinging, and he should. He deserves to try to right the ship in College Park. The assistants need to step up and do abetter job of recruiting, too.

• If Michigan State were healthy, do you really think the Spartans would lose to Northwestern and Penn State in the same season? Taking Raymar Morgan out of the lineup for an extended period of time (he won't play againstMinnesota due to "walking pneumonia") was going to hurt. Morgan played limited minutes the past two games. If he's not healthy, the Spartanswon't be right.

• If Seton Hall's Bobby Gonzalez had done what Texas Tech's Pat Knight did in running on the court -- twice -- to challenge the officials, do youthink the Big East would have just reprimanded him? The Big East does seem to have more teeth than the Big 12 when it comes to disciplining their folks. Gonzowas suspended for a Big East game this season for his actions in the Rutgers game last season. While Knight defending his players can be viewed as admirable,the appearance of charging the officials could have easily resulted in a suspension.

• The decision by Juan Pattillo to remove his redshirt status has been a great onefor Oklahoma. He is averaging 10.3 points, 2.7 boards and 19 minutes a game over the past three games. He's also 12-of-18 from the field and 7-of-7 fromthe free-throw line. The JC transfer didn't get eligible until August and missed summer conditioning. He was also banged up and wasn't able to practiceas much. But he took the redshirt status away before the Texas game Jan. 12. Since then, he has turned into a great find off the bench at both ends of thecourt.

• By the way, the more the Big East and ACC teams beat each other up, the more likely it appears Oklahoma will be one of the No. 1 seeds.


Sean Miller absolutely could leave, because Jamie Dixon could leave..that'd be some dominoes falling...Dixon UofA, Miller back to Pitt.

Gary's assistants need to do better? c'mon..who hires them?
We're a mess. As of now our bench consists of Bobby, Drew II, and Ed. Pretty much nothing offensively aside from Ed on a good night. Zeller would behuge.

I don't know what's up with Graves, can't see it being drug related or they would've given him the boot. I still don't understand why theywaited until October to fix a problem Ginyard had last season.
Devan Downey deserves the SEC player of the year. I know Meeks has better stats but that team is nothing without him.
Originally Posted by JND1

We're a mess. As of now our bench consists of Bobby, Drew II, and Ed. Pretty much nothing offensively aside from Ed on a good night. Zeller would be huge.

I don't know what's up with Graves, can't see it being drug related or they would've given him the boot. I still don't understand why they waited until October to fix a problem Ginyard had last season.
I agree with the Ginyard comment... Yet this dude is still out at La Rez like it ain't no thang. I mean, I don't know what to think aboutit. This guy goes out more than anyone I know and is nursing an injury? I am not trying to say that he shouldn't go out, but god damn. You would think hewould take it easy and try to get rehabed.

As for Graves, I am not sure if it is Phelps related or what, but I know this dude is down to chief when its available. But then again I have no insideinformation as to why he was suspended for the season, but that penalty seems real harsh. I mean, why not make him run extra sprints and bench him a couplegames? Again, I don't know what he did wrong, but I am skeptical as to how the situation was handled. And I have no faith in Bobby or LD II coming off thebench. I can mess with Ed, but then again he has played much better than charmin soft Deon Thompson ever since Tyler came back.

Hopefully Z can come back from his wrist injury and be in game condition by the ACC tournament. That would be huge for us.

Either way this is a veteran team that understands the regular season and the tournament, so hopefully we start to mesh and play to our potential inMarch/April...
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Devan Downey deserves the SEC player of the year. I know Meeks has better stats but that team is nothing without him.

right now i would give it to Meeks, at the end of the season, who knows. Downey is coming to play! And he also has a win over Meeks and UK. If S. Caro. winsthe SEC and UK doesnt atleast place 3rd, I would say possibly give it to Downey. There will be a lot of mad UK fans if Meeks doesnt win it though. He is havingan amazing season and it will be hard for Downey to steal the POY award from him.
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