The College Basketball Post

I see Boeheim ducked Saint Rose after last years scare
My advice: Get your Christmas shopping done early and stay home that Saturday.
what the %@##
i think i'll have my commencement thatday... i might just skip it and watch basketball for that slate
what the %@##
i think i'll have my commencement that day... i might just skip it and watch basketball for that slate


Somehow I gota manage to get the TV on the Georgetown/Witchita State game during Thanksgiving dinner in a family of football fans

Had to make my way to the Tv for the Davidson game last year during in Easter
...and watching that loss in front of ruthless people that know me and Hoya Hoops...Big time L.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

what the %@##
i think i'll have my commencement that day... i might just skip it and watch basketball for that slate

Somehow I gota manage to get the TV on the Georgetown/Witchita State game during Thanksgiving dinner in a family of football fans

Had to make my way to the Tv for the Davidson game last year during in Easter
...and watching that loss in front of ruthless people that know me and Hoya Hoops...Big time L.

That whole week of Thanksgiving is almost like championship week or the opening week of the NCAA for me because it's the first slew of games,and the last time you'll have weekday daytime basketball on until March, with the exception of one here or there during Christmas time or so.

So like - I kinda OD usually since we have that week off school and just watch way too much basketball. But i think the family kinda understands at this pointthat it's my "thing", since i've missed so much school and work for basketball and basketball alone over the years.

I just noticed that the NCAA is going to start on my birthday this year... good times.. now the decision is, do i get wasted that day or actually try to payattention to the games?
Originally Posted by allen3xis

I see Boeheim ducked Saint Rose after last years scare

Doesn't surprise me... soon he'll be playing high school teams.

But seriously, that league is pretty damn good for Division 2. I think a couple of years ago Bryant took Maryland to the last couple minutes with it tied butbarely lost.
I think I remeber you....O'Shea, right?
Where you lookin to go to school

You play MAU at all this year?
Originally Posted by allen3xis

I see Boeheim ducked Saint Rose after last years scare

That game was too close. Who would have known that our season wouldhave been that sloppy?

[h1]Board of Directors end practice of early Midnight Madness[/h1]
Associated Press

Updated: October 30, 2008, 6:33 PM ET

INDIANAPOLIS -- The NCAA's board of directors is ending the practice of early Midnight Madness practices because it believes it could give schools a recruiting advantage.

The emergency legislation, passed Thursday, is designed to close a loophole in a previous rule that allowed coaches to have two hours of individual instruction before the official start of the season. Some coaches took advantage of that this year and decided to hold Midnight Madness a week earlier than the season's official start date. The new guidelines take effect next season.

The board also heard recommendations intended to give individual coaches their own academic progress report and a proposal that would reinstate possible television bans for NCAA infractions.

Don't be mad if you can't recruit worth a damn.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

[h1]Board of Directors end practice of early Midnight Madness[/h1]
Associated Press

Updated: October 30, 2008, 6:33 PM ET

INDIANAPOLIS -- The NCAA's board of directors is ending the practice of early Midnight Madness practices because it believes it could give schools a recruiting advantage.

The emergency legislation, passed Thursday, is designed to close a loophole in a previous rule that allowed coaches to have two hours of individual instruction before the official start of the season. Some coaches took advantage of that this year and decided to hold Midnight Madness a week earlier than the season's official start date. The new guidelines take effect next season.

The board also heard recommendations intended to give individual coaches their own academic progress report and a proposal that would reinstate possible television bans for NCAA infractions.
Don't be mad if you can't recruit worth a damn.

Doesn't make any sense; if all schools participate in the Midnight Madness how is it a gigantic recruiting advantage

Love when haters get mad; those small schools can't get a big name recruit
The poll from the Pac-10 Media:

1- UCLA (37 first place votes- 379 points)
2- Arizona State (1 first place vote- 325 points)
3- USC (292 points)
4- Arizona (241 points)
5- Washington (217 points)
6- Washington State (188 points)
7- Oregon (147 points)
8- Cal (143 points)
9- Stanford (115 points)
10- Oregon State (40)
Craig Robinson, Oregon State

-- Daniel Deane, who transferred in, he expects to contribute, as well as Omari Johnson, a freshman from Los Angeles.

-- Practice is at 5:30 in the morning.

-- He's planning to go to Chicago on election night, to watch results of the election - that one involving his brother-in-law, Barack Obama.

-- At Oregon State, his first plan is to change the culture of losing, and replace it with winning. He quoted his brother-in-law, saying he "likes to bethe underdog."

-- He wouldn't name a starting lineup, but implied that Josh Tarver, who was the player who came with him for media day, is a pretty good bet.
-- He provided a basketball scouting report on his brother-in-law: He is probably in the top 25% of pick-up basketball players. He's left-handed, a truelefty and is best going left. He has a very good outside shot, "as most people do as they get older." He's "wiry strong and he knows thegame." He has a high basketball IQ, so it's fun to play with him. Obama, though, has never played Robinson one-on-one. "We have never playedone-on-one. He's knows exactly what he's doing."

Mike Montgomery, California

-- Said that, after Craig Robinson's comments, the press will twist it to say that Barack Obama is "way to the left."

-- Said he has no aspirations to be first lady.

-- He said everyone wants to talk about taking the Cal job after being the Stanfor coach for so long. "It's difficult to duplicate the 18 years I hadat Stanford," Montgomery said. "I'm very proud of what I accomplished there."

-- The team is challenged, vertically challenged, according to Montgomery. "We lost two draft picks, both which were inside guys. Ryan Anderson and DevonHardin. We return a good nucleus of players - Patrick Christopher, Jerome Randle, Theo Robertson, who is coming off injury. With bigs, it's our mostcritical area of need. Harper Kamp had knee surgery and is still recovering. Taylor Harrison has not been on the floor for a year and half (because of injury).

-- He said his brother was running for president of his homeowner's association.

Lorenzo Romar, Washington

-- He said there is still a letter at his mother's house from Mike Montgomery when Montgomery was recruiting him. Montgomery, who was leaving the room atthe time, called back, "I've always been a lousy recruiter, Lorenzo."

- He thinks his team is much more experienced than in previous seasons, with seniors Jon Brockman, Justin Dentmon and Artem Wallace, and junior QuincyPondexter.

-- On Brockman: "As a freshman he averaged 8 and 6. As a sophomore he was all-conference. As a junior he was third in the nation in rebounding. Each yearhe's made a significant improvement and he can do it again. I think he has. He's in better shape. He's like a sleek Doberman. But he's still at250 pounds and hard as a wall, but better proportioned. He's a very efficient basketball player right now. We should cherish every moment of his last yearat Washington."

-- On 5-8 freshman guard Isaiah Thomas: "He is definitely small, that's for sure. He's one of those guys that doesn't know he's small,though. He's a very confident player. He's a type of player that can captivate you a bit, watching him and wondering how he survives out there. He hasa big heart, and is courageous. I'm glad we have him on our team."

Russ Pennell, Arizona

-- "Bet you didn't expect me to be here, did you?"

-- Arizona is a good team to be the interim coach of, with talent like Chase Budinger, Nic Wise and Jordan Hill.

-- Style-wise, he leans philosophically toward Lute Olson's style. He lives the motion offense and wants to give players the freedom to do things.Defensively, he'll play man-to-man, mixed with some zone. He wants to play in Arizona's up-and-down style but implement a good pressure defense.

-- He expects Jamelle Horne to step up. He has been impressed with freshman Brandon Lavender.

Ernie Kent, Oregon

-- Oregon is a young basketball team, but talented. He said they have six freshmen, so there's a lot of teaching going on in practice.

-- He expects to play Tajuan Porter off the ball more.

-- He thinks the new three-point line could bring back the mid-range game to college basketball.

-- Believes UCLA deserves to be the pre-season pick to win the conference, returning three good players and getting the #1 recruiting class.

Herb Sendek, Arizona State

-- While the Sun Devils still have just one senior, Sendek believes they're a much more experienced team.

-- He feels very fortunate that James Harden and Jeff Pendergraph decided to return this season.

Tim Floyd, USC

-- Surprised that ASU got only one first-place vote.

-- For the first time, he has four guys in the program who have been with the team for three years - Daniel Hackett, Keith Wilkinson, Taj Gibson and DwightLewis.

-- Expects the guys who were hurt last season - Mamadou Diarra, Marcus Simmons, and Kasey Cunningham, to make big impressions.

-- Believes he has good young talent. He said that Demar Derozan could be "the most talented of any freshman I've been around." He might be"the best athlete" he's "ever coached."

-- Floyd told a story about freshman guard Percy Miller (AKA Lil Romeo, the wealthy entertainer). On a recent recruiting weekend, Miller was designated toentertain two recruits and instead of taking the $30 stipend per recruit that is allowed by the NCAA, Miller said he didn't need it.

-- On UCLA: "They're the measuring stick. They've been to three Final Fours in a row. You have a system they play that's difficult to playagainst. They have outstanding guard play all three years, and consistent. And this year that's not going to change. It's great when UCLA is great. Ifyou can beat them it really helps you. We need UCLA to be great."

Tony Bennett, WSU

-- He has 10 first-year players, either redshirt or true freshmen, and one sophomore who's never played college basketball. He was told he has the mostfreshman in Division 1 this season.

-- He feels you can't replace Robbie Cowgill, Derrick Low and Kyle Weaver. But he thinks he'll play the young players, go through the growing painswith them and reap the benefits a few years down the line like he did with Cowgill, Low and Weaver.

-- Cited Klay Thompson as the freshman who has the best chance of having an impact.

Johnny Dawkins, Stanford

-- He's going to rely on his two captains, Mitch Johnson and Anthony Goods.

-- He's been impressed with the play of junior wing Landry Fields in practice.

-- About his style of play: "We'll be somewhat different than years past. We don't have the Lopezes. So we'll play a little faster. We'llplay man-to-man defense, but play a faster pace than Stanford has traditionally played."

-- On Mike Montgomery being at Cal: "He's been great. I've spoken to him a number of times when I got the job and when we've crossed paths.He's a good resource for me, knowing all the ins and outs of Stanford. He's shown a willingness to help and I appreciate it."
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

and why because pargo didnt leave sheron shouldnt? the PG class this year going to be weaker then last year so who knows where he goes

Pargo, Lawson, Rice, Walker, Holiday, Price, Jennings, Rubio, Flynn, Curry, Calathes, Lucas, etc....

Doubt it.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

and why because pargo didnt leave sheron shouldnt? the PG class this year going to be weaker then last year so who knows where he goes

Pargo, Lawson, Rice, Walker, Holiday, Price, Jennings, Rubio, Flynn, Curry, Calathes, Lucas, etc....

Doubt it.
how about weaker?
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

stupid %!!**@% +$$$+ doesnt no know how to god damn read


How is the PG class from this year weaker than last year?

Last year you had Rose, 'Rio and DJ. That's it. Last year was all top heavy.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

stupid %!!**@% +$$$+ doesnt no know how to god damn read


How is the PG class from this year weaker than last year?

Last year you had Rose, 'Rio and DJ. That's it. Last year was all top heavy.
When's the last time you had a class that nasty at the top though? What about Mayo, Bayless, Singletary?
-- Floyd told a story about freshman guard Percy Miller (AKA Lil Romeo, the wealthy entertainer). On a recent recruiting weekend, Miller was designated to entertain two recruits and instead of taking the $30 stipend per recruit that is allowed by the NCAA, Miller said he didn't need it.
I'ma go diggin' in the rule books. That's GOTTA be a recruiting violation, lettin' that lil Percy splurge like that. Yea I'mhatin'. I wonder what kinda whip he pushin' round campus and what kinda snatch he pullin'.

When's the last time you had a class that nasty at the top though? What about Mayo, Bayless, Singletary?
C'mon Craftsy, you reachin' now. You know damn well the 3 examples you gave aren't REALLY point guards. This years crop of PG'sis deep. No question it's better than last years group. Last year had more and better hybrid guards. This year has more natural point guards.
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Mayo's not a PG

Enh, I guess I was talking more for the NBA potential.. which i believe he'll be used as a PG, if not now, eventually.
C'mon Craftsy, you reachin' now. You know damn well the 3 examples you gave aren't REALLY point guards. This years crop of PG's is deep. No question it's better than last years group. Last year had more and better hybrid guards. This year has more natural point guards.
but last years class has all the same guys this year, plus the guys last year. So how can it be deeper and/or better? There's nofreshmen PG's this year even being mentioned.
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