The College Basketball Post

hamilton is bum
HOLY **!$@+% **%#


Y'all +%$@*@$+*%!@* better hop on the Toney Douglas bandwagon right now. Dude might not be the best pro pg prospect but in college i'll take him overany pg in the acc including Teague
I just saw that traveling call..
How was he suppose to land witha dude from the other team laying under him
Originally Posted by henz0

I just saw that traveling call..
How was he suppose to land with a dude from the other team laying under him
Yeah i was thinking the same thing any other time during the game it would have been a foul, but the refs would have taken heat for that. I haveno problem with the call something had to be called one way or another
I waited until this morning to post, because I am still trying to process how in the #e!! you let someone as big as Johnson get FREE FOR A LAYUP to END THEGAME!!!! I watched that whole game and just realized in the pictures he didn't dunk it, he laid it up, because when he caught the ball I just closed myeyes because I knew it was over. Pitiful. But I do have to say, Teague is a beast. Aminu is going to be great. Wake, NC, and Duke are all top 7 teams. Bestconference by far at the top. And I also ask, how else was Henderson supposed to land? That should have been a no-call, but I knw the rules state if you fallit is a travel. Karma for that BS foul on Aminu after Scheyer got that steal with .38 ticks left. My wife thought I was going to fall off the couch. Anothernote, I thought the Big East was supposed to have three tiers of team? Looks like they have Uconn, 10 pretty solid teams, and then suck. I guess Uconn bytheirselves could be one tier, but that is pretty bad separation.
This is an interesting read on the UMD/Gary Williams situation...I guess Gary won't compromise the intregrity of the program on the behalf of recruitingshady/troubled kids....I can see both sides of this argument....but in order to be competitive in today's NCAA hoops, there are times you gotta resort tosome of these tactics....I don't think Gary will change his ways one-bit...for better, or worse. Gary can coach...there is NO doubt about'sthe recruiting aspect that is killing him. He needs better assistants...ones who will be going all over the place to land that impact player. A betterrelationship with PG County should be their 1st priority. There is no excuse for UMD to lose kids in their own backyards to programs like GMU (nodisrespect) excuse

That's usually Williams's MO: If there's blame to be handed out, he'll take it. He has never been an "I coached good, they played bad" coach. After the loss to Morgan State his first comment was, "I didn't do a good enough job of getting the guys to understand why this was a dangerous game." This time, though, he talked about Gus Gilchrist's decision to leave Maryland last spring for South Florida and Tyree Evans ending up at Kent State instead of enrolling at Maryland as a freshman last fall.

"Yeah, and it wasn't my fault that they're not here," Williams said. "You know, that was somebody else's call."

The implication was that Yow or someone in the athletic department had somehow been responsible for Gilchrist and Evans not being at Maryland. Williams has since said he wasn't talking about Yow in the Gilchrist case but about Terrelle Woody, Gilchrist's "personal trainer," who is now on the staff at South Florida.

Regardless, on Tuesday, the athletic department immediately began firing back at Williams, providing documentation to show it was Williams who had released Gilchrist from his scholarship and Williams who had decided that Evans, who had frequently been in trouble with the law, should not be at Maryland.

Williams did make those decisions, and he should be proud of them. He refused to allow Gilchrist and Woody to force him into giving Woody a job. He belatedly realized that bringing in a player with Evans's off-court record was a mistake for the program and probably not a good idea for Evans, whose every off-court move would have been scrutinized in this market.

So this is what it has come to at Maryland: The coach and the AD are "blaming" each other for doing the right thing.

The worst part of all this isn't the airing of dirty laundry and personal animosities in public. It's that everyone at Maryland seems to be missing the point: Through Tuesday night, Gilchrist was averaging 10.8 points and 5.0 rebounds for 7-12 South Florida, and Evans is averaging 13.0 points and 2.3 rebounds for 9-11 Kent State.

Originally Posted by duke4005

I waited until this morning to post, because I am still trying to process how in the #e!! you let someone as big as Johnson get FREE FOR A LAYUP to END THE GAME!!!! I watched that whole game and just realized in the pictures he didn't dunk it, he laid it up, because when he caught the ball I just closed my eyes because I knew it was over. Pitiful. But I do have to say, Teague is a beast. Aminu is going to be great. Wake, NC, and Duke are all top 7 teams. Best conference by far at the top. And I also ask, how else was Henderson supposed to land? That should have been a no-call, but I knw the rules state if you fall it is a travel. Karma for that BS foul on Aminu after Scheyer got that steal with .38 ticks left. My wife thought I was going to fall off the couch. Another note, I thought the Big East was supposed to have three tiers of team? Looks like they have Uconn, 10 pretty solid teams, and then suck. I guessUconn by theirselves could be one tier, but that is pretty bad separation.

So, 11 Solid teams (I'm sure you know but, the ACC only has 12 teams), with 4 teams ranked in the top 8..... Big East > ACC.
Did I really see a Gary Williams quote scroll across the ESPN Ticker last night in response to something the Assistant AD said that read something alongthe lines of "She doesn't speak for me, she's never won a National Championship."?

Yeah, Gary's days are numbered.

Denny Crum was going thru the same stuff right before he get fired... oops I mean resigned.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Did I really see a Gary Williams quote scroll across the ESPN Ticker last night in response to something the Assistant AD said that read something along the lines of "She doesn't speak for me, she's never won a National Championship."?

yeah, Gary said that....he's got more pull than the AD, and Debbie Yow doesn't have the guts to fire him...Gary is gonna go on hisown terms...believe that.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Did I really see a Gary Williams quote scroll across the ESPN Ticker last night in response to something the Assistant AD said that read something along the lines of "She doesn't speak for me, she's never won a National Championship."?

yeah, Gary said that....he's got more pull than the AD, and Debbie Yow doesn't have the guts to fire him...Gary is gonna go on hisown terms...believe that.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Did I really see a Gary Williams quote scroll across the ESPN Ticker last night in response to something the Assistant AD said that read something along the lines of "She doesn't speak for me, she's never won a National Championship."?

yeah, Gary said that....he's got more pull than the AD, and Debbie Yow doesn't have the guts to fire him...Gary is gonna go on hisown terms...believe that.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Did I really see a Gary Williams quote scroll across the ESPN Ticker last night in response to something the Assistant AD said that read something along the lines of "She doesn't speak for me, she's never won a National Championship."?

yeah, Gary said that....he's got more pull than the AD, and Debbie Yow doesn't have the guts to fire him...Gary is gonna go on hisown terms...believe that.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Did I really see a Gary Williams quote scroll across the ESPN Ticker last night in response to something the Assistant AD said that read something along the lines of "She doesn't speak for me, she's never won a National Championship."?

yeah, Gary said that....he's got more pull than the AD, and Debbie Yow doesn't have the guts to fire him...Gary is gonna go on hisown terms...believe that.
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