The College Basketball Post

Conflicting reports. ESPN reported on air that Matthews suffered 'significant ligament damage,' which UM's medical staff quickly rebutted. He's technically classified as day-to-day at the moment. The silver lining is that Livers notched a double-double in his first start of the season. If Matthews is really out for a prolonged period, DDJ and Castleton will have to provide more minutes off Beilein's bench. Squad put clamps on James Palmer Thursday. Strong defense will always keep them in games. I'd like to see Livers shoot more (threes).

IMO, this team goes as far as Iggy's offense (and shot particularly) takes them. If he's locked in he was vs. UNC in the ACC/B10 challenge or second IU W, watch out.

Obviously I'll have to revisit my Final Four predictions with Zion's imminent return.

Corrected wrong day for Nebraska game.

Definitely agree that Iggy offensively is the key to how far they go. He reminds me of Mo for them last year, just less consistent.
A lot of Wake fans want Wes and lets be honest, you aren’t turning down a job at the top conference in the country to stay at G. The fan base wants to win, the boosters want to win and you better damn well believe after Wellman’s last to screw ups that Currie won’t follow suit. Wake can and does still attract top 50 talent. Better believe the man they hire will be someone who will energize the fanbase and create excitement. Currie paid very close attention to that with the hire of Pearl at UT.

If unc is still Wes’s goal then him going to Wake isn’t gonna change that
Yea, forgot about Hubert. I suppose he would be candidate number 1 over Wes since he's already there and on the staff, making the transition a lot easier.

With that being said, Wes got extended for 7 more seasons after the tournament last year. Roy just got 8 this season. We know Roy is going to do everything in his power to finish out that extension, health permitting. But there's a big chance that he could be unable to.

I just think Wes can do better than a wake, like jumpman somewhat alluded too.

I read and hear people saying that they want him at State, a much better program. Even though I believe with his unc roots that would never happen.
State fans are pretty unrealistic . Yes they had two rings before Duke had any , but that's 35 years ago . At Wake you just got to make the dance consistently enough

Exactly. They ran Sendek outta town and he was the most consistent of the last 4 (Lowe, Gott, Keatts). Though jury still out on Keatts.

I’ve heard rumors around town from people tied to the program that Keatts is gone first time the phone rings from someone on their level or better. He’s considered this a stepping stone job. He’s gotta win for that to work though.
Wake alums I know said he got canned for a few off court rumors.

Yep. There was a lot going on there and then the Gary Clark hotel incident didn’t make things any better.

There’s a reason Gaudio didn’t get any job offers until this past year when Mack hired him.

The fanbase would be thrilled at this point making the tournament consistently and being competitive. Mix in some sweet 16’s and you’re golden. Prosser passing was horrible for the program
Man, I loathe NC state. Can’t stand them and their delusional fans. I dislike that program more than duke.

With that being said, I would still think it’s better job than wake lol. State students fill the Marcus Paige/Luke Maye arena every week. It’s always a fun atmosphere, the school cares about their sports.

I don’t remember the last time Wake has played a NC school at home, and their supporters outnumber the other in-state opponent fans.

It’s just not a place I would wanna see Wes go. Seems like a failure from the jump.
Man, I loathe NC state. Can’t stand them and their delusional fans. I dislike that program more than duke.

With that being said, I would still think it’s better job than wake lol. State students fill the Marcus Paige/Luke Maye arena every week. It’s always a fun atmosphere, the school cares about their sports.

I don’t remember the last time Wake has played a NC school at home, and their supporters outnumber the other in-state opponent fans.

It’s just not a place I would wanna see Wes go. Seems like a failure from the jump.

I agree with the student comment. Which is why they need someone who will rejuvenate the fanbase and be an “exciting” hire.

State fans are delusional and Gottfried made all those comments about “this is our state” which blew up in his face.

Wake was ranked #1 in the country during Gaudio’s tenure and the downfall of him losing to Cleveland state in the tourney as a 3 seed didn’t help his stay. Prosser has them ranked #1 as well. When’s the last time state won the ACC? Wake won it in 03.

I’m not justifying it, whoever takes over that program has their work cut out but whoever turns it around is gonna be worshipped after the last 8 years.

They did sell out the game 2 years ago against Duke where Kennard hit the game winner and Wake fans were out in numbers. They’ll support a winning product-something they haven’t had. State made the right hire in Keatts and the man is recruiting damn well.

Wellman passed on Mack for Manning, he passed on Altman for Bzdelik. He was the problem. Manning should’ve never been hired after his 1 year of “success” at Tulsa. He can recruit but he can’t coach to save his life. Whoever the next coach is regardless, this hire cannot be ****** up :lol: they may never recover if this one isn’t a home run
:lol: I’ll believe it when I see it with the fbi stuff over his head.

Don’t think you’ll see RJ make an announcement about reclassing until after Tre makes a decision or until the staff gets a feel on what he’s gonna do. As of now(3/4) he’s returning. A lot can change over the next month and it’ll be easy to spot the hand being tipped
:lol: I’ll believe it when I see it with the fbi stuff over his head.

Don’t think you’ll see RJ make an announcement about reclassing until after Tre makes a decision or until the staff gets a feel on what he’s gonna do. As of now(3/4) he’s returning. A lot can change over the next month and it’ll be easy to spot the hand being tipped
Hard to see Tre leaving, especially with his outside shooting being atrocious this season.

Then again, we’ve seen the tourney do wonders for some.
I agree with the student comment. Which is why they need someone who will rejuvenate the fanbase and be an “exciting” hire.

State fans are delusional and Gottfried made all those comments about “this is our state” which blew up in his face.

Wake was ranked #1 in the country during Gaudio’s tenure and the downfall of him losing to Cleveland state in the tourney as a 3 seed didn’t help his stay. Prosser has them ranked #1 as well. When’s the last time state won the ACC? Wake won it in 03.

I’m not justifying it, whoever takes over that program has their work cut out but whoever turns it around is gonna be worshipped after the last 8 years.

They did sell out the game 2 years ago against Duke where Kennard hit the game winner and Wake fans were out in numbers. They’ll support a winning product-something they haven’t had. State made the right hire in Keatts and the man is recruiting damn well.

Wellman passed on Mack for Manning, he passed on Altman for Bzdelik. He was the problem. Manning should’ve never been hired after his 1 year of “success” at Tulsa. He can recruit but he can’t coach to save his life. Whoever the next coach is regardless, this hire cannot be ****ed up :lol: they may never recover if this one isn’t a home run

I agree with all of this. Wake was rowdy in the Prosser era. You just have to put a decent product out there.

Post-1983, all winning does at State is raise the expectation for the next year, no matter what the roster looks like.
dog said the samething last week. It’s only a matter of time now.

Top recruiting classes, NBA talent, with hardly anything to show for it.

Going to finish a 3rd straight season without a winning record in the big 12, 0 NCAA tournament wins, and 2-3 in the big 12 tournament.

I’m sure the players love him, seems like a great person to be coached by personality wise. He just isn’t winning
Top recruiting classes, NBA talent, with hardly anything to show for it.

Going to finish a 3rd straight season without a winning record in the big 12, 0 NCAA tournament wins, and 2-3 in the big 12 tournament.

I’m sure the players love him, seems like a great person to be coached by personality wise. He just isn’t winning
Sounds like a guy who should've stayed in his lane at VCU and tried to build his version of Gonzaga to me.
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