The College Basketball Post

hes in that bill self, boeheim, roy williams tier for me, but not in the elite category with izzo, k and pitino. brad stevens is becoming an elite coach. what he did at butler and now with the celtics is very impressive.
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in two minutes of this duke game steve fisher's offense has had more movement than 40 minutes of st johns. lavin is seriously a pathetic coach. i truly wonder what his practices are like. least norm's, i saw them running plays and trying to execute, the system just didn't fit the talent, but man, lavin sucks.
No, and maybe I am misunderstanding, but I am reading that as "Miss State won't hire Hunter b/c he's black and they'd never have two black coaches in a row." 

...and if that's what he is's a bit off because I'd bet that less than 1% of programs have had two black head coaches in a row at some point.

Yea, you read that completely wrong.

Where did I ever suggest that he was fired because he was black? The lack of African American coaches in a sport that has rosters chock full of black kids is a serious problem. That's the issue that I'm concerned with. I don't believe that it's logical that we have so many great black players, but magically we don't have nearly as many good coaches. Please point to me specifically bringing that up repeatedly as well. It's an issue that has been discussed here before, and I'm pretty sure @Al3xis brought it up recently. Not really hard to see.
Why do college fans like calling legendary coaches bad coaches? :lol:

Cmon, Roy Williams is a good coach.

Can you find a comment where people said he was a bad coach?

If people don't like Roy as much as other coaches I don't see why it's such a big deal
It's funny how calling Roy overrated is interpreted as being called a bad coach. Y'all love putting words in other people's mouths.
No one overrated him. NO ONE.
This might be my first time hearing him as overrated 
good to know. thanks for the riveting discussion.

curious to see how okafor handles these double teams in the post. normally he gets rid of the ball quickly and reposts, didn't even bother to do that there.
so is jim nantz/bill raftery/grant hill the main crew? with kerr in the nba and greg anthony suspended due to his prostitution bust i assume this is the team

big fan of bill raftery :smokin
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