The College Basketball Post

******** way to lose man. that wasn't a foul. you can't make that call in the final seconds of a 3 point game. refs were buns.
Indiana up 7 at home against UNC Greensboro. 1:12 left.

You could even call this the calm before the storm for Tom, too.
Matt Carlino like a 7th-year Grad-Student Transfer Senior that received 4 medical redshirts...seems like he's been around FOREVER...but he's only 22.
Also...Perry and Cliff both looked great today. Tennessee made their run but KU seemed to handle it well and not let Tennessee pull away at all. 

PG play still scares me. Frank looks to shoot too much, needs to find the open guy more often.

And for those of you still wondering why Oubre isn't should know by now. (And read Gary Parrish's column on him.)
This dude just shot a one-handed floater from 3 with both his feet set.  

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Okafor should be playing for the Sixers. :pimp:

Ain't even fair.
No guarantee he goes #1 overall. Towns is a special type of player. Doesn't look like he is done growing either.
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Not to derail this into NBA talk but on jahlili/towns/mudaiy quick...

But I think while I have long been bullish on Jahlil as an college basketball prospect you have legitimate question about how high Jahlil's ceiling is as an NBA prospect. Could he be better than Al Jefferson for example? How about Brook Lopez? These are kind of low ceiling for what you want from a number one pick.

Also so far he hasn't been generating foul attempts which is a must if he's going to continue to play below the rim and be an efficient scorer in the NBA, and you get the distinct sense that some of his pet moves would be rejected by NBA defenders. What happens when he faces someone his own size, Jahlil is big but he's not 7 feet tall.

and also the relatively inefficient elite post up player who is black hole and not a great defender, seems like isn't a way to build an elite NBA team in the modern NBA, Can you build an elite NBA offense around a Jahlil Okafor type? For all of all Jefferson's footwork, Charlotte offense has long been a dumpster fire.

Karl Towns on the other hand has a ready made NBA comparison who is having a ton of success right now; Marc Gaosl.

The floor is very high with Jalhlil but if I was drafting 1 I would strongly consider Town but I understand not taking such a sure thing in Jahlil is incrdibly risky thing for a GM to do.
Mudaiy the guy in China right? Been wanting to watch him play but it's impossible to find CBA Streams :smh:
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