The College Basketball Post

Rashad McCants back in 2009.... He has to be bi-polar or something

Q: What are your feelings today about Roy Williams?

A: Roy Williams, to me, is a person who really helped me change [my] perception when he got there; he gave me a fresh start. He actually gave me a lot of confidence my sophomore year; I averaged 20 ppg that season. … Coach just told me to be aggressive, and he had confidence in my ability to take over games, and to help my teammates. He put my scoring ability out as a strength, and a powerful strength, for me. I’ll always honor Coach Williams for that, and the fact that he told me to my face, ‘I’m here this year, and we’re going to make the tournament. We’re probably not going to go all the way, but next year, we’re going to win it all.’ And that’s what we did.

Q: Are you close to Williams; do you still speak to him regularly?

A: Of course. Every time I’m in town, we sit down, talking 45 minutes to an hour, just catching up. My phone number is constantly changing, so he’s always chasing my number down.

Q: Does it bother you that there’s a perception out there that you had a difficult relationship with him at Carolina?

A: That’s totally been taken the wrong way. Any player that’s supposed to be a leader and is not doing his job, there’s going to be a conflict, and that was my conflict. I didn’t know if I was supposed to be a leader. And coach told me that ‘you’ve got to lead by example – you’ve got to do this, you’ve got to do that.’ And I wasn’t doing that. But once we had that conversation, it was pretty much easy from there.

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^ How does that have anything to do with McCants saying he took bogus classes? He's telling the truth and willing to show his transcripts.
^ How does that have anything to do with McCants saying he took bogus classes? He's telling the truth and willing to show his transcripts.
It has to do with him attacking Roy Williams now ,but praising him in the past. You really believe he is telling the truth? Remember back in the day McCants compared being in college to being in jail. And part of the reason why he compared it to jail was because he had to go to class...
 "It's to get up and go to school, get here and lift weights and play basketball," McCants said in the interview. "That's my 9-to-5. As my uncle said, I'm in jail right now. You're not allowed to do certain things, you're not allowed to say certain thing
Roy is denying having any knowledge of these fake classes. He is flat out lying. You know it and I know it. It is very possible to have a great relationship with someone and when the chips are down they try to make you look crazy to save their own face. At that point all bets are off. All of the evidence supports what McCants is saying whether he is/was friends with other involved. Does not change the facts. Administrators have admitted it and now a player has admitted it. The natural reaction of anyone wanting this to go away is to attempt to discredit any of the witnesses. UNC will do this and UNC fans will do this, including you.
If he says something like "You're not allowed to do certain things, you're not allowed to say certain things", wouldn't that cause you to take some of the interviews he did in college w/ a grain of salt?
Roy is denying having any knowledge of these fake classes. He is flat out lying. You know it and I know it. It is very possible to have a great relationship with someone and when the chips are down they try to make you look crazy to save their own face. At that point all bets are off. All of the evidence supports what McCants is saying whether he is/was friends with other involved. Does not change the facts. Administrators have admitted it and now a player has admitted it. The natural reaction of anyone wanting this to go away is to attempt to discredit any of the witnesses. UNC will do this and UNC fans will do this, including you.
So is he supposed to admit to it? ALL major programs have these classes. Rashad McCants isn't a reputable enough source to be able to bring UNC down. This will fade away in two weeks, honestly. 
Roy is denying having any knowledge of these fake classes. He is flat out lying. You know it and I know it. It is very possible to have a great relationship with someone and when the chips are down they try to make you look crazy to save their own face. At that point all bets are off. All of the evidence supports what McCants is saying whether he is/was friends with other involved. Does not change the facts. Administrators have admitted it and now a player has admitted it. The natural reaction of anyone wanting this to go away is to attempt to discredit any of the witnesses. UNC will do this and UNC fans will do this, including you.
How in the world do you know that Roy Williams is lying? Where is your proof? He isn't trying to make McCants look crazy, McCants is crazy! Do you not see the conflicting statements I posted above?

2009- Praises Roy Williams

2011- Bashes Roy Williams

2013- At the Smith Center to watch a game, and practice with the team -
 "I chose to come to Carolina, it wasn't the other way around," he said. "This place has always been in my heart. I've always been a Carolina fan and always will be, and I'm always very proud that I was part of it."
2014- Back to bashing Roy Williams.

You can take McCants side if you want
Roy is denying having any knowledge of these fake classes. He is flat out lying. You know it and I know it. It is very possible to have a great relationship with someone and when the chips are down they try to make you look crazy to save their own face. At that point all bets are off. All of the evidence supports what McCants is saying whether he is/was friends with other involved. Does not change the facts. Administrators have admitted it and now a player has admitted it. The natural reaction of anyone wanting this to go away is to attempt to discredit any of the witnesses. UNC will do this and UNC fans will do this, including you.
So is he supposed to admit to it? ALL major programs have these classes. Rashad McCants isn't a reputable enough source to be able to bring UNC down. This will fade away in two weeks, honestly. 

It will go away because of the machine that is UNC, but it doesn't negate the fact that it happened.

Whether Rashad is reputable enough is null in void when you start to see various outlets stating/reporting the same thing, the researcher and now Rashad, just saying that where there is smoke there has a good chance to be fire.
Manamazing is back?

Butch Davis and Roy Williams are SAINTS!
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It will go away because of the machine that is UNC, but it doesn't negate the fact that it happened.

Whether Rashad is reputable enough is null in void when you start to see various outlets stating/reporting the same thing, the researcher and now Rashad, just saying that where there is smoke there has a good chance to be fire.
I don't doubt that it happened. It happens everywhere. It's really a non-story to me, and it would be whether or not I was a UNC fan, UK fan, UCLA fan, etc. If you want to be a student, then you have ample opportunity to do so. If you're biding time before entering the draft, then you can get pushed through for a few years. There are classes that athletes at Ivy League schools are told to take too for easy grades. This is definitely a larger scale issue and more serious accusations, but meh. 
Nah, considering all the cheating that happened with the football program at UNC recently as well, it seems like they hve a unique problem with this whether or not this happens at other places as well or not.
"ESPN basketball analyst Jalen Rose, who joined McCants on Wednesday as a guest on "Outside the Lines," also questioned Williams' stated knowledge of his athletes' academics.

"I respect Roy Williams. He's a champion. He's a Hall of Famer," said Rose. "But it almost is a slap in the face to the entire system, to NCAA basketball, to major collegiate sports, that he does not know what classes his kids are: a) taking, and b) the results of those classes, and c) even talked to the students about the update of those classes.

"And I know he's not deaf, dumb or blind, but when you say that in an interview, it's going to make a lot of people think that you may think that we are."

The Raleigh (N.C.) News & Observer reported Saturday evening that McCants was not the only member of the 2005 team who relied on the bogus classes. The newspaper said that data it had obtained shows that "five members of that team, including at least four key players, accounted for a combined 39 enrollments in classes that have been identified as confirmed or suspected lecture classes that never met." No player earned less than a B in any of the enrollments, according to the report."

So Roy didn't know anything about these classes, right?
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All these schools have dummy classes and all these athletes be getting help...especially the good ones

Unc just got caught up BAD
Eron Harris is instantly one of the best players in the B10. Even more of a load for Staten to carry at WVU.

Antoine Mason is Pearl's first coup. Auburn won't be just a football school for long. Word to Chris Porter.
You guys no my opinion on the NCAA, I think its a ridiculous organization and student athlete is a lie, but y'all taking this seriously?

From Rashad McCants? :lol:

Gunna take a whole lot more than Rashad Mccants to bring down Roy Williams, dude is crazy, he's been black balled from the league and it has nothing to do with talent, he's just crazy.
Nah, considering all the cheating that happened with the football program at UNC recently as well, it seems like they hve a unique problem with this whether or not this happens at other places as well or not.
You guys no my opinion on the NCAA, I think its a ridiculous organization and student athlete is a lie, but y'all taking this seriously?

From Rashad McCants?

Gunna take a whole lot more than Rashad Mccants to bring down Roy Williams, dude is crazy, he's been black balled from the league and it has nothing to do with talent, he's just crazy.
Exactly. True or not, Rashad McCants is not bringing UNC down with this. 
Gunna take a whole lot more than Rashad Mccants to bring down Roy Williams, dude is crazy, he's been black balled from the league and it has nothing to do with talent, he's just crazy.
Just looked up the stats. Scored 19 or more 21 times in 07-08 averaging less than 27 minutes a game
.  Then averaged 10ppg in 19 minutes in 08-09.  

Then doesn't get picked up by a SINGLE team the next year.  Something was clearly wrong mentally.

I thought KG and Mccants were going to be a top 1-2 punch in the league.
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