The College Basketball Post

All basketball and football players at high level D1 schools were already getting "unlimited free food on campus"....this would just make it legal now. Shabazz is an idiot for saying that dumb **** about him starving at night.

This.I know this for a fact. Several of my friends on the Fball team from USC would say otherwise from what bazz said. And that's the least of their benefits. However, I don't think Bazz was lying, I'm sure there were some nights were he actually couldn't get to some food. However, Bazz convientely left out all of the unlimited free food on campus" that he already receives from being on the bball team :lol: more than anything though, his comments were a conversation starter and that's always good.

Is this whole college athletes unionizing thing legit? Like is it happening? :nerd:
This.I know this for a fact. Several of my friends on the Fball team from USC would say otherwise from what bazz said. And that's the least of their benefits. However, I don't think Bazz was lying, I'm sure there were some nights were he actually couldn't get to some food. However, Bazz convientely left out all of the unlimited free food on campus" that he already receives from being on the bball team :lol: more than anything though, his comments were a conversation starter and that's always good.

Is this whole college athletes unionizing thing legit? Like is it happening? :nerd:

:lol: Right. I went to an FCS school and the 3rd string kicker had like a 25 meals/week meal plan.
i went to a WAC school, and even the kids at the school were well taken care of. they wanted to get out of d1 when i was there bc we were so bad in athletics :lol:
man any college student, not even an athlete, can tell you that they went to sleep starving some nights.
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Bazz probably saying he's hungry/starving b/c he can't find anything to eat at 3am. ALL of those guys on scholarship are well fed. I was :rofl: when he made the initial claim.
that or he didnt like the options available 

but im sure that guy could finds a meal..

i wasnt even an athlete and i never went hungry in college 
man any college student, not even an athlete, can tell you that they went to sleep starving some nights.

College student and student athlete aren't treated the same, and you know this maaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

Obvs. Put me in the category that thinks they shouldnt be paid in $$$, but instead in perks (unlimited meals, free tuition, zipcar rides, free books, etc :lol:)
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Good luck to who ever gets myles turner, don't see him staying healthy, ranked too high if you are talking about potential college performance.
Obvs. Put me in the category that thinks they shouldnt be paid in $$$, but instead in perks (unlimited meals, free tuition, zipcar rides, free books, etc :lol:)

:lol: :lol:

You serious?

Lol yea I am. Actually, those perks should only be available to players that stay all 4 years. Players that declare early should have no perks (except for free scholarship obviously).
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Random but I was watching the Filipino professional league this morning and Kevin Jones was over there playing :lol:
Bazz probably saying he's hungry/starving b/c he can't find anything to eat at 3am. ALL of those guys on scholarship are well fed. I was :rofl: when he made the initial claim.

Exactly. Not UCONN's fault that dude can't find anywhere open on campus for munchies at 3AM. He's getting AT THE LEAST the maximum number of meals in the dining hLL per week plus the maximum number of flex points/food cash on his school card for all the other restaurants and such on campus. On top of that they probably all go out to dinner as a team and it's all paid for quite often. PLUS they all get a refund check for $2,000+ each semester (which 90% of the football and basketball players at my college spent on tattoos, bud, shoes, clothes and liquor). I really want to smack the **** out of dude for even saying that when there really is some starving *** college students that aren't athletes at his own school without his benefits. That aren't being "helped out" with their classes and given handouts all four years.
Exactly. Not UCONN's fault that dude can't find anywhere open on campus for munchies at 3AM. He's getting AT THE LEAST the maximum number of meals in the dining hLL per week plus the maximum number of flex points/food cash on his school card for all the other restaurants and such on campus. On top of that they probably all go out to dinner as a team and it's all paid for quite often. PLUS they all get a refund check for $2,000+ each semester (which 90% of the football and basketball players at my college spent on tattoos, bud, shoes, clothes and liquor). I really want to smack the **** out of dude for even saying that when there really is some starving *** college students that aren't athletes at his own school without his benefits. That aren't being "helped out" with their classes and given handouts all four years.
Literally heard a buddy of mine that played for KU say "man all anyone buys with their stipends is shoes..."
Exactly. Not UCONN's fault that dude can't find anywhere open on campus for munchies at 3AM. He's getting AT THE LEAST the maximum number of meals in the dining hLL per week plus the maximum number of flex points/food cash on his school card for all the other restaurants and such on campus. On top of that they probably all go out to dinner as a team and it's all paid for quite often. PLUS they all get a refund check for $2,000+ each semester (which 90% of the football and basketball players at my college spent on tattoos, bud, shoes, clothes and liquor). I really want to smack the **** out of dude for even saying that when there really is some starving *** college students that aren't athletes at his own school without his benefits. That aren't being "helped out" with their classes and given handouts all four years.


Like get through yall heads. :lol:
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