The College Basketball Post

Young's defense is so trash when you take away his left, he can't do much, mixed with average athleticism...he seems like the 2nd coming of Xavier Henry
Young's defense is so trash when you take away his left, he can't do much, mixed with average athleticism...he seems like the 2nd coming of Xavier Henry


Great comparison
Remember being on franklin st the last time unc won it all...night was crazy as hell

Good times
Read through like 20 pages of horrible player comparisons and Calipari opinions. What the hell is going on? :lol:

Congrats, Malta. Really can't believe the won this title.
Read through like 20 pages of horrible player comparisons and Calipari opinions. What the hell is going on? :lol:

Congrats, Malta. Really can't believe the won this title.

I appreciate you sir. I'll be the first to say that I didn't see this coming at all. I even mentioned this team having the feeling of the "every other year" UConn squad that starts hot then simmers, especially after that SMU/Houston road trip.

They proved me wrong and I think a lot of that has to do with KO. Guy is a damn good coach who not only motivates and has the psychological side down pat but he's a great X's and O's coach too.

What up MKG and Blue Nation!


@#$%^& WE MADE IT!
I also will never understand all of the James Young hate, he played well tonight but there are just so many people that seem to just dismiss him as a scrub. He was pretty damn good to me as a freshman. I know he has his flaws especially defensively but who doesn't as a freshman?
I bet a lot of people are laughing at Randle as they simultaneously open a new tab and google "attainment"
Ollie went up against Martelli, Wright, Hoiberg, Izzo, Donovan, and Cal...and prevailed :x :smokin
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Don't see why people are laughing at Randle, he's a college freshman, he's not the only one who doesn't know that word. Laughing at 18 year old kids, get a life :smh:
I also will never understand all of the James Young hate, he played well tonight but there are just so many people that seem to just dismiss him as a scrub. He was pretty damn good to me as a freshman. I know he has his flaws especially defensively but who doesn't as a freshman?

he was horrific defensively you can't understate.

he played fine on offense.

He's a solid starter on the college level, nothing more.
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He gets zero spot up oppourtunities cause his guards can't penetrate and dish. They couldn't sag off him all year because UK had no one else who could space the floor. He's a fluid athlete, he can easily develop into a better defender, learning real rotations on D is one of the hardest things to pick up, give him time, once again he's 18.

He doesn't turn 19 till August for chirst sake. You sound stupid right now. Shooting/Defense are things you can improve on. He is already a really good shooter for someone who is 18, he will improve.

That shooter who can't shoot thing with him that you like to put forward is nonsense but whatever.
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Young actually showed me some offensive aggressiveness I hadn't seen from him yet and I was quite surprised.

He's more athletic than he lets on and is a pretty good finisher. If he can mix that up with his outside shot and keep defenders honest then he can slide into a starting 2 guard spot in a year or two.
I also will never understand all of the James Young hate, he played well tonight but there are just so many people that seem to just dismiss him as a scrub. He was pretty damn good to me as a freshman. I know he has his flaws especially defensively but who doesn't as a freshman?

he was horrific defensively you can't understate.

he played fine on offense.

He's a solid starter on the college level, nothing more.

makes jimmer fredette look like gary payton on defense.
wisc and uconn was going at him every chance they got
he did his thing on offense but you got to guard someone or at least attempt to
nothing screams elite to me at the next level especially for a wing player. not athletic, wont really beat you off the dribble consistently, cant go right. gonna have trouble getting his shots off.
would love to see him stay at uk and develop his gm. really solid ncaa player
He gets zero spot up oppourtunities cause his guards can't penetrate. They couldn't sag off him all year because UK had no one else who could space the floor. He's a fluid athlete, he can easily develop into a better defender, learning real rotations on D is one of the hardest things to pick up, give him time, once again he's 18.

He doesn't turn 19 till August for chirst sake. You sound stupid right now. Shooting/Defense are things you can improve on. He is already a really good shooter for someone who is 18, he will improve.

That shooter who can't shoot thing with him that you like to put forward is nonsense but whatever.

1. I was talking about him from a college perspective this year, he's obviously young but he is likely one and done so talking about his improvemvent is a moot point.

2. The shooter who can't shoot is simply reputation vs results, I understand why people think he should be able to shoot, he has good mechanics besides the low release point, but he hasn't proven it and as much as it bugs people FT% has shown some correlation to future 3 point % improvment. When I say someone is a shooter who can't shoot I'm just trying to illustrate the folly in ASSUMING he will eventually live up to the shooter reputation.

3. Easily develop into a better defender?

That I don't buy, he has shown a starling combination of poor focus, intensity, and instincts. People like to believe defense is something requires effort simply effort to do, its more than that, hard to teach someone defensive instincts, hard to teach some one laser sharp focus, its a significant risk to assume that it will get better.

also got those slow feet and only goes left, uconn started switching the down screen to dribble hand off from the PG that kentucky uses to get him going left into the middle, didn't seem to have a response.
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Young could be special on offense if uses his athleticism or he'll just end being JR Smith and Nick Young who shoot way too much and don't do much else
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