The College Basketball Post

those fools can't throw the ball in the ocean so far this year
I'm really looking forward to the DeMarre Carroll vs. Blake Griffin matchup when Missouri and Oklahoma play.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

my boys at Bona weakened those muscles today.
where are Rutgers ranked in the big east anyways?
12th. Don't get too excited guy. Besides Chandler, Inman and Rosario, Rutgers doesn't have too many players.
if you only knew the sorry state that Bonnies Basketball has been stuck in for the past 5+ years, you'd understand my joy.

-Xavier continues to impressively represent the A-10
After losing Xavier Henry to them, I once again get sick enjoyment out of watching them choke away games at the free throw line.






^^^^thats cold blooded....but damn true
we got ALOT of work to do, but once (IF) these guys can mesh 2gether, and hit FT's, we can be scary team again
but 4 now, 500 FTs a day
My dude D Wash never recovered from that.

On ESPN2 today -

Texas at 3
Notre Dame at 5
Cuse vs Florida at 7:30
Kansas vs Washington at 9:30

Should be good ...
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

My dude D Wash never recovered from that.

On ESPN2 today -

Texas at 3
Notre Dame at 5
Cuse vs Florida at 7:30
Kansas vs Washington at 9:30

Should be good ...
Sick... i work from 3-11, don't think i'll have many customers... so its a paid basketball marathon for me.
Before the season started Master P, talked about how his son romeo ( playing for USC ) is the player in the country how scouts been talkinabout him..
ESPN dont even mention dawg, they talk about the othaplayers on his team, but not him as being an impacted player...C'MON ROMEO TIGHTIN UP!!!!
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

My dude D Wash never recovered from that.

On ESPN2 today -

Texas at 3
Notre Dame at 5
Cuse vs Florida at 7:30
Kansas vs Washington at 9:30

Should be good ...

I'm working from home today = layed up in bed, not doin' !*@# but watching movies and college basketball

Question: Besides Xavier for next year, did Memphis get a point and any big men locked up for next year? Regardless of how many guards they have on theirsquad, they still don't have that lead guard to get things going for them. Once Kemp lost his starting job last year he confidence hit rock bottom. Andhow good is CJ Henry? Can he step into that lead guard position? Is Wall their answer? And are these freshmen bigs they have this year any good?

I guess I ask all these questions because the 3 Memphis games I've watched doesn't look like a coherent team at all. Just a bunch of dudes whodon't know each other, runnin' 5's on a sunny saturday afternoon at the Rec. I just can't see Memphis getting any further than the sweet 16and even that might be too generous.
^ They've been trying to use Anderson(whose looked real good overall IMO) but he isn't the answer. CJ Henry I have no idea about ... I know hehasn't played major basketball in a couple years so I don't see him being effective. Kemp is just looking like a bum. Wall would definitely be theanswer but he's only going to be there for one year.

Memphis looked good at times and then terrible at others. You're right, someone has to step up for them ...
Got the same feeling watching Memphis yesterday as well. Zero continuity on the offensive end, just a bunch of guys looking for theirs.
I'd assume that they are banking on Wall.

To add to today's games..
Miami/San Diego 6 ET on FSN
Uconn/Wisconsin 8:30 FSN

(no weird channels, just FSN)


[font=Arial, Helvetica]Tyler Hansbrough opened his season at UC Santa Barbara's Thunderdome, which was perfect. I mean, what'sbetter than Psycho T beyond Thunderdome? Answer: Psycho T beyond Thunderdome ... with Jimmy Connors getting arrested outside the arena![/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Seriously, what a weekend.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Lots of good material for the Monday Look Back.[/font]
[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Puerto Rico isn't exactly paradise for Seth Greenberg and his Hokies. (AP)[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][/table][font=Arial, Helvetica]Best game of the weekend: Sean Miller's Sunday reunion with John Calipari was the marqueematchup of the Puerto Rico Tip-off, but the most memorable game came two days earlier when Xavier won its semifinal against VirginiaTech courtesy of a half-court buzzer-beater that sent the Musketeers into a celebration Bryce Drew would've appreciated.[/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica]Classic ending ... for everybody except Virginia Tech. And it really is difficult not to feel sorry for SethGreenberg, who just can't catch a break. He might've made the NCAA tournament last season if not for Hansbrough's shot in the final second thatgave North Carolina a 68-66 victory in the ACC tournament. That was cruel. And now this season is off to a similarly unfortunate start considering Greenbergwas on the verge of notching a huge non-league win Friday when it was ripped away by a desperation shot.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]So rather than play Memphis in the title game of the Puerto Rico Tip-off, the Hokies were sent to the third-placegame for a matchup with Seton Hall, which they dropped. So that means Xavier's half-court shot was the difference between Virginia Tech leaving the islandwith no worse than a 2-1 record and Virginia Tech going 1-2 with a pair of losses by a total of five points. Tough break.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Worst game of the weekend: If you had ever heard of the Academy of Art before thisweekend then you are more sophisticated than I am. Or an artist. But I only discovered the school late Friday when I noticed San Franciscobeat the Urban Knights 74-23, and my crack research showed that the reason I was unfamiliar with the school is because the school just started playingbasketball like a week ago. No joke. Rex Walters got his first win at USF by beating a bunch of artists with no college experience, and it's a shame EddieSutton couldn't have scheduled these guys last season. He could've gotten to 800 wins a helluva lot quicker that way.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Win to brag about: Don't look now, but Kansas State is off to a nice littlestart. The Wildcats won three home games against nobodies to begin the post-Michael Beasley era, and then won at Cleveland State on Saturday,which was impressive for two reasons. First, because most Big 12 programs wouldn't dare play at a place like Cleveland State, so it took guts just to doit. Second, because Cleveland State is picked to win the Horizon, meaning it's no easy chore to go there and win by a 69-59 margin like KSU did.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Loss to hide from: Any hope that a loss to Seton Hall would serve as a wakeup call forSouthern California is gone. The Trojans backed it with an inconsequential win over Chattanooga on Friday and an 83-72 lossto Missouri on Sunday.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]To be clear, there's nothing wrong with losing to Missouri; the Tigers are 4-1 and looking OK. But thereis something wrong with the Trojans starting 3-2 in a season when they returned Daniel Hackett and Taj Gibson, added DeMar DeRozan and were adark-horse pick to win the Pac-10.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Obviously, there's still plenty of time to get this turned around, and anybody who thinks USC won't isgrossly underestimating Tim Floyd's ability. But two losses in the first five games is two losses more than some believed the Trojans would have at thispoint.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Player who deserves improper benefits: Anybody with a brain knew Stephen Curry, Blake Griffin andLuke Harangody would have great seasons, so their early success is not a surprise. But how about Wesley Matthews? The Marquette senior got 27points in the first game of the Buzz Williams era, 26 in the second and 25 in the third, which was Saturday's 100-80 victory overWisconsin-Milwaukee. By the way, is there any doubt Matthews gets 24 in the next game? I can spot a pattern when I see one.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Player who should lose his scholarship: For the second Sunday in a row a little-known guard from anon-BCS league had a chance to go into Cameron Indoor Stadium and prove his worth by pushing Duke, which was playing for the fourth time ineight days. The stage was set for Montana sharpshooter Ryan Staudacher. It could've been epic. But the junior who entered averaging 16.3points per game somehow only took three shots and missed every one of them to finish with zero points in the Grizzlies' 78-58 loss. Not good. Andsomewhere, Jimmy Baron just rolled his eyes.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Why I'm smarter than you think: I ridiculed a certain AP voter for ranking Cal State-Northridgein the preseason because it was a stupid thing to do. There was absolutely nothing in this world to justify it, and the first two weeks of the season haveproved my point.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Cal State-Northridge is off to a 1-2 start thanks to an 18-point loss to a Stanford team picked ninth in the Pac-10and Friday's two-point loss to a Cal State-Bakersfield team that had already lost by 26 to Wyoming and by eight to Air Force. So yeah, Iwas right again. It never gets old.[/font]
[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]James Harden is off to an All-American start. (AP)[/td] [td] [/td] [/tr][/table][font=Arial, Helvetica]Why I'm dumber than I think: I was this close to naming James Harden a first-teamAll-American in place of Darren Collison, and it's starting to look like I might regret not doing it. The Arizona State sophomore finishedwith 33 points and 12 rebounds in Sunday's 61-40 win over Pepperdine. He's now averaging 25.0 points, 6.7 rebounds and 5.0 assiststhrough three games. Those are first-team All-American numbers, I think.[/font][h4][font=Arial, Helvetica]Three things you should know before you go[/font][/h4]
[font=Arial, Helvetica]1. Norm Roberts survived his first game sans Anthony Mason Jr. with a 79-44 win overHoward on Saturday. Good for him. But the bad news is that it'll be much more difficult to survive the entire year considering St.John's will play the rest of the season without Mason, who is done until 2009-2010 because of a torn tendon in his right foot. He was averaging14.0 points through three games.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]2. In this week of Thanksgiving be thankful you're not John Shulman. He's theChattanooga coach whose first four games were against Tennessee, Missouri, Memphis and Southern Cal. Naturally, all those resulted in losses,and things got worse when he lost again Sunday to Fairfield. Next up is Tennessee Temple, and that should produce a win. But after that is amatchup with Davidson, which means the Mocs will at best be 1-6 once Stephen Curry puts 30 on them next month thanks to a schedule that is less than ideal andnot built for contract extensions.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]3. Speaking of Curry, I must keep you updated on his season. He led Davidson to a97-70 win over Winthrop on Friday and is now averaging 34.0 points, 8.8 assists and 4.5 steals per game.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]On tap: On Monday, two recent national champions will be on display when Floridaand Syracuse meet in Kansas City. On Tuesday, Pittsburgh will try to improve to 5-0 when it hosts Belmont.On Wednesday, UAB will have another chance at a résumé-building win when it faces Oklahoma in New York. On Thursday, the OldSpice Classic will get underway with a nice matchup between Siena and Tennessee in Orlando.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Final thought: It's still November and already a pair of Final Four teams --UCLA and Memphis -- have lost on neutral courts while favorites, and there is a lesson to be learned. The lesson? Regardlessof what a team has coming back or coming in, there is no good way to lose three NBA players, and that's why the idea that a team can do it and remain eliteis usually just wishful thinking by a hopeful fan base that simply doesn't know any better.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]Now don't get me wrong.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]UCLA and Memphis are still good.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]But what you saw in UCLA's loss to Michigan and Memphis' loss to Xavier were a pair of teams who had nobodyto bail them out of a tough situation, nobody to compensate for continuous mistakes. Last season, if UCLA was struggling in a close game late it could rely onKevin Love's heroics, and all was well. Likewise, Memphis mostly got away with missing 3-pointers and free throws because the Tigers were so overwhelminglytalented that even an off-night usually produced a 10-point victory against a quality opponent.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]That won't be the case this season.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]We've seen that already.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]So again, this doesn't mean UCLA and Memphis aren't good.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]It just means they're no longer good enough to play poorly and win.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica]...[/font]

[h3]Player of the Week: Blake Griffin, Oklahoma Sooners[/h3]
By Andy Katz

Tyler Hansbrough is back playing, so the three-person race for national player ofthe year is on, with Hansbrough, Oklahoma's Blake Griffin and Davidson'sStephen Curry as the clear leaders. Week 1 goes to Griffin.
The Sooners won everygame, including beating Curry's Wildcats in a thrilling game in Norman, Okla. Griffin has grabbed at least 18 rebounds in each of his four games thisseason. No Sooner took hold of 18 boards in more than two straight games last season. Griffin's overall stats are daunting: 26 points and 19.8 boards perouting. Last week, Griffin scored 20 points and grabbed 19 boards against Mississippi Valley State, notched 25 points and 21 rebounds against Davidson in thesecond round of the NIT Season Tip-Off and corralled 21 boards to go along with his 35 points in a surprisingly close 80-76 win over Gardner-Webb. Griffin goeson display in New York this week at Madison Square Garden for the final two rounds of the NIT. The rest of the starting rotation this week:

2. Greg Monroe, Fr., C, Georgetown: The Hoyas' latest big man led them to winsagainst Jacksonville and Drexel, including a 20-point effort against the Dragons.

3. Jarvis Varnado, Jr., C, Mississippi State: Varnado's stat-stuffing will go onevery week. He scored 14 points, grabbed 16 rebounds and blocked eight shots in a win over Fairleigh-Dickinson. He had nine blocks in a win overLouisiana-Monroe.

4. Levance Fields, Sr., G, Pitt: Fields' play has been exceptional at the point.He dished out 12 assists in the win over Akron earlier in the week. He's showing no signs that he missed most of the preseason with an injured left foot.

5. Luke Nevill, Sr., C, Utah: Nevill helped the Utes get back on track after anembarrassing first-week loss at home to Southwest Baptist. Nevill scored 20 points and grabbed 14 boards in a win over UW Green Bay and then followed that upwith a double-double (10 points, 10 boards) in a win over Ole Miss and 16 points in a win over Morgan State (the latter two games occurring at a tournament inDaytona Beach, Fla.).[h3]Team of the Week: UAB Blazers[/h3]
By Andy Katz

Last week: Beat Santa Clara 64-61; won at Arizona 72-71; won at Old Dominion 77-62

AP Photo/Mel Evans

Mike Davis' UAB Blazers earned a trip to New York this week by upsetting Arizona.
The Blazers got a gift via some of the poorest late-game time and score management by an opponent, compliments of Arizona in the second round of the NITSeason Tip-Off. But the Blazers made the plays that mattered and Paul Delaney IIImade the free throw to win the game. Beating Santa Clara and Arizona on successive nights in Tucson and then following that up by getting a win Saturday at OldDominion in a difficult road assignment was as impressive a week as Mike Davis has had in his three years as coach in Birmingham. UAB is now in position togarner attention, national recognition, confidence and, maybe most importantly, quality wins on a neutral court by playing Oklahoma and then either Purdue orBoston College this week in New York. UAB appears to be the most serious threat to unseat Memphis in Conference USA, with UTEP a likely second. UAB nearlyclipped the Tigers a year ago in Birmingham and probably should have won that game.[h3]Résumé Builders[/h3]
By Andy Katz

Michigan: The Wolverines couldn't complete the improbable sweep of UCLA and Duke. But the UCLA win will have shelf lifeall season long for the Wolverines. Playing Duke in the CVC final in New York might give Michigan more confidence to pull off the upset against the Blue Devilswhen they meet again on Dec. 6 in Ann Arbor. Michigan may end up having at least one of the best nonconference wins in the Big Ten. Xavier:Sweeping through the Puerto Rico Tip-Off by beating Missouri, Virginia Tech and Memphis once again helps the Musketeers create quite a portfolio.Mercer: Beating Alabama in Week 1, defeating Auburn this past week and losing at home in overtime to Georgia Tech means the Bears are at leastgetting attention. And it could also mean they're putting themselves in position to get a look if they win the Atlantic Sun but don't win theconference tourney. Illinois: It's hard to say how good Vanderbilt is going to be this season. The Commodores may be more of an NIT team.But getting a road win against an SEC team at this stage of the season helps the Illini's confidence and makes you take a look at them going forward.Arizona State: Beating San Diego State on the road is significant because it's the Pac-10's best non-conference win so far. The SunDevils were criticized for their nonconference schedule a year ago. ASU needs as many wins away from Tempe as it can get, and beating one of the top fourMountain West teams will help.[h3]Blemishes that might not go away[/h3]
By Andy Katz

East Central: This non-Division I squad was served up to Texas Tech in the Legends Classic. It can't help thedefensive psyche to give up 167 points to the Red Raiders and then 136 to Texas-San Antonio. Georgia: Losing to Loyola-Chicago in WestLafayette, Ind., in the opening round of the NIT Season Tip-Off will smart for a while. The Bulldogs may need another miracle SEC tournament run to get a sniffof the NCAAs. Arkansas: The Razorbacks should be applauded for going on the road to face a Missouri Valley team, and while losing to MissouriState isn't embarrassing, it does speak to the road ahead for the Hogs. Auburn: Hey, at least the Tigers can say their rival Alabama alsolost at home to Mercer. Still, this is another indicator that LSU may be the runaway favorite in the SEC West. Oregon: Rebuilding is going onwith the Ducks, and losing at home to Oakland is an indicator of that. The Pac-10 power rating will take a hit with home losses like this.
Malta, Memphis has Nolan Dennis locked up for next year (he hasn't signed yet, but he's a pretty solid verbal)...he's not listed as a PG, but hehandles the ball very well and is a pretty good passer. I don't know if he'd be able to fill the role that you're talking about, but certainlyhe'd be able to handle the ball for Memphis.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

My dude D Wash never recovered from that.

On ESPN2 today -

Texas at 3
Notre Dame at 5
Cuse vs Florida at 7:30
Kansas vs Washington at 9:30

Should be good ...

I'm working from home today = layed up in bed, not doin' !*@# but watching movies and college basketball

Question: Besides Xavier for next year, did Memphis get a point and any big men locked up for next year? Regardless of how many guards they have on their squad, they still don't have that lead guard to get things going for them. Once Kemp lost his starting job last year he confidence hit rock bottom. And how good is CJ Henry? Can he step into that lead guard position? Is Wall their answer? And are these freshmen bigs they have this year any good?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I guess I ask all these questions because the 3 Memphis games I've watched doesn't look like a coherent team at all. Just a bunch of dudes who don't know each other, runnin' 5's on a sunny saturday afternoon at the Rec.[/color] I just can't see Memphis getting any further than the sweet 16 and even that might be too generous.
yea, this year, like that article said, memphis cant play all sloppy and sh** and expect penny or d rose to go suit up. they most def have thetalent, experience (for some of em).
but like cuz said, they look like they just suit up to go hoop at east precinct (court in memphis). Cal gotta do somethin quik, b4 we get to D.C. and play demhoyas (i see u allen
)...this year will NOT be like last.
Bored..some predictions..

Rnd 1 winners

2nd round winners

ND in the upset


Syracuse vs Washington title game...Syracuse wins.

Old Spice

Round 1 winners.
Michigan State/Gonzaga

Round 2 winners
Georgetown/Michigan State

Champ - Michigan State

Anahiem Classic

Rnd 1 winners
Saint Marys/Wake

Rnd 2
Saint Marys/ASU

Champ - ASU
[table][tr][td]NCAA Division I: ESPN/USA Today Coaches Poll[/td] [/tr][tr][td]RANK[/td] [td]TEAM[/td] [td]RECORD[/td] [td]PTS[/td] [td]PVS[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]North Carolina (31)[/td] [td]3-0[/td] [td]775[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Kentucky 77-58 (11/18), Def. UC Santa Barbara 84-67 (11/21)
This Week: 11/24 at Chaminade, 11/30 vs. North Carolina-Asheville (3-1) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2.[/td] [td]Connecticut[/td] [td]4-0[/td] [td]730[/td] [td]2[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Hartford 99-56 (11/17), Def. La Salle 89-81 (11/21), Def. No. 16 Miami (FL) 76-63 (11/23)
This Week: 11/24 at No. 19 Wisconsin (4-0), 11/29 vs. Bryant University (1-2) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3.[/td] [td]Louisville[/td] [td]2-0[/td] [td]697[/td] [td]3[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Morehead State 79-41 (11/22), Def. South Alabama 81-54 (11/23)
This Week: 11/30 at Western Kentucky (1-2) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4.[/td] [td]Pittsburgh[/td] [td]4-0[/td] [td]635[/td] [td]6[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Miami (OH) 82-53 (11/17), Def. Akron 86-67 (11/21), Def. Indiana (PA) 86-60 (11/22)
This Week: 11/25 vs. Belmont (1-1), 11/28 at Texas Tech (4-0) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5.[/td] [td]Duke[/td] [td]6-0[/td] [td]625[/td] [td]5[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Southern Illinois 83-58 (11/20), Def. Michigan 71-56 (11/21), Def. Montana 78-58 (11/23)
This Week: 11/28 vs. Duquesne (3-0) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6.[/td] [td]Michigan State[/td] [td]2-0[/td] [td]615[/td] [td]7[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. IPFW 70-59 (11/19)
This Week: 11/27 vs. Maryland (3-0) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7.[/td] [td]Texas[/td] [td]2-0[/td] [td]576[/td] [td]8[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Tulane 76-51 (11/18)
This Week: 11/24 vs. Saint Joseph's (1-1), 11/30 vs. Rice (2-2) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8.[/td] [td]Notre Dame[/td] [td]2-0[/td] [td]551[/td] [td]9[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Loyola Marymount 65-54 (11/21)
This Week: 11/24 vs. Indiana (2-0), 11/30 vs. Furman (1-2) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9.[/td] [td]Purdue[/td] [td]4-0[/td] [td]516[/td] [td]10[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Eastern Michigan 87-58 (11/17), Def. Loyola (IL) 78-46 (11/18), Def. Coppin State 66-46 (11/22)
This Week: 11/26 vs. Boston College (3-1) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10.[/td] [td]Gonzaga[/td] [td]2-0[/td] [td]481[/td] [td]11[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Idaho 80-46 (11/18)
This Week: 11/27 vs. Oklahoma State (4-0) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]11.[/td] [td]UCLA[/td] [td]3-1[/td] [td]437[/td] [td]4[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Lost to Michigan 55-52 (11/20), Def. Southern Illinois 77-60 (11/21)
This Week: 11/29 vs. Florida International (2-1) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]12.[/td] [td]Tennessee[/td] [td]3-0[/td] [td]434[/td] [td]13[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Tennessee-Martin 91-64 (11/18), Def. Middle Tennessee State 76-66 (11/21)
This Week: 11/27 at Siena (2-0) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]13.[/td] [td]Oklahoma[/td] [td]4-0[/td] [td]415[/td] [td]14[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Mississippi Valley State 94-53 (11/17), Def. No. 21 Davidson 82-78 (11/18), Def. Gardner-Webb 80-76 (11/22)
This Week: 11/26 vs. UAB (4-0) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]14.[/td] [td]Arizona State[/td] [td]3-0[/td] [td]343[/td] [td]15[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. San Diego State 59-52 (11/18), Def. Pepperdine 61-40 (11/23)
This Week: 11/27 at Charlotte (1-3) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]15.[/td] [td]Marquette[/td] [td]3-0[/td] [td]284[/td] [td]17[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Chicago State 106-87 (11/17), Def. Milwaukee 100-80 (11/22)
This Week: 11/25 vs. Texas Southern (0-3), 11/28 vs. Northern Iowa (2-1), 11/29 vs. Dayton (3-0) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]16.[/td] [td]Georgetown[/td] [td]2-0[/td] [td]251[/td] [td]18[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Jacksonville 71-62 (11/17), Def. Drexel 81-53 (11/22)
This Week: 11/27 vs. Wichita State (1-1) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]17.[/td] [td]Memphis[/td] [td]4-1[/td] [td]246[/td] [td]12[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Massachusetts 80-58 (11/18), Def. Chattanooga 83-71 (11/20), Def. Seton Hall 84-70 (11/21), Lost to Xavier 63-58 (11/23)
This Week: No games scheduled. Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]18.[/td] [td]Florida[/td] [td]3-0[/td] [td]238[/td] [td]19[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Southern Utah 64-50 (11/20)
This Week: 11/24 vs. Syracuse (3-0), 11/30 at UMKC (1-3) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]19.[/td] [td]Wisconsin[/td] [td]4-0[/td] [td]171[/td] [td]22[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. SIU Edwardsville 88-58 (11/18), Def. Iona 60-58 (11/21), Def. San Diego 64-49 (11/23)
This Week: 11/24 vs. No. 2 Connecticut (4-0), 11/29 vs. Milwaukee (3-2) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]20.[/td] [td]Xavier[/td] [td]5-0[/td] [td]166[/td] [td]NR[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Toledo 81-65 (11/17), Def. Missouri 75-71 (11/20), Def. Virginia Tech 63-62 (11/21), Def. No. 12 Memphis 63-58 (11/23)
This Week: 11/29 vs. Miami (OH) (1-2) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]21.[/td] [td]Miami (FL)[/td] [td]2-1[/td] [td]146[/td] [td]16[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Southern Miss 70-60 (11/21), Lost to No. 2 Connecticut 76-63 (11/23)
This Week: 11/24 at San Diego (2-2), 11/29 vs. Stetson (1-2) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]22.[/td] [td]Villanova[/td] [td]3-0[/td] [td]143[/td] [td]23[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Fordham 107-68 (11/17), Def. Niagara 77-62 (11/19)
This Week: 11/25 vs. Monmouth (0-4), 11/28 vs. Towson (2-1) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]23.[/td] [td]Kansas[/td] [td]2-0[/td] [td]125[/td] [td]24[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. Florida Gulf Coast 85-45 (11/18)
This Week: 11/24 at Washington (2-1), 11/28 vs. Coppin State (1-1) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]24.[/td] [td]Wake Forest[/td] [td]2-0[/td] [td]123[/td] [td]25[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. North Carolina-Wilmington 120-88 (11/19)
This Week: 11/24 vs. Winston-Salem (0-2), 11/27 at Cal State Fullerton (2-2) Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]25.[/td] [td]Davidson[/td] [td]3-1[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]21[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Last Week: Def. James Madison 99-64 (11/17), Lost to No. 14 Oklahoma 82-78 (11/18), Def. Winthrop 97-70 (11/21)
This Week: 11/24 vs. Florida Atlantic (3-1), 11/25 vs. Loyola (MD) (1-3) Tickets[/td] [/tr][/table]Others Receiving Votes
UNLV 58, Saint Mary's 43, Ohio State 29, Baylor 27, West Virginia 19, Washington State 15, Syracuse 14, Siena 10, Creighton 8, Texas A&M 7, BrighamYoung 6, USC 4, UAB 3, Clemson 3, Michigan 3, Oklahoma State 2, Washington 1.

Dropped From Rankings
USC 20.
Yea, Memphis has no continuity or togetherness about their team at all. It just looks like 5 guys trying to score and make it to the NBA.
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