^ The Avengers - Official Movie Thread: Out Now!! ^

Originally Posted by solarius49

So i was just reading about the Infinity Gauntlet being an easter egg in Thor, and how it may become a plot device in the next Avengers movie, which would be amazing, and would probably mean we would get to see Adam Warlock

They never showed or even hinted the Gauntlets in the film. 

I saw it when I was trying to find a good actor to play Adam Warlock lol
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by solarius49

So i was just reading about the Infinity Gauntlet being an easter egg in Thor, and how it may become a plot device in the next Avengers movie, which would be amazing, and would probably mean we would get to see Adam Warlock

They never showed or even hinted the Gauntlets in the film. 
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by Return Of The Mac

Originally Posted by RFX45

Snipes was actually the #1 choice when they were considering Black Panther but then he had his legal problems so the idea was eventually scrapped. 
And Idris was actually Heimdall, not Balder. 
Y'all forgetting about Blade? Not saying much since the the human torch is capt'n.......

Hopefully not Idris Elba....Stringer is my dude but idk
No forgetting Blade at all, it was his popularity in that film that made them consider Snipes for Black Panther. Plus the doubling up, not really a big deal if it's from different studious I guess. As you said, Human Torch is now Cap. Stevenson was Punisher and was also Volstagg in the Thor movie.

Damn never realized stevenson was in Thor....

But I think snipes is too old, tired to be playing that role....Would say Mike Jai White or Djimon Hounsou but'd love to see some new faces play that part.....Black Hollywood reuses too many actors
Originally Posted by solarius49


I saw it when I was trying to find a good actor to play Adam Warlock lol
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by solarius49

So i was just reading about the Infinity Gauntlet being an easter egg in Thor, and how it may become a plot device in the next Avengers movie, which would be amazing, and would probably mean we would get to see Adam Warlock

They never showed or even hinted the Gauntlets in the film. 

That's a PS. 

I just watched the Thor movie last week and it is a different artifact/weapon in place of that glove.
DAMN lol. I was hoping it could be real....but either way, a storyline with Thanos has to include his quest for the Gauntlet
Originally Posted by solarius49

DAMN lol. I was hoping it could be real....but either way, a storyline with Thanos has to include his quest for the Gauntlet

You know what, searching for it, it might be real. 

I'm not for sure now, I have this film downloaded on my cpu so I'll check later and do a screen cap if it was indeed there.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

My nitpick is that comic characters sometimes deviate from the comic to give them unnecessary "updates," I guess. In other words, Thor should have his helmet and Hawkeye should have his mask. 

I did want to see Thor with his helmet at least once in the film. Hawkeye on the other hand, I was ok w/o a mask since it was the Ultimates version. They should have just given him the shades he wears in his Ultimates version, I mean they have it in the toy.

Plus have you seen that PS of Renner with a mask? Dude has  huge and ugly nose that it he would just look stupid with a mask. It's somewhere in this thread I think.

Which is why this would've been cool if he would've at least wore this mask when he was sneaking into that place in Germany.  But other than that, Hawkeye's swag with the arrows at the end was


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Tony calling him Legolas was
Originally Posted by solarius49

I know its not "Avengers related", but I think a complete reboot for Daredevil and Punisher is definitely in order...with actors and writers who take the project seriously. A Daredevil movie that includes Shang Chi/Elektra, and a good Punisher movie could lead way to some good Marvel Knights project...

You know what F it, im gonna start writing movie scripts!
A hour-long Punisher tv series recently went into development at FOX. And the director of the third Twilight movie is helming Daredevil, the project has kind of been put on hold because it needs a re-write.

From Deadline News:
"The Plot - Reports have the studio working off the Frank Miller/David Mazzucchelli story arc Born Again, as The Kingpin uncovers the superhero’s secret identity, and uses it to turn blind lawyer Matt Murdoch’s life upside down."
Good, it sounds like it will have a proper chance. I would love to see Frank Miller actually get some creative input, since he made Daredevil the charater that he is today
Only thing I didn't like is how the Hulk was portrayed. I was wondering if it was gonna be Hulk that can form sentences in 3rd person or just the savage Hulk that says Hulk smash. This Hulk just grunted and yelled a lot and had like 2 lines. Don't see how this Hulk was painted more as a hero and Ruffalo's Banner was good but given he was not the main guy I don't see how yall can compare it to what Norton did with the Banner. Ape like movements bugged me a bit but there wasn't a whole lot of it to notice.

Everything else was really good. Might go watch this for a 3rd time.
didnt like the fact that black widow spoke perfectly good english with no accent.. i thought that ironman had a triangle on his chest and suit like he did in the beginning of the movie and ironman 2. went back to the old school suit later i guess.. but that suit with the wristbands was sick
Movie was too ill. Loved the fact that they continued to tease Tony's drinking problem. Also loved that they squeezed Pepper in there (Gwyneth is just too sexy). And I appreciated them tying up Portman's absence. I'm an OG Marvel fanboy, so for me, this was the best comic book related movie I've ever seen. No hyperbole, just my honest opinion.
There actually are a couple of easter eggs; the ravens that show up when Thor and Loki are fighting in Germany is the one I remember
I am not a fan of this genre but I had to take my little brother to this film. Thought the movie was pretty boring and forgettable.

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I know thinking is discouraged in this genre but I still have to ask:
How did Jeremy Renner find the ship/plane if it was invisible? And I'm supposed to believe that the ship/plane has no surveillance but otherwise contains an otherworldly amount of technology?
Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

didnt like the fact that black widow spoke perfectly good english with no accent..
If a spy can't disguise her accent she's not a good spy.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I am not a fan of this genre but I had to take my little brother to this film. Thought the movie was pretty boring and forgettable.

Spoiler [+]
I know thinking is discouraged in this genre but I still have to ask:
How did Jeremy Renner find the ship/plane if it was invisible? And I'm supposed to believe that the ship/plane has no surveillance but otherwise contains an otherworldly amount of technology?
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You sound like a real a-hole when you say thinking is discouraged in this genre and then like a dumb $*+ when you ask a question that can be answered with some thought.
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He found the plane because both he and the doctor were turned. He is an agent of SHIELD and the doc was specializing in researching the cosmic cube. You can chalk him finding the invisible Hellicarrier cuz he is an agent of SHIELD or the doc simply tracking Loki's staff. Just cuz it's invisible does not mean it is undetectable and there is no way to find it.

You might as well ask how did Thor find Loki, BW, Cap, and Tony after Loki surrendered or cry about how convenient it was that the security guard had extra pants for Banner.
saw it on the midnight release thursday...definitely worth seeing, pretty funny and sick action scenes
Man that scene where Stark and Cap were arguing was filled with a bunch of low blows.

Stark held nothing back. Pretty much called Cap a test tube baby.
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