The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Melo has a lot of wear and tear on his body and Isola is the time the Knicks pick from next year POSSIBLY matures, Melo will probably be 34 or so...and there's a good chance that if he's not moved by then, there will be a LARGE contingent of fans who won't be happy with him on the roster.

You're looking at things with a glass half full perspective. Sure, Phil needs a bit of time, but I haven't seen anything thus far that really leads me to believe that this team can head in the right direction. I saw it for a minute with Donnie Walsh and I believed in his vision, but I think there is good reason for skepticism involved w/ the Knicks.
You really think that this is a well-run organization and it's not a mess structurally? Phil Jackson is a band aid on a gash that requires staples. You can make a case for James Dolan being one of the worst owners in the league and their dysfunction starts with him.

It's going to be a wait and see with the Knicks to find out what Jackson is going to do, but like I said in the paragraph above...the skepticism is warranted.

Is having a top 3 pick, tons of cap & an AS caliber player not the right direction? I'm really thinking of what other scenario a rebuilding team could possibly want. Dolan is one of the worst owners in sports that i will never disagree with. However him giving Phil that much money & that much control gives me hope that he's finally letting the GM do his job.

If it's one thing we can't overlook is Phil knowing what it takes to build a winning team & finding correct pieces to make a team work. Nothing about Phil Jackson makes me think he's going to build a dysfunctional team, or try and fit pieces together that clearly don't work. He's been the opposite of that his entire career. If it's one thing Phil has always been able to do it's find role players who work perfect with his major pieces.

If the knicks even turn into a consistent playoff team, he's already the best Gm theyve had in the past 15 years. I'm in no way saying i expect him to build a championship team because their are SO MANY variables to doing that. But i have full faith that he will sign players who fit Melo's game & won't give out the horrendous contracts the Knicks are known for giving out.
Phil's had success as a coach. Not executive. Let's not get ahead of ourselves that just because he was a great coach means he'll be a great executive.
He's been only an overrated stat padder for years and a mediocre defender
Varejao was masking his defensive deficiencies, but since he's out, Cavs defense been leakier than a run down faucet
That "overrated stat padder" jig is overblown. I'm not saying that those numbers aren't necessarily correlating to a winning brand of basketball, but rebounding is something that is more of a directive of effort and technique, which I think translates well no matter where you are. He's not a 26 ppg scorer on a Championship team nor is he a #1, but overrated is harsh in my opinion and only an indication of vilification for those who never thought too highly of him in the first place.
Love going to the Spurs in July.
Not because they necessarily need him going forward, but I would love to see him back in Minnesota. It would be funny to stick it to a team like that after already ridding them of their last two first-rounders, but because I think he could accelerate Minnesota being competitive again and I don't think he would take away from the young cores development.
I Truly believe that K.Love should be traded, not because your going to get a Better all around PF back, but because the skillset that he's limited too on this team can be had for much cheaper & the team has many other glaring weaknesses.
Way way too soon. I would still allow time, because Love can still be a very valuable asset. I agree with a lot of the other stuff you said though.
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Melo has a lot of wear and tear on his body and Isola is the time the Knicks pick from next year POSSIBLY matures, Melo will probably be 34 or so...and there's a good chance that if he's not moved by then, there will be a LARGE contingent of fans who won't be happy with him on the roster.

You're looking at things with a glass half full perspective. Sure, Phil needs a bit of time, but I haven't seen anything thus far that really leads me to believe that this team can head in the right direction. I saw it for a minute with Donnie Walsh and I believed in his vision, but I think there is good reason for skepticism involved w/ the Knicks.
You really think that this is a well-run organization and it's not a mess structurally? Phil Jackson is a band aid on a gash that requires staples. You can make a case for James Dolan being one of the worst owners in the league and their dysfunction starts with him.

It's going to be a wait and see with the Knicks to find out what Jackson is going to do, but like I said in the paragraph above...the skepticism is warranted.

Is having a top 3 pick, tons of cap & an AS caliber player not the right direction? I'm really thinking of what other scenario a rebuilding team could possibly want. Dolan is one of the worst owners in sports that i will never disagree with. However him giving Phil that much money & that much control gives me hope that he's finally letting the GM do his job.

If it's one thing we can't overlook is Phil knowing what it takes to build a winning team & finding correct pieces to make a team work. Nothing about Phil Jackson makes me think he's going to build a dysfunctional team, or try and fit pieces together that clearly don't work. He's been the opposite of that his entire career. If it's one thing Phil has always been able to do it's find role players who work perfect with his major pieces.

If the knicks even turn into a consistent playoff team, he's already the best Gm theyve had in the past 15 years. I'm in no way saying i expect him to build a championship team because their are SO MANY variables to doing that. But i have full faith that he will sign players who fit Melo's game & won't give out the horrendous contracts the Knicks are known for giving out.

Like P pointed out, jury is still out on Phil as a GM. You'll get no argument from anyone regarding his coaching, but what can you say about his history with building a team? NO ONE KNOWS! We have to wait it out, but I'm skeptical that things will be right with the Knicks anytime soon.
Phil's had success as a coach. Not executive. Let's not get ahead of ourselves that just because he was a great coach means he'll be a great executive.

He has the tools (retained our only superstar in Melo, top 5 pick, and cap space for AS caliber players) in front of him to succeed.

If summer 2015 is a bust, then I think we can say Phil failed.
didnt know a game was on 
shump's gonna get overpaid

By who tho... his game simply hasn't improved at all. I think he's gonna be a nice steal for someone actually, unless he drastically improves upon return i just don't see him really being that coveted.

Hell if i was the knicks i would trade him & shump for Lance & filler or a pick. Basically your trading headcase for headcase, but atleast Lance does more on the court than JR.

Only problem is lance back in NYC :rofl: :rofl:, but once again the Knicks have JR in NYC can it really get that much worse?
just going off the idea that there's always some dumb/desperate gm that overpays someone every year.
Phil's had success as a coach. Not executive. Let's not get ahead of ourselves that just because he was a great coach means he'll be a great executive.

He has the tools (retained our only superstar in Melo, top 5 pick, and cap space for AS caliber players) in front of him to succeed.

If summer 2015 is a bust, then I think we can say Phil failed.

At least he hasn't destroyed any long-term flexibility besides the Chandler-Calderon trade.
Phil's had success as a coach. Not executive. Let's not get ahead of ourselves that just because he was a great coach means he'll be a great executive.

As a coach he was a MASTER at evaluating talent and knowing which pieces fit with eachother to go along with major pieces correct? That's also something that would come in handy when actually building a team as an exec.

I'm just saying Phil Jackson isn't likely to do something like sign Josh Smith When you have Greg Monroe & Andre Drummond. I'm not guaranteeing that he's gonna be a great exec i'm just simply stating he knows much more about creating a team & placing matching pieces together than most Gm's would know.

Also the fact that Fishers running the triangle gives him a lot more insight as to what kind of players the team would need.
Safe to say, that this might be the biggest challenge of Phil's professional career. I really think the Knicks would have been better off blowing the whole thing up. That Melo contract, IMO, will be looked at as one of the worst in the league in a season or two. As I mentioned before, I think Donnie Walsh had a good idea of what to do with the Knicks, but we all see how that turned out.
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At least he hasn't destroyed any long-term flexibility besides the Chandler-Calderon trade.

That's another point just the fact that he actaully has a plan at all puts him above 1/3 rd of the Gm's in the League :lol:.

I mean for christ sake The Kings are exploring a trade to pickup Deron Williams who has 63 Million left on his contract, with a Major injury history & if was still 100% wouldn't make them anything more than a 6 seed in the West. I just happen to think phil isn't trigger happy & is more adept as to when certain pairings clearly won't work then some in this league.
Phil Jackson is a master talent evaluator?

I mean... he got to cherry pick a team based on their personnel when he was ousted from Chicago and he was smart in knowing Shaq was his next ticket. Dude was bound to win Championships after leaving Orlando...He was unstoppable. Then of course with Chicago having the best player ever and one of the top 50 as a secondary option surely helped. 

I won't completely say he doesn't evaluate talent very well, but I don't think a 'master talent evaluator' is him. And Bill Walsh was a very effective and phenomenal football coach, but a so-so executive and that's being generous. His drafts were crap a GM. You can have a great mind of your sport, but it doesn't always translate.
Safe to say, that this might be the biggest challenge of Phil's professional career. I really think the Knicks would have been better off blowing the whole thing up. That Melo contract, IMO, will be looked at as one of the worst in the league in a season or two. As I mentioned before, I think Donnie Walsh had a good idea of what to do with the Knicks, but we all see how that turned out.

Its a shame Donnie didn't get more time. He was forced into that Melo trade
Safe to say, that this might be the biggest challenge of Phil's professional career. I really think the Knicks would have been better off blowing the whole thing up. That Melo contract, IMO, will be looked at as one of the worst in the league in a season or two. As I mentioned before, I think Donnie Walsh had a good idea of what to do with the Knicks, but we all see how that turned out.

I'm interested in how you could think Melo's contract could be one of the worst in the League (Excluding a major injury). There is nothing about Melo's game that reads that he'll slow down significantly with age, he's never been one to rely on straight athleticism, he can shoot the ball really well, he has a post game, he's strong for his size, & he already showed he can effectively play the 4.

Donnie did it the way you suggested, blew the whole team up had no players left and open cap.... However he had nobody to lure another star to NY with. so he ended up with Amare Stoudemire only. His knees turnt to dust and the knicks have been ****** ever since.

In Phil's Scenario it's the same set up.. only difference is he now has a selling point Teamin up with a current AS & having a potential AS growing as melo begins to gradually decline in the next 3-4 years. If your a great talent on the Market right now you can sign to NY for Max money knowing you don't have to carry the load by yourself and still have room left for some good role players to join on.
Safe to say, that this might be the biggest challenge of Phil's professional career. I really think the Knicks would have been better off blowing the whole thing up. That Melo contract, IMO, will be looked at as one of the worst in the league in a season or two. As I mentioned before, I think Donnie Walsh had a good idea of what to do with the Knicks, but we all see how that turned out.

Donnie walsh had the team on the right track(2013)but injuries are part of the game & when one of your highest paid players falls off its hard to move that contract for complementary pieces
Safe to say, that this might be the biggest challenge of Phil's professional career. I really think the Knicks would have been better off blowing the whole thing up. That Melo contract, IMO, will be looked at as one of the worst in the league in a season or two. As I mentioned before, I think Donnie Walsh had a good idea of what to do with the Knicks, but we all see how that turned out.

I'm interested in how you could think Melo's contract could be one of the worst in the League (Excluding a major injury). There is nothing about Melo's game that reads that he'll slow down significantly with age, he's never been one to rely on straight athleticism, he can shoot the ball really well, he has a post game, he's strong for his size, & he already showed he can effectively play the 4.

Donnie did it the way you suggested, blew the whole team up had no players left and open cap.... However he had nobody to lure another star to NY with. so he ended up with Amare Stoudemire only. His knees turnt to dust and the knicks have been ****** ever since.

In Phil's Scenario it's the same set up.. only difference is he now has a selling point Teamin up with a current AS & having a potential AS growing as melo begins to gradually decline in the next 3-4 years. If your a great talent on the Market right now you can sign to NY for Max money knowing you don't have to carry the load by yourself and still have room left for some good role players to join on.

30 year old on a newly-signed max contract...what could go wrong? Also, who knows how long Melo's knees are gonna hold up this season. It's only a matter of time before he shuts it down. I'd be beyond shocked if he finishes the year out. Time ain't on his side.

As far as Walsh, let's not forget he was pretty much forced to deal for Melo when there was a 99% chance he would have signed with the Knicks at the end of the season. Gave up a lot of useful assets and then some....

Hindsight is 20/20 and what's done is done. It's a wait and see approach for the Knicks right now, but I don't know how a lot of people can be that optimistic going forward.
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Yea unless Melo gets hurt I cant see his game being much different between now and in 2-3 years. Dirk, Timmy, Kobe make it work. I'm not saying he's those guys, but i'm sure Melo will follow suit.

But yes I do think he should be shut down for the season unless we start magically winning and if nothing happens by the trade deadline.
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Phil's had success as a coach. Not executive. Let's not get ahead of ourselves that just because he was a great coach means he'll be a great executive.

He has the tools (retained our only superstar in Melo, top 5 pick, and cap space for AS caliber players) in front of him to succeed.

If summer 2015 is a bust, then I think we can say Phil failed.

At least he hasn't destroyed any long-term flexibility besides the Chandler-Calderon trade.
we could still dump caldron's contract. i gotta believe some playoff team wouldnt be against taking him on. I'm totally in favor of dumping him and jr to open up 14 mill or so this summer as opposed to the offseason after.
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