The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Meant to post this earlier, but in Dallas for a few days visiting family, and they bought me tickets to see the Mavericks-Hawks game. Diehard Celtics homer, so was excited to see how Rondo plays with them tonight. You guys think it was the right call trading for him? Felt like it may have interfered Monta Ellis, but then he blew up for 38 points their first game together.

For what it's worth, I also think Rondo has been mailing it in a bit the last couple of years because of the rebuild going on in Boston.
Meant to post this earlier, but in Dallas for a few days visiting family, and they bought me tickets to see the Mavericks-Hawks game. Diehard Celtics homer, so was excited to see how Rondo plays with them tonight. You guys think it was the right call trading for him? Felt like it may have interfered with Monta Ellis, but then he blew up for 38 points their first game together.

For what it's worth, I also think Rondo has been mailing it in a bit the last couple of years because of the rebuild going on in Boston.
for those who are doubting Josh Smith's ability to play efficient, team basketball, just remember what you guys thought of guys like Z-Bo, Monta, Rudy, and Big Al before they started flourishing in a new team. Put Josh Smith in a winning team environment, with a strong head coach, there's no way he won't be playing well.
Clippers meed Smith desperately. Doc should guarantee him 4 3pt attempts per game off the bench. Can't be worse than Farmar's 20 second dribbling leading to 24 ft prayers. Definitely better than that obese backup PF diving everywhere for loose balls.
09-10 Josh smith averaged 16ppg 9rpg 4apg 2bpg & 1.6spg. He shot 50% from the field and only took 7 threes in 81 games that year. He's capable and that year he flourished taking smarter shots.

Josh smith in 2012 averaged 19ppg 10rpg & 4apg. Shooting 46%. Averaging 1.7 threes a game. He was elite that year defensively, and an absolute terror as a playmaking ball handling 4.

Dude def plays winning basketball. But he needs a coach that sets like a 3 point per game limit on him. And he isn't a SF AT ALL.

He was so miscast in Detroit that it was doomed once the ink dried. Having him in a 6th man role as a secondary playmaking 4 on a contender would be a great addition, if he's used correctly.

Terrence Jones is actually a similar player offensively, and he's fine alongside with Dwight. I think J Smoove to Houston is def a good move.
I understand that he's had two horrible seasons with the Pistons but dudes are acting like Josh Smith is Eddy Curry/ Darius Miles status... He was the second best player on a playoff team for several years with the Hawks. He's still relatively young, no major injury issues & has been completely put out of position for the past two years, 3-4 championship contending teams wouldn't be blowing his agent up the same day he got released if he was the cancer ya'll making him out to be.

With the hawks he was good for 16, 8, 3, 1 stl, 2 blk per game on 46-47% shooting. he is absolutely going to help a team become much better if he's used accordingly
I understand that he's had two horrible seasons with the Pistons but dudes are acting like Josh Smith is Eddy Curry/ Darius Miles status... He was the second best player on a playoff team for several years with the Hawks. He's still relatively young, no major injury issues & has been completely put out of position for the past two years, 3-4 championship contending teams wouldn't be blowing his agent up the same day he got released if he was the cancer ya'll making him out to be.

With the hawks he was good for 16, 8, 3, 1 stl, 2 blk per game on 46-47% shooting. he is absolutely going to help a team become much better if he's used accordingly

Pistons made him airball 8 footers? k.
- Lebby Jr has a better handle than his pops

- Josh Smith at his best is a great ball player....I'm not sure what caused him to start shooting threes again after stopping.
Pistons made him airball 8 footers? k.

So you rather base someones career potential based off a few instances rather than a 8 year span where he put up great numbers as the second option for a playoff team. :rolleyes

Everyone can't be Anthony Davis but to see dudes talkin about D-mo> Josh Smith is :smh:. Players need to be put in the best positions to display their skills... him running with Harden & Dwight is gonna do wonders for his game.

Already better than Marcus and Jeffery 
Nobody likes Marcus
NO ONE...And I mean NO ONE should EVER com par kobe Bryant to my dad an say that he is anywhere near close to my dad He's jagging this game
— Marcus Jordan (@mjordanordain) June 18, 2010
Clippers meed Smith desperately. Doc should guarantee him 4 3pt attempts per game off the bench. Can't be worse than Farmar's 20 second dribbling leading to 24 ft prayers. Definitely better than that obese backup PF diving everywhere for loose balls.

View media item 1316634
(and when you talk about Big Baby "diving everywhere for loose balls" it has a whole different connotation that with most players)
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@Antidope@Antidope<!--bluecoat_old_onload = window.onload;window.onload = function() { if (bluecoat_old_onload != null) {try {bluecoat_old_onload();} catch (e) {}}bluecoat_fixpopups();};//--> pls un-capitalize 'Waived', thanks.
Why shouldnt The "W" in waived be capitalized?
@Antidope@Antidope<!--bluecoat_old_onload = window.onload;window.onload = function() { if (bluecoat_old_onload != null) {try {bluecoat_old_onload();} catch (e) {}}bluecoat_fixpopups();};//--> pls admit the Weeknd is good, thanks.
No thanks. 
i've always liked JSmoov.... 

would love him to be on Dallas 

watching the Spurs game, it was interesting to see us not complete ONE alley-oop....  what would have been an oop to Wright, turned into people not even passing the ball to Greg Smith at all.... Smoov would bring that element back 

and Mavs fans went through YEARS of watching Shawn Marion shoot we wouldn't mind a few wreckless Smoov heat checks 
I don't think people are realizing how much of a difference Josh Can make for a contender in the West, look at the Elite teams & the guys they have at the 4 spot.

Aldridge, Blake, Dirk, Lee/Green, Ibaka, etc etc. He is not only a guy who can stay in front of them but a guy who can smother them & make it uncomfortable w/o giving up much against bigger Forwards.

Just a year & change ago he was matched up against PG on the perimeter and doing a hell of a good job. The Rockets picking him up allows for dwight to stay in the paint and alter shots, Add that along Beverly, Ariza, & Brewer and what once was a pedestrian defense starts to look like one of the better defenses in the League.

Having Josh gives you a guy who is still one of the most versatile defenders in the L.
no one can defend/smother/or bother Dirk's shot ... don't ever speak such things B

"It's like shooting over a chair" - Sir Charles 
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