**Thanks NT We Fell a Little Short But We Appreciate The Support..**

o_O the page isn't coming up for me. From either this thread or your facebook page the fb.com/kevinandrock link takes me to my homepage.
Once I figure this out I'm fanning.

Edit: I even tried searching for it.. not there.
clicked and done
Originally Posted by purplenurple1414

o_O the page isn't coming up for me. From either this thread or your facebook page the fb.com/kevinandrock link takes me to my homepage.
Once I figure this out I'm fanning.

Edit: I even tried searching for it.. not there.

Hey Purp.. this happened to a couple folks.. you can search me by Rock Wylde and click the link from my page there... thanks.
Well I fell asleep for 3.5 hours and it took off some steam so Im hoping it takes back off this morning.

Whoa Nelly
B Smooth... thats what I was telling my Partner.

NT has sold out shoes... phones... and whatevers in.. so we are a huge segment of the buying population by NT's self or word of mouth..

I got back from the Gym and there it is.. we are shooting up still.

Thanks fellas as I will probably say thanks a jillion more times..
Originally Posted by Skill Jonez

"NT is only powerful if you are a lame who makes it powerful." - The Hater Boxden.

well said..

I'll be that. I knew once the day time came.. the Hate would come abound... but I have more faith in the Support of NT than the "Hi Hata.. Hi Hata.Hi Hata!!!"
When RockDeep speaks....You listen.

When RockDeep ask you to do something....You do it.

Flip.. It must have bumped you my man.. I am making sure I thank everyone.. my bad bruh.. plus with you being from MY Urea.. you are extra appreciated.. lol
I just checked the page again. I was one of the first ones to show some love, but I got no love back
All good though lol. Keep doing your thing. Next time Isee ya'll at Good Times in Manassas, I might come through
I am depending on all my Big Breast Thread folk to come in and do some Damage as well to keep this on page one as if it were some big Breasticles.. lol
I'' just add this to every page.. or at least the front page.. lol

JustScoreda100 wrote:
You could have at least posted some pics of some shorty if you wanted my vote.

I will do anything for ratings....

The week before we got signed to CBS radio we did this event out on the Water... for our Internet show called Wyldestyle Radio www.wyldestyleradio.com They all wanted me to draw on them..


To Prove I did it.


YEah we roll like that


I wasn't so excited about this one.

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