Tesla lookin sick VOL. potentially insolvent soon

Aug 1, 2004
Time to Revive TTAC’s Tesla Deathwatch? Tesla Could Run Out of Cash This Year
By Ronnie Schreiber on May 4, 2018

Tesla Motors is 15 years old and it is still not profitable. Hyperbolic stock values have encouraged investors to keep showering Elon Musk and his crew with billions of dollars to keep the EV company afloat and develop new products, but now the Bloomberg news agency says that Tesla’s cash burn is severe enough to make the company insolvent this year if they don’t raise new capital, something made more difficult by a recent 24% decline in that stock’s value.



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Reporters Dana Hull and Hannah Recht did a deep dive into Teslas finances, both where their money has come from and where it’s been going. They came up with some interesting data. The company is going through cash at the rate of about $6,500 a minute, a bit more than $9 million a day. Free cash flow has been in the red for over a year. That’s how much money a firm generates after subtracting capital expenses.

The company’s cash situation is closely related to employment levels. In just three years, from 2014 until last year, Tesla went from about 13,000 employees to more than three times that number and they are still looking to hire thousands more as they try to ramp up production on their Model 3. The Model 3 is unarguably vital to the company’s success.

As the payroll increased, and with sales relatively flat before the Model 3 finally started shipping, revenue per worker dropped. Musk has often spoken of showing Detroit how to do things, but GM and Ford each take in more than twice as much revenue per employee as Tesla does. In the 4th quarter of 2017, Tesla paid out as much in interest on its debt as General Motors did, with Tesla earning one tenth of the revenue of GM. The revenue per employee problem is exacerbated by what Musk himself called a “Russian nesting doll” of contractors and subcontractors at the California assembly and Nevada battery plants.

At the start of 2018, Tesla had $9.4 billion in debt and $3.4 billion in cash. Moody’s says that $1.2 billion of that debt has to be repaid next year and over and above that, to stay operating it will need another $2 billion this year.

Tesla claims that it won’t require additional financing this year, save for existing credit lines, but that’s contingent on the positive cash flow that would result in the company actually hitting 5,000 units per week production level on the Model 3, something it hasn’t yet proven it can do.

Jeff Osborne of Cowen & Co. doesn’t believe Tesla’s claims, since Musk has made similar statements in the past and then gone out to raise more cash. Osborne thinks Tesla is going to try to raise $3 billion with a stock sale late this year, and another $2 billion late next year, to cover cash burn and debt retirement while still keeping more than $1 billion in cash reserves. I don’t believe that figure would include the $854 million in (mostly Model 3) deposits, but it likely includes the substantial interest earned on what amounts to interest free loans to the company.

If Tesla does collapse, those deposit holders would not be the biggest losers. That would be Musk himself. He’s Tesla’s single biggest stockholder and if his current compensation package vests, he’ll own more than a 1/4 of the company.

TTAC founder Robert Farago was highly skeptical of Tesla’s chances for success and the Tesla Deathwatch series was a staple here before Robert retired it a decade ago, after readers asked him to lighten up on the negativity. In light of Bloomberg’s report, our editor emeritus’ final post in that series sounds a bit prescient.

I still believe Tesla doesn’t have a hope in Hell of staying in business. But it will take a while for that to play out.

I don’t think it’s time just yet to revive the Tesla Deathwatch, but maybe we should dust it off to have it ready just in case.

if I wasn't too cheap to buy a car, I could see myself in a Tesla, or an electric something or other...
Tesla just needs to drop a 20k civic-esque car with none of the over the top bells and whistles and win.

they disguised the model 3 as that but after you get all the real features you need its a 50k car
Half those “kinks” turned out to be user errors

im talking about actually scaling up their production of da actual cars (not self driving accident debacles which is another story) which has been abysmal thus far for da model 3...

if they don't get another cash infusion soon they'll go belly up.
Still a demand for them.

Tesla is just months from a total collapse, says hedge-fund manager
By Shawn Langlois
Published: Mar 27, 2018 12:46 pm ET
‘I’ve never seen anything so absurd in my career’

Is Tesla a good short candidate at these levels? One hedge-fund manager sure thinks so.
Unless Elon Musk “pulls a rabbit out of his hat,” Tesla will be bankrupt within four months, says John Thompson of Vilas Capital Management.

“Companies eventually have to make a profit, and I don’t ever see that happening here,” he told MarketWatch. “This is one of the worst income statements I’ve ever seen and between the story and the financials, the financials will win out in this case.”

Thompson manages $25 million and his TeslaTSLA+3.39% short is the fund’s biggest position. To be fair, he’s been betting big against Tesla for years, which, of course, means he’s endured some brutal stretches.

Last April, for instance, the stock hit a record high around the $300 mark, and Musk was right there to troll the Tesla bears:

From that point, the stock continued to break new ground, eventually topping out at $389.61. But despite Tesla’s strong performance in 2017, Thompson’s fund still managed to churn out a 65% gain for the year.

Now, Tesla’s back to where it was when Musk fired off his “Shortville” tweet, and Thompson is confident his bet is about to pay off nicely.

In fact, Thompson says if his prediction comes true, his fund could surge by another 50%. With that in mind, he says he’s investing $500,000 of his own money.

“Tesla, without any doubt, is on the verge of bankruptcy,” he told clients in an email over the weekend. He explained that funding will be hard to come by in the face of problems in delivering the Model 3, declining demand for the Model S and X, extreme valuation and a likely downgrade of its credit rating by Moody’s from B- to CCC.

“As a reality check, Tesla is worth twice as much as Ford [estimate of the enterprise value of both companies], yet Ford F+1.43% made 6 million cars last year at a $7.6 billion profit while Tesla made 100,000 cars at a $2 billion loss,” Thompson said. “Further, Ford has $12 billion in cash held for ‘a rainy day’ while Tesla will likely run out of money in the next 3 months. I’ve never seen anything so absurd in my career.”

Tesla declined to comment on Thompson’s views.

At last check, Tesla shares were down almost 5% at $290, while the Dow Jones Industrial AverageDJIA+1.39% was up triple digits

Half those “kinks” turned out to be user errors. Tbh, I wouldn’t be surprised if the oil and gas industry has it out for Tesla.

dealerships already are

i've seen maybe 5 or 6 model 3's in my neighborhood in the past month or so

I really like Tesla and what Musk is been doing, pushing EV and his SpaceX stuff. Dude seems kinda like a **** tho :lol:

hope they dont go bankrupt like gm
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Thompson manages $25 million and his TeslaTSLA+3.39% short is the fund’s biggest position. To be fair, he’s been betting big against Tesla for years, which, of course, means he’s endured some brutal stretches.

Come on, man :lol:. This dude has a personal vendetta against TSLA because his short predictions have him looking funny in the light.
I used to could see myself flexing a model 3, but then the production issues started happening.

Now, I'd rather flex that I-Pace lol
They tried to do too much too fast. People aren’t dropping 35k minimum just to try something
lol what there are no EV vehicles that have an MSRP of low 20k.

Don’t think it’s not possible. We just live in America, it’s not as lucrative to do so.

I would gladly buy a Tesla with roll up windows and a am/fm radio. :lol: Does it really need a battery with the equivalent of 700 hp?
Don’t think it’s not possible. We just live in America, it’s not as lucrative to do so.

I would gladly buy a Tesla with roll up windows and a am/fm radio. :lol: Does it really need a battery with the equivalent of 700 hp?

Tesla is not in the position to do so. they can't even reliably sell a $35,000 one. they're S and X are popular and they're still losing money. they're such a small company in terms of car manufacturing

Why not have larger companies spearhead that.
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