Tekashi 69 lookin at RICO

This dude is a prized cow that the Betr3way couldn't fully milk. Now that 69 is on the secondary market whoever purchased him for salvage value gonna get they money's worth. Nobody gonna be allowed to mess this money up
he will get impeached on Wednesday (by the house).
after that things get interesting in the senate as senators will have to go on record with their votes.
the trial won't be overnight and none of that (what you posted) is happening Wednesday. I think when ppl think impeachment they're thinking impeachment plus removal which is why you have ppl in this thread that don't believe he will be impeached.
the house handles impeachment and they will impeach him. democrats control the house.
removal or acquittal (likely scenario since the GOP controls the senate) happens with the senate.

Bruv, I hope you’re right and I’m all for it, I just don’t have faith in the system like that. Historically, the government is 0-1-2 with impeachments and I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt with Nixon.
Impeaching him is pretty much the government saying, “Yea...we’ve lost control here..”. They’re not going to do that. They’re not going to do that.

Getting my freakydestroyer freakydestroyer on here..if he does become the first US President to get impeached, it’ll kinda confirm he is here on accident as he was just supposed to make Hilary look good. Which would open a completely different can of beans..
Bruv, I hope you’re right and I’m all for it, I just don’t have faith in the system like that. Historically, the government is 0-1-2 with impeachments and I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt with Nixon.
Impeaching him is pretty much the government saying, “Yea...we’ve lost control here..”. They’re not going to do that. They’re not going to do that.

Getting my freakydestroyer freakydestroyer on here..if he does become the first US President to get impeached, it’ll kinda confirm he is here on accident as he was just supposed to make Hilary look good. Which would open a completely different can of beans..
him getting impeached BEFORE
he messed up our country even more
woulda been great
him getting impeached now
will not change where our country is headed
and it aint a good path
The evidence against him is weak. I don't think he's getting impeached. The establishment politicians both r and Dems Ben falling over themselves to get Trump out because he's and outsider. I'm black and not a supporter of him, bit from a distance looks like a lot of infighting and political beefs.

Plus none of the Democratic candidates are strong.
Impeachment and removal aren’t the same thing tr1ll tr1ll . Nixon resigned before he was removed. Bill lying under oath about a bj wasn’t seen as removal worthy. Trump tho...most definitely will be impeached...but he won’t be removed because the entire senate GOP is compromised...and they are the majority in the senate and they’ve already said they will not look at evidence, will work WITH trump on a defense (even tho they are supposed to be impartial jurors) and won’t even pretend to be impartial. This will just go on the record that they voted not to impeach a president who abused his office in the clearest way. When re-election comes up for those GOP guys who voted not to remove him from office comes up in certain races...they’ll have the black mark on them. That’s what this is about.

I think we all need to go back and get a refresher course on US civics.
The evidence against him is weak. I don't think he's getting impeached. The establishment politicians both r and Dems Ben falling over themselves to get Trump out because he's and outsider. I'm black and not a supporter of him, bit from a distance looks like a lot of infighting and political beefs.

Plus none of the Democratic candidates are strong.

You’ve only seen like 5% of the evidence :lol:. That “transcript”of the call that he was forced to release that the whistleblower alerted congress about is redacted and a call summary. And even that is damming. On top of that...he’s literally blocked all evidence and people who can testify about what he was doing. There is already enough evidence that’s pretty strong...and the WH is openly defying subpoenas and not allowing testimony.

Imagine if you as a black man...got charged in the process of a crime. But your homeboys were the jury, and already said they won’t convict you. AND you had the ability to stop the prosecution from viewing any evidence. That’s what trump is doing. That’s why there’s an article for obstruction. Because he’s literally obstructing justice.
When re-election comes up for those GOP guys who voted not to remove him from office comes up in certain races...they’ll have the black mark on them
yeah but how many white folk
and back folks who look like

won't care
Don't seem like there is much evidence. Now the methods used to get said evidence is what's actually gonna get folks caught up.
He won't be removed. Senate will save face by saying he didn't get due process. They will neither agree with or refute the actual crimes he stands accused of.
The evidence against him is weak. I don't think he's getting impeached. The establishment politicians both r and Dems Ben falling over themselves to get Trump out because he's and outsider. I'm black and not a supporter of him, bit from a distance looks like a lot of infighting and political beefs.

Plus none of the Democratic candidates are strong.
I agree with that last statement

the dems don’t have a strong candidate, were Too occupied with beating trump we’re not uniting Over One person.

yeah I doubt he gets impeached , IMO the evidence is strong, I don’t think it will happen in the senate though
Universal lawyers, I wonder what kinda money they're getting from him and his future ventures.
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