Tekashi 69 lookin at RICO

this week is going to be mad interesting with trump getting impeached Wednesday and tekashi coming out probably the same day or day after.
Don’t hold your breath, homie.
the house will impeach him.
i'm not talking about what happens in the senate. that's the interesting part seeing as how the GOP has been aiding and abetting this entire time and some are on record with saying they're siding with and will help trump despite the evidence and reality.

not making it through the Senate
impeachment happens in the house.
Last I heard no one on the republican side supports the impeachment. It’s literally impossible at this point
watch what happens Wednesday.
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you might be right, a democrat from NJ caught so much ether from his constituency, he was like "eff this, im joining da GOP, ya can kiss my *** if you think im voting for impeachment" :lol:
he was soft already. he never counted.
he was soft already. he never counted.

what your gonna have Wednesday is a most likely a majority party line vote to impeachment, and a bipartisan minority vote not to in da House, followed by a complete acquittal in da senate.
what your gonna have Wednesday is a most likely a majority party line vote to impeachment, and a bipartisan minority vote not to in da House, followed by a complete acquittal in da senate.
he will get impeached on Wednesday (by the house).
after that things get interesting in the senate as senators will have to go on record with their votes.
the trial won't be overnight and none of that (what you posted) is happening Wednesday. I think when ppl think impeachment they're thinking impeachment plus removal which is why you have ppl in this thread that don't believe he will be impeached.
the house handles impeachment and they will impeach him. democrats control the house.
removal or acquittal (likely scenario since the GOP controls the senate) happens with the senate.
the trial won't be overnight and none of that (what you posted) is happening Wednesday

oh you don't think Democrats who are vulnerable in districts that voted for Trump are going to defect? :lol:

might wanna tune out of MSNBC, and at least listen to honest liberals at npr who aren't selling you a bill of goods.
No one is going to touch a hair on the snitch's head...
It's clear as day dude is well-protected by the powers that be if he walks away from this case scot-free with millions and a new record deal...
& let's be real... dudes barely regulate non-celebrity snitches, what makes you all think dude is going to get touched? All people are going to do is talk greasy about dude for a minute and keep it moving...
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