Francesco and Fleshgod Apocalypse dissociate themselves from what happened to Hour Of Penance.Hi everybody, this is Francesco.As you all know, I've been both Fleshgod Apocalypse's drummer and HourOf Penance's singer so far. Things have changed on May 7th, when Idecided to leave Hour Of Penance following the facts happened at"Coyote Ugly", in Alicante, where the band ,Hour Of Penance, wassupposed to play. I'm not gonna explain here again what happened onthat day, but it's been such a severe thing to me that I decided toleave Hour Of Penance. It's inadmissible for the way I conceive my workand music itself to involve myself in such a non-professional behavior.I believe respect for the fans, promoters and everybody I work with, isthe first thing; everybody I met during this years of touring perfectlyknows how much I am serious, dedicated, and professional in doing mywork.Differently from what people said in some forums without knowing thefacts, I wasn't drunk and I have not been involved in any way in themess that happened over there.The only thing I tried to do was to solve the bad situation going on,since I was very pissed off about it. Considering this facts I want toget some things straight:
1) I was there in order to do my work, but I have nothing to do withanything happened that night (Police and the promoter can testify).
2) Fleshgod Apocalypse have nothing to do with this and complitely disassociate themselves from what happened.
3) Me and Fleshgod Apocalypse will go on supporting Giulio Moschini andSilvano Leone from Hour Of Penance as friends and musicians.
I personally want to apologies one more time for what happened.I hope that everybody will continue to support my work with Fleshgod Apocalypsewithout letting rumors influence their opinion.Thank you again for the love shown in this bad hours.See you on the road,Francesco.The following statement is the official one published on Hour Of Penance's myspace:"Just got back home , time to clarifiy about what happened during our show in Spain , AlicanteHere writing Giulio , Silvano and Francesco from Hour of Penance ,we've just returned home and we decided to make an announcement of whathappened during what looks like to be our last tour with this line up.What follows , is just the truth , we know that on the internet thereare already people talking about this or that without knowing whatREALLY happened during the show we supposed to do in Alicante on May7th .Here's what happened :We were about to jump on stage and play as we did on every night sincethe start of this tour and since we always did so far in the mostprofessional way we could, but once on stage we figured out that ourdrummer Mauro was not able to perform a whole Hour of Penance set , soFrancesco take the microphone and announced that we couldn't do theshow because our drummer was sick. Just after his announcement theemployees of the venue "Coyote Ugly" started taking our instruments andgears because somebody did damages to the venue including breaking aflat TV 50 inches.. so we started talking with them with lot ofdifficulties since nobody at the venue except us and the promoter wereable to speak english but only spanish untill the police arrived anddiscovered that all those damages were done by our drummer Mauro. Sowhile Giulio was trying to solve the situation with the Policeofficers, taking back all the instruments and stuff that the employeesof the venue took and tried to steal , Mauro was taken by other policeofficers to the police headquarter of Alicante and stopped for 48 hoursbecause he hadn't the ID card that was stolen together with hisnotebook.What you just read , is just what happened that night, Myself ( Giulio), Silvano and Francesco are completely not guilty and we couldn't doanything to prevent what Mauro did that night as all happened in asudden and as we haven't see him doing what he did.With this announcement we would like to send our deepest apologies tothe promoters of the last 3 shows that had been cancelled in Spain, ourfans that were waiting us and all the people who had known Hour ofPenance for being a professional band.We will send another update soon regarding the future of Hour ofPenance, right now we don't have any more words to comment whathappened ,Thanks Giulio, Silvano, FrancescoSorry again and thank you!"