Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Initiation eh?
Bands I usually listen to on a daily basis for the last month or two have been Omen, Cirith Ungol, Attacker, Ostrogoth, Satan.
Been on a heavy metal binge the past while, and loving it.
Good list of bands there man. I see you jam out to Attacker and Satan there. Have you heard of Witchfinders General?
Well thats awesome. I like yourself jam out to the old school NWOBHM and underground stuff no one in this day really knows about. Its cool to have someone on here that does. Anyway all of us jam out to all kinds of metal on here some more heavier than others but we always post videos in case someone hasn't heard of a group or just what we are jamming to that day. Fell free to do so on this thread. We also pretty much post the shows we are going to or if we find out who announces a tour we pretty much post info in case one doesn't know.
Thanks for the welcome man. I know the feeling about no one listening to this underground stuff. Half the stuff on you tube that I look up to post barely has over 1000 plays, sometimes not even over 100. And the music is so good it should be criminal for it being so neglected.

as for what I'm listening to right now, this is immense. I'm not really a fan of Black/Norwegian metal due to the vocals. But this is an exception.
The initiation is just nonsense I come up with

Right now I'm recovering from Cinco de Mayo so I may give you a freebee on this one.  In bed by 3 at work by 9
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

The initiation is just nonsense I come up with

Right now I'm recovering from Cinco de Mayo so I may give you a freebee on this one.  In bed by 3 at work by 9
Tell me about it man.  Thats how I felt this morning and being Mexican we had a refrigerator with nothing but beer and liquor everywhere we walked.  Luckily I had school but my final was at 10 and my head hurt ridiculously.
Originally Posted by BCF06

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

The initiation is just nonsense I come up with

Right now I'm recovering from Cinco de Mayo so I may give you a freebee on this one.  In bed by 3 at work by 9
Tell me about it man. Thats how I felt this morning and being Mexican we had a refrigerator with nothing but beer and liquor everywhere we walked. Luckily I had school but my final was at 10 and my head hurt ridiculously.
Being Irish I didn't have a refrigerator of beer and liquor, but I probably could have stocked mine with what I drank
. My friends trying to hook me up with a fat chick
. I'm drunk, but I ain't that drunk...yet.
that vid is kvlt

gonna have to check out these nwobhm bands you guys are talking about, they sound great. as for windir, 1184 is no doubt one of the finest melodic black metal albums i have ever heard. just about the only time i dont mind techno
(i enjoy some electro like rave and trance but techno is just boring as $#+$%#@ hell to me)

bcf, i have seen them live. they opened for behemoth in january and whooped %%+. the drakonian paradigm is a great blackened death metal album and im not only saying that b/c theyre a local band, its really good

verdict of vengeance should confirm for that festival
Originally Posted by Physicx

that vid is kvlt

gonna have to check out these nwobhm bands you guys are talking about, they sound great. as for windir, 1184 is no doubt one of the finest melodic black metal albums i have ever heard. just about the only time i dont mind techno
(i enjoy some electro like rave and trance but techno is just boring as $#+$%#@ hell to me)

bcf, i have seen them live. they opened for behemoth in january and whooped %%+. the drakonian paradigm is a great blackened death metal album and im not only saying that b/c theyre a local band, its really good

verdict of vengeance should confirm for that festival
I been looking for something from Weapon but couldn't find anything on Youtube but I'll take your word for it since you got great taste in metal.

Anyway I'm jamming out to some Pantera and am just down right disgusted by my Spurs
.  I've already drank enough and I'm about to drink some more.
Originally Posted by FC3SCorey

My to show just how TRV I IS.
Sarcasm aside.

Rush for 152 dollars? That's a hurting price for tickets hahaha.

Glad Maiden only cost me 80 something. And that's still pricey S:

sorry if I'm not actually aloud to post in here, but I couldn't resist.

LOL at dude being afraid to post since Ninja hasnt given him the treasure hunt map yet.
ninjallamafromhell wrote:
Originally Posted by BCF06

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

The initiation is just nonsense I come up with

Right now I'm recovering from Cinco de Mayo so I may give you a freebee on this one.� In bed by 3 at work by 9
Tell me about it man.� Thats how I felt this morning and being Mexican we had a refrigerator with nothing but beer and liquor everywhere we walked.� Luckily I had school but my final was at 10 and my head hurt ridiculously.
Being Irish I didn't have a refrigerator of beer and liquor, but I probably could have stocked mine with what I drank
.� My friends trying to hook me up with a fat chick
.� I'm drunk, but I ain't that drunk...yet.

HAHA lol at being Irish, Fs Yea!

And I dunno why but that vid pic reminded me of Avatar. Anyone seen it yet:? I just watched it on blu ray and it has left me mind blown.... Really... Like the first time I heard MAIDEN type of mind blown...
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

ninjallamafromhell wrote:
Originally Posted by BCF06

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

The initiation is just nonsense I come up with

Right now I'm recovering from Cinco de Mayo so I may give you a freebee on this one.� In bed by 3 at work by 9
Tell me about it man.� Thats how I felt this morning and being Mexican we had a refrigerator with nothing but beer and liquor everywhere we walked.� Luckily I had school but my final was at 10 and my head hurt ridiculously.
Being Irish I didn't have a refrigerator of beer and liquor, but I probably could have stocked mine with what I drank
.� My friends trying to hook me up with a fat chick
.� I'm drunk, but I ain't that drunk...yet.

HAHA lol at being Irish, Fs Yea!

And I dunno why but that vid pic reminded me of Avatar. Anyone seen it yet:? I just watched it on blu ray and it has left me mind blown.... Really... Like the first time I heard MAIDEN type of mind blown...
Dude I still haven't seen it yet.
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

Originally Posted by FC3SCorey

My to show just how TRV I IS.
Sarcasm aside.

Rush for 152 dollars? That's a hurting price for tickets hahaha.

Glad Maiden only cost me 80 something. And that's still pricey S:

sorry if I'm not actually aloud to post in here, but I couldn't resist.

LOL at dude being afraid to post since Ninja hasnt given him the treasure hunt map yet.
Huh? I've been posting in here buddy, in case you're blind and missed my 5-6 posts on this page completely.

I went and seen Avatar in the theaters twice.. The first time I was very drunk so I hardly remembered it in 3D. Then I saw the regular version sober. I have to say I know why I didn't remember the movie first time around, there is nothing worth remembering. I would rate the movie 3/10. Visuals don't matter. I enjoy horror flicks from the 80's a lot more than any movie out today.

What is on right now.

Some incredibly unknown Canadian thrash.
^lol its nothing man, just sort of an inside joke. ninjalla usually posts these crazy initiations for new members and 9/10 times they never come back

we tried to get infernal majesty to play after the campus' viewing of until the light takes us (horrible documentary in case anyone is wondering. it should be called an "a two hour long interview with fenriz and varg vikernes"
. just a crock of %#!* thats been said a million times. its aim was just shock value). they said they were willing to come down here but i guess we didnt have the funds to get them

on a side note while the committee for the group were looking for bands to bring in, 3 inches of blood wanted 5 thousand @$*!#%% dollars. you have got to be kidding me...
 FC3SCorey wrote:
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

Originally Posted by FC3SCorey

My to show just how TRV I IS.
Sarcasm aside.

Rush for 152 dollars? That's a hurting price for tickets hahaha.

Glad Maiden only cost me 80 something. And that's still pricey S:

sorry if I'm not actually aloud to post in here, but I couldn't resist.

LOL at dude being afraid to post since Ninja hasnt given him the treasure hunt map yet.
Huh? I've been posting in here buddy, in case you're blind and missed my 5-6 posts on this page completely.

Chill, Buddy. It was a clearly a joke and im obviously not blind.
 Anyone who rocks to Metal on this forum is cool with me.

Anyways, Avatar wasnt much in the story line but the visuals were amazing.

Todays listening up to the Laker game and UFC fights:

Wolves In The Throne Room
Asking Alexandria
Municipal Waste
Austrian Death Machine

Don't get to feisty now FC3SCorey, Rust is a cool dude and just meant it as a joke. By the way good suggestion on that Infernal Majesty. Anyway congrats on those lakers Rust. Can't say the same for my Spurs. Just finished watching that Paul Williams fight.

Damn Physicx 5,000 bucks! It will be interesting to see who you guys track down and how much they ask for.
True true man. No hostility meant,  just never know on forums my man. Sarcasm/jokes don't always work the way you want them when you don't have a face/voice to portray it. Anyway bro enough of that hahaha, how did you like the fights tonight? IMO most of them were pretty sad. Thankfully Shogun gave everyone a show

LOL @ 3IOB wanting 5k.  How long ago was that? I don't even think Cam Pipes is n the band anymore and he MADE the band worth listening to. I'm dreading what they come up with next without him. For a "local band" they were sweet yeah, but listen to this. They didn't tour Vancouver when they were supposed to because it was "to cold". Vancouver is on the pacific coast. t-shirt weather to us is 5-10 Celsius (like 40-50F). To cold to them is like 0C (32F)...? It was utter crap. It might not have been true, just what I heard. They didn't show up regardless.

I'm curious about this crazy initiations though. It sounds hilarious. Any references to past ones? :tongue:

What I'm listening to, being drunk helps.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by ErickM713

How do I join the club? 
Ok, I'm going to need you to get a bag of Doritos and a copy of Dante's Divine Comedy.  Put both in a blender and blend throughly.  Mix with 3 cups of milk and bake at 350 degrees for half an hour.  Then I'm going to need you to cut them into squares and place in a bag.  Next put on some rubber boots and head to the closest retirement facility.  While there you need to sing the lounge version of Hammer Smash Face while wearing your rubber boots (someone else's rubber boots are also acceptable).  After that I just need you to head out to Corvallis because I need help with my homework

That's the best I can come up with at 10, no coffee, and after three late nights of socket programming in C.  I'm tired boss.
Here's one, I think it's the last one I did.
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