Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For me:

Mercyful Fate- Dont Break the Oath
Led Zeppelin- Led Zeppelin II
Gojira- The way of all flesh
j1 where you been homie? long time no see, even in the nhl thread

matt, welcome my friend. come to canada sometime and open for one of the shows in edmonton
everyone is getting sick of seeing warbringer every 3 months so we could use some new blood

anyways for me:

arkaik - matt you might like this seeing what you post. think the faceless minus the deathcore influence. kind of like hour of penance. a little hard to distinguish b/w other bands of the same genre but still a worthwhile listen. everyone else, get on it too
antares predator
matt...welcome. that's wicked that you're in a guys have opened for some pretty legit groups. good stuff, man. i actually just started playing guitar and damn is it i definitely have an even greater respect for guitarists than i did 3 months ago. rock on, man.

p.s. physicx...i retract my prior statement about the oilers...we're definitely worse right now
Physicx- I would love to come up to Canada, but it would have to be during the summer cause I hate the cold haha.. I love hockey, and you guys have a lot of solid bands up there (Protest the Hero, Ion Dissonance, Despised Icon, Unexpect, Threat Signal, etc.) Oddly enough, my bro Travis is playing guitar for Threat Signal now. Arkaik is a great band. As a matter of fact, I just recently downloaded Reflections Within Dissonance before my computer crashed. Now that its back, I'll have to get it again. They're very reminiscent of The Faceless' Planetary Duality, to me. More progressive tech death and less deathcore. You're into Decrepitaph? That's awesome. Those guys are from around these parts, and I know their drummer pretty well. He's a true old school death metal guy which is rare to find around these parts. Most of the people around this scene still ritually sniff the Pantera jock. Don't get me wrong, I love the band, but at some point its time to let go, and I'm damn sure over southern metal. Someone needs to put that %@%! to bed. I understand what you mean about Warbringer. I saw them with Unexpect, and we opened for them once in Austin, so I can see how their constant presence would be annoying haha.

Deadsetace- Thanks for the kind words. I know how it is to be just starting out, so you have my respect. Its definitely rough to begin with, but trust me, with practice, it gets easier. Build up those callouses and that hand strength, and you'll be well on your way. It doesn't happen overnight, so don't have unrealistic expectations. That nearly ruined it for me. When I first started playing, I thought I should be getting better faster than I was, and it became frustrating. I quit for nearly a year before listening to Metallica's black album, and it inspired me. I grabbed the Easy Guitar tab book and started working on the songs on my acoustic, and the rest is history. You got any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to hit me up.

Here's a quick axe pic
thanks, matt. definitely let you know if i have questions.

that's a sweet guitar, love the color. i play an ibanez as well...but plain old black
Yeah man, Ibanez makes the best 7 strings on the planet, so I'm trying to grab as many of them as I can. I'm a fiend for bright, ridiculous colors, so this was a must buy for me.
nice flip flops

deadset, we have 1 freaking win this year...and it was against the canes for christ sakes. everyone is like, "2 in a row vs philly!!! lets get it"

i bought my little brother a les paul and i figured since i got it i should at least learn how to play it. ihavent touched it in months
Haha those flip flops are actually my sister's, but they fit the color scheme so well, especially now that I have pink knobs on there.

I feel alright about the Stars after hearing you two guys complain. We definitely can't get it done on the road nowadays, unless its against the Oil
but we have been dominant at the AAC, minus the Phoenix game. This team is so dreadfully inconsistent. It drives me nuts.
cheap shot

speaking of richard christy and steve digiorggio (man i butchered that), anyone else anticipating the new control denied album? i shouldnt even be asking, of course you are!

for me right now:

sunless rise - new band from russia. they play melodic death metal similar to old children of bodom (hehehe) w/ a splash of scar symmetry. most of the bodom clones from last decade have developed their own sound so its nice to hear something like this again
^indeed. i tried downloading the promo straight off the myspace but its in ifolder as opposed to megaupload etc. ifolder is in a whole $@+%$%+ different language. damned if i know what it is

has anyone seen the lineup for this festival in the netherlands? its DISGUSTING


Yo Physicx, is there any sort of release date for that Control Denied record? I've only been looking forward to that forever. As far as that lineup goes, Six Feet Under can suck my #*#, but there are a lot of superb bands on that bill. I would go for Carcass alone, honestly, but Origin, Napalm Death, Aborted, Bolt Thrower, and Dying Fetus make me a happy man.
Originally Posted by Physicx

cheap shot

speaking of richard christy and steve digiorggio (man i butchered that), anyone else anticipating the new control denied album? i shouldnt even be asking, of course you are!

for me right now:

sunless rise - new band from russia. they play melodic death metal similar to old children of bodom (hehehe) w/ a splash of scar symmetry. most of the bodom clones from last decade have developed their own sound so its nice to hear something like this again
Bah I haven't spoken Russian in years, I'm of no use.
That would be one killer metal fest to attend. Netherlands gets all the good stuff.


The Devil Wears Prada
Iron Maiden
Originally Posted by BCF06

I hate that group so much. That dudes vocals are one of the worst.

I couldn't possibly agree more. That band is beyond terrible.

All That Remains
The Acacia Strain
ah well, we all have different tastes
(i dont listen to them btw)

there is no solid release date on the control denied album matt, but if ive been waiting this long, whats another couple months right?

anyways, i was gonna go to the arch enemy/exodus/arsis show but i have a lab report and essay due for friday so im stuck in the library right now grrr

for today:

throne of chaos
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