TAY: thread about yambs...

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I'm 27 and meeting a female 4 years under my age at the club is completely normal...and cherished. Even then, most females around 23 have kids so 23 talking to a 19 year old who probably has ample free time and no kids? Uh...why not?

I'm not saying cuff her, considering that she's around the age of a college freshman and hasn't even hit the club scene yet, which she'll need to get out of her system eventually...but if she's down to kick it and come up off the buns, do it.

She's an adult...but not grown. Dig?
yea those 19 year olds are ripe and just starting out exploring the depths of their slutiness. also low miles. and sometimes low self esteem. and when ur older u probably got a legit job not like the losers in her psych 101 class who work at hot dog on a stick n covered in cystic acne

i think i mentioned before how my friends brother is like 23 but still at community college even tho he got all his transfer credits. dude got addicted to enrolling in freshman level classes and prospecting young tenders and corrupting them. dude is a grade A scumbag pervert but he has a nice rotation of unemployed, fresh out of high school box going for him. 
he Larry us LMAO, boy off the chain, that nana have a homie head gon
^^ main thing that pops into my head when i see a dime is "she's probably a ***"... after my brief encounter yesterday i'm gonna start rolling the dice and igniting conversation with these broads.
Another thing i noticed is when I'm trying my hardest to attract the yambs (fresh cut, wearing my best outfit etc.) I never really get any attention but when I'm chilling (sweats, beard grown out) a lot of women in like their mid 20s notice me.. think i found my niche :lol:


"Cause when you try hard, that's when you die hard." - Yeezy

But for real though. I might be in the same situation as Ricky. I smash an average of sevens on a scale of one to ten, but I have smashed a more than a few nines in my day.

I've started to grow a beard since September, and I get a lot of attention than when I'm lined up with the fresh face, gear, etc. Went to class today with a black H&M hoodie, some grey adidas sweats, and black jordan fives. Four chicks hit my line talking about lets kick it.

These chicks might get intimidated when you're overtly fresh, when in a college setting at least. I'm trying to save all of that Balenciaga shoe walking, J. Crew suit wearing crap until I'm done with college this upcoming summer and I'm in a more appropriate setting.

My dad said it best. "Adjust, Adapt, and Overcome." That simple.
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so the girl that was supposed to spend the night saturday..sends me this huge text saying she doesnt want to have sex with me and if she did it will effect her due to what she has been thru the past 2 years..i take that as she's a **** and she's trying to get saved

not necessarily--- it probably means in the past she's slept with dudes too soon and she has pinpointed that as an issue for her so she's trying to work around it.

If you just looking for yambs then move around, but don't fault the girl for being stand up and coming out up front. She put it out there so now you can do what you will with it. Tell her you respect her decision but right now you are just looking for sex so it'd be best if she doesn't show up. Tell her if she does decide to come out then you take that to mean she is willing and wanting to have sex. If she still makes the decision to show up then smash away :lol:

If she be on some BS kick that ***** out of your house.
From a woman's perspective, I'll tell you guys a story about the last time I told someone "I didn't just want to have sex...."

D had crush on me for like a year but I was in a relationship. Let's say I put him in the friend/homiezone :lol: He'd always kick game to me like "oh we should go out" "that's not your boyfriend so why you won't come chill with me?" You know.... tryna run game :lol: I'd kick it at his place from time to time but on the cool, it was on some chill ****. One time I remember we went to the movies (he paid his way, I paid mine) I guess after a while he stopped being just the homie and we stopped communicating. Lets say 5-6 months go by and my relationship ended. Now, we don't really run int he same circles all that much but he RANDOMLY started hitting me up again out the blue. Needless to say, he brought up the idea of "us" again and since I was free I was like **** it, why not. Now this was , and I kid you not, like a WEEK after I just broke up with my BF (I know... I know :smh: ) But on the cool my BF wasn't that great of a guy anyway and I think he wanted to break up with me sooner but was just to chicken **** to come out and say it. So the instant I did something, even though it was small, he used that as his opportunity to peace out. Oh well, win some lose some.

Aiight, so me and D are talking, dating for about 3 weeks... a month TOPS. He hits me up one day on some (and I'm dead serious) "I did some push ups this morning etc. and I'm tryna kick it with my favorite girl" :lol: :smh: I knew then what his game was, and I knew my breakup was kinda fresh so I asked him flat out if I came over that night would I be expected to sleep with him. He told me in a round about way "yes," and that we'd been kicking it a while (in his mind) and people who he dates he expects to have sex with. I told him that if I came over I didn't want to have sex cuz my relationship was fresh and I didn't want to be sleeping with him and thinking about my ex. Blah blah blah we talk in circles and I tell him I'll think about it and call him back.

So... I thought about it. I knew what would be expected of me if I went over there. I thought "well I'm broken up... ****, I'm DUMPED... why should I go around feeling sorry myself thinking about a dude who obviously didn't care about me all that much... cuz if he did, we'd still be together. " To make a long story short, I went over ol' dude's house and had a rather enjoyable smash session. Talking multiple positions.... head .... GOOD QUALITY HEAD at that, and even some early morning action before work :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: He and I ended up dating for about 5-6 months but just being honest with ya'll I was nothing more than a glorified f*** buddy to him (that homegirl you are really cool with and have good sex with too--that was me). We'd still go out on dates and what not but I wasn't his GF. WHICH, I know that's my fault and I take full responsibility cuz he let me know what his intentions were up front. He's out of my life now but hey I used it as a learning experience. Tried being friends and that worked great (for me) but I kinda think he didn't like the fact that I wouldn't sleep with him again so he stopped talking to me (over some dumb ****)

The moral of the story is this--- sometimes a woman will say something legit trying to be honest. If you are honest in return we might surprise you. If you want sex, SAY THAT... then we can at least make a decision if you want to have sex as well. When you start with games, you end with games/drama. Keep that in mind.

**edit I have just slept over a dude's house... usually it's cuz we are coming back late from somewhere and I'm tipsy, or it's just late. When I know I don't want to have sex I tell them I'll just sleep on the couch. Me and D (during the second phase of our relationship... which was the friend phase... I'd sleepover at his house like once a week :lol: Yea... that's prolly why he deaded me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: though he didn't say it...)
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From a woman's perspective, I'll tell you guys a story about the last time I told someone "I didn't just want to have sex...."

D had crush on me for like a year but I was in a relationship. Let's say I put him in the friend/homiezone :lol: He'd always kick game to me like "oh we should go out" "that's not your boyfriend so why you won't come chill with me?" You know.... tryna run game :lol: I'd kick it at his place from time to time but on the cool, it was on some chill ****. One time I remember we went to the movies (he paid his way, I paid mine) I guess after a while he stopped being just the homie and we stopped communicating. Lets say 5-6 months go by and my relationship ended. Now, we don't really run int he same circles all that much but he RANDOMLY started hitting me up again out the blue. Needless to say, he brought up the idea of "us" again and since I was free I was like **** it, why not. Now this was , and I kid you not, like a WEEK after I just broke up with my BF (I know... I know :smh: ) But on the cool my BF wasn't that great of a guy anyway and I think he wanted to break up with me sooner but was just to chicken **** to come out and say it. So the instant I did something, even though it was small, he used that as his opportunity to peace out. Oh well, win some lose some.

Aiight, so me and D are talking, dating for about 3 weeks... a month TOPS. He hits me up one day on some (and I'm dead serious) "I did some push ups this morning etc. and I'm tryna kick it with my favorite girl" :lol: :smh: I knew then what his game was, and I knew my breakup was kinda fresh so I asked him flat out if I came over that night would I be expected to sleep with him. He told me in a round about way "yes," and that we'd been kicking it a while (in his mind) and people who he dates he expects to have sex with. I told him that if I came over I didn't want to have sex cuz my relationship was fresh and I didn't want to be sleeping with him and thinking about my ex. Blah blah blah we talk in circles and I tell him I'll think about it and call him back.

So... I thought about it. I knew what would be expected of me if I went over there. I thought "well I'm broken up... ****, I'm DUMPED... why should I go around feeling sorry myself thinking about a dude who obviously didn't care about me all that much... cuz if he did, we'd still be together. " To make a long story short, I went over ol' dude's house and had a rather enjoyable smash session. Talking multiple positions.... head .... GOOD QUALITY HEAD at that, and even some early morning action before work :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: He and I ended up dating for about 5-6 months but just being honest with ya'll I was nothing more than a glorified f*** buddy to him (that homegirl you are really cool with and have good sex with too--that was me). We'd still go out on dates and what not but I wasn't his GF. WHICH, I know that's my fault and I take full responsibility cuz he let me know what his intentions were up front. He's out of my life now but hey I used it as a learning experience. Tried being friends and that worked great (for me) but I kinda think he didn't like the fact that I wouldn't sleep with him again so he stopped talking to me (over some dumb ****)

The moral of the story is this--- sometimes a woman will say something legit trying to be honest. If you are honest in return we might surprise you. If you want sex, SAY THAT... then we can at least make a decision if you want to have sex as well. When you start with games, you end with games/drama. Keep that in mind.
Had my "Did not read" gifs ready till I peeped this.
Nice story, care to share more adventures of them yambpatties originals? :nerd:
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i feel i was pretty honest in the situation..I told her its up to her if she wants to come..she alrighty knows what i want..and she still hasnt hit back from earlier..so i dont think she is coming
Had my "Did not read" gifs ready till I peeped this.

most of my homeboy are "homeboys" cuz they
a) ugly
b) I think they are gay/soft
c) fugly
d) douchers
yo you are the worst type of person. really.
I'm playin lol
naw you ain't **** tho. real rap.
I'ma pretty ***** tho, so I ain't mad, but still.
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there's females on NT, 

i have a friend that lives across the street from a hospital and his apartment is facing their parking lot so he waits til 4pm or so and walks his super cute dog..he's been doing quite well, he's like some sort of hunter preying on the cute asian girls and super lonely white girls that drive beemers.
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what happened...
when i went into the store i saw she had a long line so i browsed around. She was periodically looking over at me but as soon as she rang the last dude up she went over to the other far end of the store and talked to some other dude for like 10 minutes. I didn't want to look like a creep so i left. She stared at me the whole time i was walking out tho but won't be going back there for a while lol
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Then you don't
When I see bad biddies and hear my patnas talk about their escapades I honestly just be feelin like "oh, that's cool" or "oh, damn...she's bad" but I never wish I didn't have to be committed to my girl. That mindset will eventually turn into something big and bad for dude's relationship later down the line.
oh , Shouts out to the homie Ricky for the thread...should of put that in a while ago but, chick today said i was special in a good way..but she called another dude cute in my face(probably not feelin me) but i was tryna decipher what that meant. Obviously she probably thought i wasn't cute to her, but what did she mean by i was special in a good way?..my personality or what. I need help on this NT fambs.   # 100th post.
oh , Shouts out to the homie Ricky for the thread...should of put that in a while ago but, chick today said i was special in a good way..but she called another dude cute in my face(probably not feelin me) but i was tryna decipher what that meant. Obviously she probably thought i wasn't cute to her, but what did she mean by i was special in a good way?..my personality or what. I need help on this NT fambs.   # 100th post.
 Eh, a compliment is still a compliment.
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