TAY: thread about yambs...

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Technically some Latinas have African blood in them whether they'll admit to it or not

And I've never let a white thot let that fly around me...I'll check them real quick cause some of them get a lil too comfortable with black culture
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Technically some Latinas have African blood in them whether they'll admit to it or not

And I've never let a white thot let that fly around me...I'll check them real quick cause some of them get a lil too comfortable with black culture

Yeah that's why I posted it. Seeing as I ain't trying to make these broads my wife no time soon I could care less , but if it was a girlfriend it would lead to a discussion at the least.
Why is it OK for Hispanics to say the n word but not Asians or whites. Someone enlighten me
none should be saying it. Here in CA especially in the bay ASIANS say the word so much there teeth can turn white! in LA (my city) Mexican say it ...but i just laugh cause they look stupid. I was once setting down on campus eating and i just sparked a convo with two Mexican dudes and they both processed to drop the word left and right around me. I know yall are influence by HIP HOP culture but it doesn't look or sound right. I just laugh and ignore it. I guess HIP HOP has reach different culture lines. I mean i hardly use the word as a black men. so i find i funny other races do.
She wanted the d, f what she said if it wasnt meant to be disrespectful, if she smash material go conquer that
My initial thought was ain't no way I'm letting a chick call me or my D a ni.... :lol: she probably tried to be freaky but idk
Yeah just wondered what others had to say about that. Been took care of that had her cook me some hamburger helper after

Gator..Maybe y'all should go on a date to the strip club. Onyx or something.

Buy him a lap dance and basically put him in a position to interact with the girls. Hell, maybe slide them a little something extra to just keep a convo going with the dude.

Make it clear to him that it's cool, and tell him to just relax and be comfortable and that you won't trip.

Worst case scenario is that he's just completely awkward with them the whole time. But if that happens, he obviously didn't take what you said to heart.

maaaaaan he got some lame *** friends, for real. I EEN suggested he go out to a strip club, but I know him.... if I'm there he's gonna clam up and feel the need to always be on me. I really wish he had a solid group of friends I could release him to that would make sure he had a good time.

It might have to be something like we go to a club together but he kinda go off and explore on his own and meet back up periodically
He fought me so hard on this, my baby is so loyal
I feel bad it's come to this but it's like if you don't step up and get it together you leave me with no other choice. I can't be out and about with a lame on my arm.

Mark... you gotta chill
How did he bag you? 

This is more about you than him. You obviously dont love him. You care about how you look in public with him. Thats Effed up though. That your both just wasting your time together.

I guess its true.

Take a Listen please!

We hurt people that love us
Love people that hurt us
Hurt people that love us
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I can feel the bitterness in the younger cats in here (understandable). She's giving ya'll important insight, don't think it's just her, her thought process is the majority. Learn life. Take away the right thing from her experience.
True it's like she wants her Steve Urkel to turn into Stephan urrkeel . You might as well break up now because thy bug is already in your head that you don't find him sexy any more
I can feel the bitterness in the younger cats in here (understandable). She's giving ya'll important insight, don't think it's just her, her thought process is the majority. Learn life. Take away the right thing from her experience.
You are right. I seen it alot of that.
To the cats getting choked up talking to yambs this should help you....

Don't go into the convo thinking I want to get with this chick, approach the conversation as someone you are just talking to without an intention. This will relax you enough that you feel comfortable enough to escalate your interaction.

Also breathe, that is critical. When your mind is moving 100 mph, settle down and breathe. It really works. Think of what you want to say and say it in a manner that suits you.
I don't know why but sometimes I find it impossible to internalize this.
People want what they can't have.

If a female has a dude on her arm that no other females are sweatin well then.....

Doesn't matter how nice / good looking / etc the guy is to her, if other females ain't stressin or hittin them with them eyes of shade cause of dude she's gonna feel some type of way like she's settling.

That relationship is already a lost cause.
opposites do attract. I've just never seen them stick together. ...

full day of events today.
hosre back riding with #1
pre-gaming before a party with #2 (she's not going to the party though)
then costume party with yambs galore tonight.

gotta keep my self in control
Was put in a difficult situation last nite. My boy invites me out with 2 of his homegirls,a nice tall blond and petite Asian, talking about don't hit on them :smh: cuz I beasted on his Rican homegirl last weekend and she wasn't about that life. Ended up bagging a white yamb at the bar, took her home, and got some so so dome. Good thing is she got a few international homegirls so wouldn't mind mingling in that network and bagging her Argentinian friend :D
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only white chicks I can see talking like that is the one's who'll end up settling down w/ a white man.......the ones thats ******g ****** in their "rebellious" stage.....

I know some down for life white chicks and they would never say "gimme that ***** ****" lol 

but that's just my opinion....I know quite a few that were getting ran through that now got their unsuspecting country husband who don't know their past 
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True it's like she wants her Steve Urkel to turn into Stephan urrkeel . You might as well break up now because thy bug is already in your head that you don't find him sexy any more

:lol: :lol:


[COLOR=#red]^^^Not gonna happen Gator lady. Either accept him for who he is or let the man free...or else you're gonna find yourself up under a guy you really want talkin bout "it just happened". :rofl:

I'm still surprised you aired him out though, usually peeps keep this type of info private if they really want to be with a person, believe it or not you are already mentally checking out. Next you're gonna be ordering Astroglide just to make it comfortable. [/COLOR]
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Whew.... ok...

I apologize if it came off like I spoke to him about "swag" : lol I'm 27 years old , graduated phi beta kappai give a DAM about swag :lol: :lol: seriously, c'mon now. I think somebody said that and y'all just took it and ran with it.

The conversation I had with him was about CONFIDENCE. You know, the thing most of y'all lack which is why we get ppl adding how to approach a girl that have class with...

I used words like lame on HERE, because in fluent in NT, naw I ain't call my dude lame, nawi didn't call him ugly (which, I never said he was so idk where that came from) never said his friends were over all lame, but they were lame ina sense they've never "been boys" and hung out at a strip club. No, never told him I was embarrassed to be seen with him.... you get my point.

Also, I understand that we are apart of a Henderson where people are afraid of the truth.... afraid of hearing things you don't want to hear. To the dude who posted how would I feel if etc. I've BEEN in that situation. I mean, I'm willing to bet some of my older 25+ crowd have been in conversations where are SO's, friends, and fam had to tell us about areas we were lacking in. A good friend of mine put me up on game about how I dressed, friends I hung out with, even on how I am weak and need to learn how to fight : lol did I clam up and pout? No. I thought about what he said and came to the conclusion that he made valid points. I stopped hanging out with broke bitter *******, started dressing more feminine, and started reading a cardio boxing class. I knew that although his driver was brash, he meant well. And I'm a better person today for that.

The curtain I had with my dude was civil and to the point. I told him he had way too much going for him to walk around with no confidence and that it wasn't attractive. Sex appeal is all rooted in confidence. Take pride in how you look, how you walk; speak in statements, not in questions. When you work out, work hard .... commit and don't just go and waste time. His lack of confidenc manifested not only in our relationship, but also AT work and with his friends etc. But the kicker is, You know what he told me? He didn't call me a *****, or insecure, like some of what you guys jumped to.....No, He told me I was right, he'd been acting like a ***** and he could see it effecting his outlook on life and progress at work. His sales were down because he'd walk into work already defeated. He was like you called me on my **** and I appreciated it. Truth be told I wouldn't even want to be with somebody who is willing to accept me as I am right now because this isn't who I want to be forever. I'm turning into my father (a person he loathes). We want a family, and I asked if it takes more than "being nice"to run a successful household, he agreed. Although we ignore it, we have to focus on logistics too. Logistics require confidence, making tough decisions, problem solving etc. I told him I loved him and I want it to work with him, and that I see potential in him that needs to start coming out.

I realize everything now is about instant gratification--if something doesn't perform to your expectations you simply get another one. No one wants to work on things anymore. Women approach men differently... we think about potential and future, if you got enough we can work with, we can help cultivate the rest. I get the idea that men approach women with "she has everything I want" and if she didn't then it's on to find somebody who does. Which, it's cool if that's how you get down. But for me, I've dated enough to know that a good person is a good person and outside stuff can be worked on.I've been with guys who are drop dead fine with all the confidence in the world, but they aren't good ppl. They lied, sneaky, and sometimes just mean. they didn't believe in working on becoming better because they didn't see a problem with how they loved their life. Luckily enough I've been blessed to find somebody who agrees that he can do better and wants to work on it.

A lot of you disagree, and to that I say.... you got your bag,I got mine. It's all love. If we break up we break up but dammitt we fought because we know we got something with fighting for.
I'd love that level of communication with a chick. I see what you're saying, more about how his behavior is affecting him and his life moreso than you having grass is greener syndrome. Good ****. Good luck.

Change for the better is good. It's not a complete overhaul, it's just improving. I hope he gets it, sad thing is if he doesn't and you leave, it won't make sense till you're gone.
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Hella typos; my bad. Typed all that on my phone

And I agree Mark, I've NEVER had communication be on this level, now you can see why I'm not taking this situation lightly.... breaking up is the absolute last thing I want to do.
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